Select Committee on Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill Minutes of Evidence



  The APM executive committee have supported the initiation of a research project to assess the views and attitudes of doctors working in palliative care.

  An initial postal questionnaire of APM members carried out in 2003 to get a feel for the views of the membership revealed that over 90 per cent of respondents were against legalisation of euthanasia. The postal survey was not intended for publication, as it suffered from all the methodological limitations of questionnaires. It was a preliminary short survey prior to conducting a properly designed piece of work. For the sake of completion the survey results are included.

  The draft submission has been circulated on the APM website, highlighted in the APM newsletter and members have been made aware of the Bill at the APM Annual General Meeting in Warwick 2004 and during a keynote address to the delegates at the Warwick conference.

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