Wednesday 26 January 2005
Wednesday 9 February 2005
Written evidence
Home Office, Caroline Flint, MP,
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
Written evidence (printed as Appendix 5) 52
Oral evidence (26 January 2005) 1
Department for Constitutional Affairs,
Baroness Ashton of Upholland,
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
Written evidence 13
Oral evidence (9 February 2005) 14
Amnesty International 23
Association of Chief Police Officers (Scotland) (ACPOS) 25
European Commission, Directorate General of Justice,
Freedom and Security 26
Europol 26
Professor Elspeth Guild 27
International Law Practitioners' Association (ILPA) 29
Law Society 45
National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) 50
Dr Constantin Stefanou, Fellow, Institute of Advanced
Legal Studies (University of London) 51
United National High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 53
Dr. Helen Xanthaki, Academic Director, Sir William
Dale Centre for Legislative Studies, Institute of Advanced Legal
Studies (IALS),
University of London 54
NOTE: Pages of the report are numbered in bold
type; pages of evidence are numbered in ordinary type. References
in the text of the report are as follows:
Q refers to a question in oral evidence
p refers to a page of written evidence