Judgments - Regina v. Longworth (Appellant) (On Appeal from the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division))

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32.  Finally, nothing in this judgment should be taken as discouraging courts, by or before which an offender is convicted, from following the well-established practice of then informing the offender of any notification requirement which applies, under the Sexual Offences Act 2003, as a consequence of such conviction. If sentence follows immediately on conviction, this should not however be done in a way which appears to make such information part of the sentence or to clothe it with the authority of a further order by the sentencing court. Further, nothing in this judgment detracts from the duties of legal advisers to advise an offender, for whom they are acting, about the consequences of any conviction, including consequences relating to notification under the Sexual Offences Act 2003.


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Prepared 25 January 2006