Select Committee on European Union Written Evidence

Memorandum by Philip Bushill-Matthews MEP (West Midlands Region) Conservative Spokesman on Employment and Social Affairs

  1.  The EU Working Time Directive (WTD) masquerades as a Health & Safety issue because without this label in 1993 it would have fallen within the Social Chapter. It would not have been applicable in the UK on that basis.

  2.  If it was truly a Health & Safety measure, no individual opt-out from this Directive would have been granted in the first place.

  3.  The UK was granted the opt-out in the original WTD because the majority of other Member States have effective flexibility regarding this Directive through varying collective agreements. Some Member States have 100 per cent coverage of such agreements. In the UK private sector, the figure is only 22 per cent. This of course is the real reason why there has been a concerted attack on the UK use of the opt-out by the European Socialist movement, and by the European Trade Unions. Its removal is a necessary step to promote more widespread use of collective agreements, and therefore a larger role for the Trade Unions. It is nothing to do with Health & Safety.

  4.  The Report from the European Parliament (Alejandro Cercas Alonso, A5-0026/2004) was based upon a deliberate misrepresentation of the facts in the UK. It was also written initially before the Commission Review was published specifically in order to pre-empt its outcome.

  5.  The key vote within this Report to "phase out the UK opt-out as soon as possible" was narrowly passed with a majority of only 46 votes. If just 24 MEPs had voted the other way, the proposal would have been defeated. There are 28 UK Labour MEPs: all those present voted in favour, against the express instructions of HM Government. See attached press statement.

  6.  Fortunately however, this Report from the European Parliament was what is called an "Own-initiative" Report. It is therefore non-binding, and does not qualify as co-decision. It is merely part of the Consultation process.

  7.  It should be noted that the Commission proposal (COM(2003) 843) has called for responses to express their opinion on the need to revise the current text or introduce other Initiatives, not necessarily legislative. (Italics mine)

submitted by Philip Bushill-Matthews MEP

on behalf of the UK Conservative MEP delegation

13 February 2004

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