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Deaf Children

Lord Ashley of Stoke asked Her Majesty's Government:

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Education and Skills (Lord Adonis): Information available on the number of pupils with hearing impairments in mainstream primary and secondary schools is given in the table. The data show that the percentage of pupils with a hearing impairment in primary and secondary schools is a small percentage (2.3 per cent) of the overall number of pupils with identified SEN(1) in those schools.

Pupils in special units within mainstream schools cannot be separately identified at present but this information will be collected from 2007.

(1) Pupils at School Action Plus and with statements of SEN.

Maintained Primary and Secondary Schools 1
Number and Percentage of Pupils Whose Primary Need Has Been Classified as Hearing Impairment 2 As at January 2005.

Pupils whose primary need has been classified as Hearing Impairment2 3
England Primary
Primary and Secondary

Number of pupils at School Action Plus3,2803,0106,290
Percentage of pupils at School Action Plus41.52.11.7
Number of pupils with statements of SEN2,9202,3005,230
Percentage of pupils with statements of SEN54.33.03.6
Number of pupils at School Action Plus and with statements of SEN6,2005,31011,510
Percentage of pupils at School Action Plus and with statements of SEN62.12.52.3

Source: Annual Schools Census

1 Includes middle schools as deemed. Excludes maintained nursery schools as this information is not available from all such schools.

2 Pupils at School Action Plus and those pupils with statements of SEN provide information on their primary and, if appropriate, their secondary need. Information relating to primary need only is given here.

3 Excludes dually registered pupils.

4 The number of pupils at School Action Plus whose primary need is hearing impairment expressed as a percentage of all pupils at School Action Plus in the same school type.

5 The number of pupils with statements of SEN whose primary need is hearing impairment expressed as a percentage of all pupils with statements of SEN in the same school type.

6 The number of pupils at School Action Plus and with statements of SEN whose primary need is hearing impairment expressed as a percentage of all pupils at School Action Plus and with statements of SEN in the same school type.

Totals may not appear to equal the sum of the component parts because numbers have been rounded to the nearest 10.

European Union General Affairs and External Relations Council

Lord Dykes asked Her Majesty's Government:

    What decisions for action were reached at the General Affairs and External Relations Council meeting on 7 November in regard to Israel's commitment to re-opening borders with the Palestinian occupied territories. [HL2193]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Lord Triesman): At the General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) on 7 November, the council reiterated its support for the work of James Wolfensohn, the quartet special envoy for disengagement, and urged both Israel and the Palestinians to reach rapid agreement on the issues within the rapid action plan, including arrangements for Gaza's borders and crossings.

The council also accepted Mr Wolfensohn's request, on behalf of the parties, that the EU consider playing a third party monitoring role at the Rafah crossing point on the Gaza-Egypt border. At the GAERC on 21 November, the council took a decision in principle to undertake this role and monitor operations at the Rafah crossing point as set out in the 15 November agreement on movement and access between the government of Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Preparations for the mission are developing rapidly and we hope formally to agree, and launch the mission, over the coming days.

EU-Russia Relations

Lord Harrison asked Her Majesty's Government:

    What is their view of the European Union-Russia co-operation partnership which expires in 2007; whether they favour a new European Union-Russia framework as a replacement; and what salient features they will press for in such a new framework. [HL2420]

Lord Triesman: Much of the improvement in EU-Russia relations since 1997, from contacts on justice and home affairs issues to economic co-operation and joint working on international affairs,
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was assisted by the partnership and co-operation agreement, which establishes a strong framework for the relationship. Consideration, with EU partners, of what will provide the best basis for developing EU-Russia relations in the future is at an early stage. The UK is clear that any future framework between the EU and Russia must provide a basis for strengthening co-operation between the EU and Russia, including on issues such as counter-terrorism and counter-proliferation. Any future framework must also build on common understandings of the importance of democratic values and respect for fundamental freedoms.

Exotic Birds

Baroness Byford asked Her Majesty's Government:

    Regarding the 2,922 illegally imported exotic birds seized in 2004, how many birds were within each consignment; how many people were arrested; how many successful prosecutions were made; and what was the maximum fine imposed. [HL2451]

Lord Bach: Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has the power to seize imported live birds only where import is in contravention of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES). In 2004 HMRC seized 2,922 live birds. These came from 11 different consignments and are detailed below.
Consignment Number
Latin Name

Country Of
1Falco Rusticolusgyr falcon1Canada
2ParrotsParrots7South Africa
3Estrilda CaerulescensLavendar Waxbill100Guinea
Estrilda MelpodaOrange-Cheeked Waxbill600Guinea
Estrilda TroglodytesBlack-Rumped Waxbill500Guinea
Lagonosticta RubricataAfrican Fire-Finch400Guinea
Ortygospiza ArticollisAfrican Quail-Finch100Guinea
Serinus MozambicusYellow Fronted Canary200Guinea
Uraeginthus BengalusRed-Cheeked Cordon-bleu600Guinea
4Tauraco PersaGreen-Crested Turaco1Ghana
5Psittacus Erithacus TimnehGrey Parrot1Egypt
6Pytilia HypogrammicaRed-Faced Pytilia400Guinea
7Amazona FinschiLilac Crowned Amazon1USA
8Aquila WahlbergiWahlberg's Eagle1Mali
9Milvus MigransYellow Billed Kites7Mali
10Spizaetus CirrhatusCrested Hawk Eagles2Malaysia
11Haliaeetus AlbicillaWhite-tailed Sea Eagle1Russia

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The vast majority of these birds were seized because of regulatory or documentary errors—for example, the 2,500 birds in consignment 3 were seized because the importer had yet to complete the proper import notification form. Once that form was completed the birds were restored to the importer and the importation was allowed. A further 400 were seized because they were not of the species expected.

HMRC brought no prosecutions in respect of these seizures. Where prosecutions are brought, the maximum penalty is an unlimited fine and/or seven years' imprisonment.

Fishing Organisations

Lord Mason of Barnsley asked Her Majesty's Government:

    What fishing organisations have received financial help in the past five years from (a) the Environment Agency; (b) the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; and (c) other government departments. [HL2486]

Lord Bach: The Environment Agency does not fund fishing organisations directly, but it does collaborate with organisations to complete fisheries development projects of mutual benefit.

The following fishing organisations have received financial help from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:

    Cadgwith Winch Committee

    Cornish Fish Producers Organisation

    Flushing & Falmouth Fishermen's Association

    Frozen at Sea Fillets Association

    Hastings Fishermen's Protection Society

    Isles of Scilly Fishermen's Association

    Sea Fish Industry Authority

    South West Handline Fishermen's Association

    Thanet Fishermen's Association

The following fishing organisations have received financial help from other government departments (i.e. Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department; Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Northern Ireland; Welsh Assembly Government):

    Anglo North Irish Fish Producers' Organisation

    Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers

    Bolsach Boat Fishing Association

    Cardigan Bay Fishermen's Association

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    EU Salmon Producers Group

    Federation of Scottish Aquaculture Producers

    Llyn Fishermen's Association

    Northern Coast Lobster Fishermen's Association

    North East Lobster Fishermen's Co-Operative Society

    Northern Ireland Fish Producers' Organisation

    Scot Trout Farming Ltd

    Scottish Quality Salmon

    Sea Fish Industry Authority

    Seafood Scotland

    Shetland Salmon Farmers' Association

    South and West Wales Fishing Communities Ltd

Fishing organisations have also received help from regional development agencies. Fisheries grants have also been given to many other bodies, e.g. individual fishermen, sea fisheries committees, local authorities and harbour authorities.

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