AARP | American Association of Retired Persons
AT | Assistive technology |
BBSRC | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
BGS | British Geriatrics Society
BME | Black and minority ethnic
BSG | British Society of Gerontology
BSRA | British Society for Research on Ageing
CFAS | Cognitive Functions and Ageing Study
CHD | Coronary heart disease
CSA | Chief Scientific Adviser
CT (scan) | Computerised axial tomography
DA(OP) | Ministerial Sub-Committee on Older People (a sub-committee of the Cabinet Domestic Affairs Committee)
DCMS | Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Defra | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
DfES | Department for Education and Skills
DfT | Department for Transport
DHHS | (United States) Department for Health and Human Services
DLB | Dementia with Lewy Bodies
DNA | Deoxyribonucleic acid |
DoH | Department of Health |
DVLA | Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority
DTI | Department of Trade and Industry
DWP | Department for Work and Pensions
ECG | Electrocardiogram |
ELSA | English Longitudinal Study of Ageing
EPIC | European Prospective Investigation of Cancer. EPIC-Norfolk is the part of this study based at Cambridge University.
EPSRC | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
EQUAL | Extending the Quality of Life, an EPSRC initiative
ERA | Experimental Research on Ageing, a BBSRC initiative
ESRC | Economic and Social Research Council
EU | European Union (the Union of the three original European Communities, set up by the Maastricht Treaty, 1992)
FFRAOP | Funders' Forum for Research on Ageing and Older People
FP | Framework Programme for Research (of the European Union).
GHS | British General Household Survey
HLE | Healthy life expectancy
HSQ | Health Statistics Quarterly, published by the Office for National Statistics
HTA | Health Technology Assessment Programme (of the Department of Health)
ICT | Information and communication technology
LE | Life expectancy |
LLSI | Limiting long-standing illness
MEC | Minority Elderly Care, a research project supported initiated by PRIAE and supported by the European Commission
MISC 29 | A Cabinet committee, dissolved after May 2005, with the terms of reference "To oversee and drive forward policy on the ageing society"
MRC | Medical Research Council
MRI | Magnetic resonance imaging
NCAR | National Collaboration on Ageing Research
NCRI | National Cancer Research Institute
NDA | New Dynamics of Ageing Programme
NHS | National Health Service
NIA | (United States) National Institute on Aging
NICE | National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
NIH | (United States) National Institutes of Health
NSF | National Service Framework
ODPM | Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
ONS | Office for National Statistics
OST | Office of Science and Technology
PRIAE | Policy Research Institute on Ageing and Ethnicity
PRP | Policy Research Programme (of the Department of Health)
RAE | Research Assessment Exercise
RCUK | Research Councils UK, a partnership of the seven UK research councils
ROS | Reactive oxygen species
SAGE | Science of Ageing, a BBSRC initiative
SEU | Social Exclusion Unit (of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister)
SHARE | Survey of Health and Retirement in Europe
USO | Universal Service Obligation
WHO | World Health Organization
XCAR | Cross-Council Coordinating Committee on Ageing Research