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House of Lords
Session 2005-06
Publications on the internet
European Union Committee Publications

European Union - Fiftieth Report

Here you can browse the report which was ordered by the House of Lords to be printed 7 November 2006.


Terms of Reference

Foreword—What this report is about

Chapter 1: Background—the budget of the European Communities and its audit

Chapter 2: The Statement of Assurance: its development and its weaknesses; proposals for reform

Chapter 3: The quality of internal control systems within the Commission

Chapter 4: Shared management—the allocation of financial management responsibilities between the Commission and the Member States

Chapter 5: External audit and the role of the European Court of Auditors

Chapter 6: Developments in the fight against fraud

Chapter 7: Summary of Conclusions

Appendix 1: Sub-Committee A (Economic and Financial Affairs, and International Trade)

Appendix 2: List of Witnesses

Appendix 3: Call for Evidence

Appendix 4: The 2005 Statement of Assurance

Appendix 5: Glossary

Appendix 6: Reports

NOTE: References in the text of the report are as follows:

(Q) refers to a question in oral evidence

(p) refers to a page of written evidence

The Report of the Committee is published in Volume I (HL Paper 270-I) and the Evidence is published in Volume II (HL Paper 270-II)


Oral Evidence
2 May 2006
16 May 2006
6 June 2006
13 June 2006
27 June 2006
11 July 2006
18 July 2006
25 July 2006
17 October 2006
24 October 2006

Written Evidence

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