Select Committee on European Union Ninth Report


The Members of the Sub-Committee which conducted this Inquiry were:

    Baroness Brigstocke
    Lord Colwyn
    Earl of Dundee
    Baroness Greengross
    Baroness Howarth of Breckland
    Lord Harrison
    Lord Howie of Troon
    Baroness Massey of Darwen
    Lord Williamson of Horton (Chairman)

Declarations of Interest:

    Baroness Brigstocke

      Education Consultant
      Independent National Board Director of Times newspapers Holdings Ltd
      Chairman, Landau Forte College (a CTC) Derby
      Chairman of Trustees, Home-Start International
      Trustee of Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation
      Vice President of Elderly Accommodation Counsel
      President of Bishop Creighton House Settlement, Fulham
      President of British Accreditation Council for Independent, Further and Higher Education
      Trustee of HSBC Education Trust
    Lord Colwyn
      Practicing Dental Surgeon
      President, All Party Group, Complementary and Integrated Healthcare
      President, National Medicines Society
      Chairman, Banbury Local Radio
    Baroness Greengross
      Vice Chair, Britain in Europe
    Baroness Howarth of Breckland
      Board Member, Food Standards Agency
      Board Member, National Care Standards Commission
      Board Member, CAFCASS (Children and Families Court Advisory and Support Service)
      Chair, Children's Helplines International (charity)
      Patron and Trustee, Little Hearts Matter (health/care charity)
    Baroness Massey of Darwen
      Chair of the National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse
      Co. Chair of ASSG for Children
      School Governor
    Lord Williamson
      Non-Executive Director, Whitbread plc

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