Select Committee on Science and Technology First Report


ForesightA programme launched in 1993, and now run by OST. Panels look at what might happen in the future in particular fields. The report of the Foresight Ageing Population Panel, The Age Shift - Priorities for Action was published by DTI in December 2000.
Funders' ForumA body bringing together those responsible for funding research on specific topics, e.g. the Funders' Forum for Research on Ageing and Older People
OfcomOffice of Communications
Opportunity Age  A consultation paper published by the Department for Work and Pensions in March 2005, Cm 6466
Wanless ReportFinal Report of the Review by Derek Wanless, Securing our Future Health: Taking a Long-Term View, April 2002

AARPAmerican Association of Retired Persons
ATAssistive technology
BBSRCBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
BGSBritish Geriatrics Society
BMEBlack and minority ethnic
BSGBritish Society of Gerontology
BSRABritish Society for Research on Ageing
CFASCognitive Functions and Ageing Study
CHDCoronary heart disease
CSAChief Scientific Adviser
CT (scan)Computerised axial tomography
DA(OP)Ministerial Sub-Committee on Older People (a sub-committee of the Cabinet Domestic Affairs Committee)
DCMSDepartment for Culture, Media and Sport
DefraDepartment for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
DfESDepartment for Education and Skills
DfTDepartment for Transport
DHHS(United States) Department for Health and Human Services
DLBDementia with Lewy Bodies
DNADeoxyribonucleic acid
DoHDepartment of Health
DVLADriver and Vehicle Licensing Authority
DTIDepartment of Trade and Industry
DWPDepartment for Work and Pensions
ELSAEnglish Longitudinal Study of Ageing
EPICEuropean Prospective Investigation of Cancer. EPIC-Norfolk is the part of this study based at Cambridge University.
EPSRCEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
EQUALExtending the Quality of Life, an EPSRC initiative
ERAExperimental Research on Ageing, a BBSRC initiative
ESRCEconomic and Social Research Council
EUEuropean Union (the Union of the three original European Communities, set up by the Maastricht Treaty, 1992)
FFRAOPFunders' Forum for Research on Ageing and Older People
FPFramework Programme for Research (of the European Union).
GHSBritish General Household Survey
HLEHealthy life expectancy
HSQHealth Statistics Quarterly, published by the Office for National Statistics
HTAHealth Technology Assessment Programme (of the Department of Health)
ICTInformation and communication technology
LELife expectancy
LLSILimiting long-standing illness
MECMinority Elderly Care, a research project supported initiated by PRIAE and supported by the European Commission
MISC 29   A Cabinet committee, dissolved after May 2005, with the terms of reference "To oversee and drive forward policy on the ageing society"
MRCMedical Research Council
MRIMagnetic resonance imaging
NCARNational Collaboration on Ageing Research
NCRINational Cancer Research Institute
NDANew Dynamics of Ageing Programme
NHSNational Health Service
NIA(United States) National Institute on Aging
NICENational Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
NIH(United States) National Institutes of Health
NSFNational Service Framework
ODPMOffice of the Deputy Prime Minister
OECDOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
ONSOffice for National Statistics
OSTOffice of Science and Technology
PRIAEPolicy Research Institute on Ageing and Ethnicity
PRPPolicy Research Programme (of the Department of Health)
RAEResearch Assessment Exercise
RCUKResearch Councils UK, a partnership of the seven UK research councils
ROSReactive oxygen species
SAGEScience of Ageing, a BBSRC initiative
SEUSocial Exclusion Unit (of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister)
SHARESurvey of Health and Retirement in Europe
USOUniversal Service Obligation
WHO World Health Organization
XCARCross-Council Coordinating Committee on Ageing Research

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