Select Committee on Science and Technology First Report


The following witnesses gave evidence. Those marked * gave oral evidence.
Academy of Medical Sciences:
*      Professor Linda Partridge, Weldon Professor of Biometry, University College London
Age Concern England:
*      Dr Ian Nowell, Director for Innovation and Strategy
Alzheimer's Society:
*      Professor Clive Ballard, Director of Research
Arthritis Research Campaign:
*      Professor Cyrus Cooper, Professor of Rheumatology, University of Southampton
Biosciences Federation
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council:
*      Professor Linda Partridge, Weldon Professor of Biometry, University College London
Bone and Tooth Society
*Mr Mike Brace, Chief Executive, Vision 2020
*Professor Carol Brayne, Professor of Public Health Medicine, Cambridge University
British Geriatrics Society:
*      Professor Peter Crome, President-Elect
British Geriatrics Society (Scotland)
British Society for Research on Ageing:
*      Dr Richard Faragher
*      Professor Janet Lord, Chair
British Society of Gerontology:
*      Professor Chris Phillipson, President
Dr Simon Brownsell, Barnsley District General Hospital
Cancer Research UK:
*      Professor Robert Souhami, Director of Policy and Communication
Centre for Ageing and Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Centre for Usable Home Technology (CUHTec):
      Dr Kevin Doughty, Consultant and Deputy Director
*      Mr Suresh Manandhar, Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, University of York
*      Professor Andrew Monk, Professor of Psychology, University of York
*      Professor John Robinson, Director of Research, Department of Electronics, University of York
*      Mr Peter Wright, Department of Computer Science, University of York
Dr John Clarkson, Director, Engineering Design Centre, Cambridge University
Professor Roger Coleman, Co-director, Helen Hamlyn Research Centre, Royal College of Art
Mr R Conrad
Dr Joanne Cook, University of Sheffield Department for Transport:
*      Ms Charlotte Atkins MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
*      Ms Jan Brock, Head of the Drivers' Policy group, DVLA
*      Ms Yvonne Brown, Research Manager, Mobility Advice and Vehicle Information Service
*      Ms Ann Frye, Head of the Mobility and Exclusion Unit
Department of Health:
*      Dr Stephen Ladyman MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
*      Professor Sally Davies, Director of Research and Development
*      Ms Susan Lonsdale, Acting Head of the Policy Research Programme
*      Mr Craig Muir, Director, Older People and Disability Division
Department of Trade and Industry, OST:
*      Lord Sainsbury of Turville, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
*      Mr Paul Williams, Director, Research Councils Directorate
*Mr Robert Diamond, Chief Executive, Diametric
Economic and Social Research Council:
*      Professor Ian Diamond, Chief Executive
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council:
*      Dr Alison Wall, Programme Manager, Infrastructure and Environment Programme
Mrs Dorothy Morgan Evans
Sir John Grimley Evans, Emeritus Professor of Clinical Geratology, Oxford University
*Baroness Greengross, Executive Chair, International Longevity Centre UK
Professor M S Hawley, Barnsley District General Hospital
Help the Aged:
*      Dr James Goodwin, Head of Research
*      Mr Mervyn Kohler, Head of Public Affairs
Dr Alan Hipkiss, Institute of Gerontology, King's College London
Institute of Gerontology, King's College London
International Longevity Centre UK
Professor Steve Jackson, Gurdon Institute, Cambridge University
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
*Professor Elizabeth Kay, Manchester University Dental School, on behalf of the British Dental Association
*Mrs Linda Kelly, Chief Executive, Parkinson's Disease Society, on behalf of the Parkinson's Disease Society
*Professor Rose Anne Kenny, Professor of Cardiovascular Research, University of Newcastle Institute of Ageing and Health
Professor Peter Lansley, Professor of Construction Management, University of Reading
*Professor Kennedy Lees, Professor of Cerebrovascular Medicine, University of Glasgow
*Professor John Mathers, Professor of Human Nutrition, University of Newcastle, on behalf of the British Nutrition Foundation
Dr Claudine McCreadie, Research Fellow, Institute of Gerontology, King's College London
Medical Research Council:
*      Dr Diana Dunstan, Director of Research Management
Dr Frank Miskelly, Imperial College London
National Osteoporosis Society:
*      Professor Cyrus Cooper, Professor of Rheumatology, University of Southampton
Office for National Statistics
*Professor Desmond O'Neill, Associate Professor in Medical Gerontology, Trinity College Dublin
*Dr Roger Orpwood, Deputy Director, Bath Institute of Medical Engineering
Policy Research Institute on Ageing and Ethnicity
Dr Jane Preston, Institute of Gerontology, King's College London
Queen Mother Research Centre for IT to support Older People
Professor Michael Rennie, Professor of Clinical Physiology, University of Nottingham
*Professor Graham Russell, Norman Collisson Professor of Musculoskeletal Science, Oxford University
Research Councils UK
Royal Academy of Engineering:
*      Professor Garth Johnson, Professor of Rehabilitation Engineering, University of Newcastle
Royal College Physicians, Edinburgh
Royal Society
Royal Society of Edinburgh
Professor Aubrey Sheiham, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London
Society for Endocrinology
Mr Frederic Stansfield
*Professor Karen Steel, Principal Investigator, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Stroke Association:
*      Professor Peter Fentem, Chairman of Research and Development
Thomas Pocklington Trust
*Professor Anthea Tinker, Professor of Social Gerontology, King's College London
Mr Peter Traynor, University of Sheffield
Dr Georgios Tsakos, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London
Tunstall Group Ltd:
*      Mr Kevin Alderson
*      Mr Steve Sadler, Technical Director
*Dr Frans van der Ouderaa, Vice-President, Corporate Research, Unilever plc
Professor Alan Walker, University of Sheffield
Professor Robert Weale, Institute of Gerontology, King's College London
*Professor Peter Weissberg, Medical Director and Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, Cambridge University, on behalf of the British Heart Foundation
Wellcome Trust
Mr Gareth Williams
The following submitted papers which were not treated as formal evidence:
Felicia A Huppert
Alzheimer Scotland
Dr Nicholas Steel

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