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House of Lords
Session 2005-06
Publications on the internet
BBC Charter Review Committee Publications

BBC Charter Review - Written Evidence [Back to Report]

Here you can browse the Written Evidence which were ordered by the House of Lords to be printed 15 February 2006.


Memorandum by P Arnold, MBE

Memorandum by M Atkins

Memorandum by S Beere

Memorandum by the Broadcasting Entertainment Cinematograph and Theatre Union ("BECTU")

Memorandum by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales

Memorandum by B Clayton

Memorandum by D Clouston

Memorandum by Dr P Collier

Letter from the Creators' Rights Alliance

Memorandum by D Curtis

Memorandum by D J Cutts

Memorandum by L Czaplewski

Memorandum by N Day

Memorandum by T Donohoe

Memorandum by L Donaldson

Memorandum by A Edwards

Memorandum by Equity

Memorandum by P Fisher

Letter from RJ Giles

Letter from D Gordon-Smith

Memorandum by J Gordon

Memorandum by W Guest

Memorandum by J Harrison

Memorandum by M Henderson

Memorandum by P Henderson

Letter from Gerald Howarth MP, Shadow Defence Minister

Memorandum by V Howe

Memorandum by D Keeling

Memorandum by the Lawn Tennis Association ("LTA")

Memorandum by A McCaughtrie

Letter from J Machling

Memorandum by Dr J Maxwell

Memorandum by MIDAS

Letter from Dr P R Morris

Memorandum by H Murphy

Letter from the Music Business Forum (MBF)

Memorandum by the National Secular Society

Appendix A

Appendix B

Memorandum by The Newspaper Society

Memorandum by The Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland

Memorandum by K Partington

Memorandum by S Perry

Memorandum by Professor Phil Redmond CBE

Memorandum by D Reynolds

Letter from J Rodell

Memorandum by A Rogers

Memorandum by S Ryder

Memorandum by D Spencer

Letter and memorandum from Trinity Mirror PLC

Memorandum by the Vivekananda Centre London and the Hindu Council (UK)

Letter from the Hindu Council (UK)

Memorandum by N Vokes

Memorandum by M Ward

Memorandum by A Whitehouse

Memorandum by S Whitfield

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