Select Committee on BBC Charter Review Second Report




The Committee's first report on the Government's Green Paper "Review of the BBC's Royal Charter: A strong BBC, independent of Government" will be published in late October. The Committee will then conduct a short inquiry into some specific areas of BBC broadcasting, including religious broadcasting, the broadcasting of sport, broadcasting in the regions and the BBC World Service.*

In particular, we would welcome comments on:

The Broadcasting of Sport

  • Should the BBC have a duty to bid for certain sports events?
  • Is the BBC too aggressive in the way it bids for sports rights? Should there be an independent review of the way the BBC bids for sports rights?

Broadcasting in the Nations and Regions

  • Does the BBC's proposed move to Manchester represent value for money for the licence payer? Should the BBC continue to decentralise?
  • Should the BBC move towards "ultra-local" services? If so, what form should such services take? Should the BBC provide stand-alone local services or work in partnership with other non-profit distributing organisations?

The BBC World Service

  • Should the BBC World Service seek to review its international services? If so, what countries should it enter and what new services should it provide?

Religious Broadcasting

  • Do different faiths (including no faith beliefs) figure sufficiently in BBC programmes and services?
  • How should faiths be represented in BBC programmes, services and governance?

The BBC as commissioner versus broadcaster

  • In the context of the digital revolution is the future of the BBC principally as a producer and commissioner of high quality programming or as a broadcaster?

Connecting to the licence fee payer

  • What more can the BBC do better involve the public in its decision making processes?

* Please note that any written evidence submitted to the Committee's current inquiry into the Green Paper will be considered relevant to the new inquiry. There is no need to resubmit such evidence.

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