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25 Jun 2007 : Column WS47

25 Jun 2007 : Column WS47

Written Statements

Monday 25 June 2007

Benefits: Industrial Injuries

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Work and Pensions (Lord McKenzie of Luton): My honourable friend the Minister of State for Employment and Welfare Reform (Jim Murphy) has made the following Statement.

The Social Security (Industrial Injuries) (Prescribed Diseases) Amendment (No.2) Regulations 2007 have today been laid before Parliament. The regulations implement, from 1 October 2007, the recommendations set out in the report of the Industrial Injuries Advisory Council (IIAC) on hand arm vibration syndrome (command paper Cm 6098, published July 2004).

The principal recommendation in the report was that the existing prescription for prescribed disease A11 be extended to recognise both the vascular and sensorineural symptoms of hand arm vibration syndrome (HAVS). This means that people who have sensorineural symptoms of the severity described in the regulations arising from working with the prescribed tools will now be covered by the terms of the prescription, whether or not they have the prescribed vascular symptoms.

There are three other minor amendments which:

clarify the existing prescription for the vascular element of A11;include a causal reference to the occupational exposures listed for PD A11; andreflect a Court of Appeal judgment that has broadened the definition of forestry.

EU: General Affairs and External Relations Council

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Lord Triesman): My right honourable friend the Minister for Europe (Geoff Hoon) has made the following Written Ministerial Statement.

My right honourable friend the Foreign Secretary (Margaret Beckett) and Sir John Grant (UK Permanent Representative to the EU) represented the UK at the General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) in Luxembourg.

The agenda items covered were as follows:

General Affairs

Pursuing the Treaty Reform Process

The council discussed reform of the EU treaties in preparation for the June European Council. It considered a report by the presidency and looked at possible ways forward.

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Preparation of the European Council on 21 and 22 June

The council discussed the draft conclusions for the European Council, covering justice and home affairs, economic, social and external relations issues.

Global Approach to Migration

The council adopted conclusions on the EU’s global approach to migration. These underline the importance of working closely with African, EuroMed and other partners, including the EU’s eastern neighbours, on migration and migration-related issues.

External Relations


The council was briefed by the Commission on progress in trade negotiations under the World Trade Organisation's Doha development agenda. The council will meet in extraordinary session on 25 June in Geneva to discuss the outcome of a meeting of the EU, US, India and Brazil, to be held in Potsdam from 19 to 23 June.


The council adopted conclusions calling on the Government of Cuba to undertake the political and economic reforms needed to improve the daily life of the Cuban people. It emphasised the importance of democratic reform and of respect for human rights, while setting out the EU’s willingness to engage in dialogue with the Cuban Government.

The EU and Central Asia: Strategy for a New Partnership

The council approved a draft strategy for the EU's relationship with central Asia, which will now be submitted to the European Council. The strategy sets out the EU’s interests in the region and possible avenues through which to pursue an enhanced relationship.

Strengthening the European Neighbourhood Policy

The council discussed the European neighbourhood policy on the basis of a report by the presidency and welcomed the progress made in strengthening the policy.

EU Anti-Death-Penalty Initiative

The council decided that the EU would, as part of a cross-regional alliance, introduce a resolution against the death penalty during the 62nd session of the UN General Assembly.


The council adopted conclusions expressing alarm at the humanitarian and security situation in Darfur. It urged the parties to the conflict to abide by the existing ceasefire agreements, to respect the neutral role of the AU mission and to ensure safe and unhindered humanitarian access throughout Sudan. It stressed the need for a political solution and reaffirmed its full support for the AU/UN initiative to revitalise the political track. It welcomed the Government of Sudan's acceptance of an AU/UN hybrid operation but underlined the council’s expectation that the Government of Sudan should swiftly take action to facilitate the deployment of the operation. Ministers also underlined the importance of continued funding for the AU mission.

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Relations with the Western Balkans

The council adopted conclusions welcoming renewed co-operation by the new Government in Belgrade with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the reopening of talks on a stabilisation and association agreement with Serbia. On Kosovo, the council reaffirmed its support for UN special envoy Martti Ahtisaari and reiterated that his comprehensive proposal provides the basis for the settlement of Kosovo’s status. It called for intensified efforts to reach agreement on a UN Security Council resolution on the issue.


The council adopted conclusions deploring the failure of Iran to comply with its obligations under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1747 and reasserting its full support to the Security Council including in its resolve, expressed in Resolution 1747, to adopt further appropriate measures.


The council discussed the latest developments in the case of the Bulgarian nurses and Palestinian doctor sentenced to death in Libya in connection with the infection of children with HIV/AIDS in Benghazi. The presidency and Commission briefed the council on their joint visit to Libya. The council will continue to watch the situation closely and hopes that the case can be resolved in a way that leads to the release of the medical workers.


The council discussed the latest developments in the Gaza Strip and called for a rapid resolution to the crisis. It expressed its full support for President Abbas and decided to resume normal relations with the Palestinian Authority immediately, including through direct financial support, support to the Palestinian police, capacity-building for Palestinian institutions and the resumption of the EU border assistance mission in Rafah. It also pledged to do its utmost to provide emergency and humanitarian assistance to the population of Gaza and reiterated its call on Israel to release tax and customs revenues.

The council met Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni in separate session. The council and Foreign Minister Livni agreed on the need to support President Abbas and moderate Palestinians, including through the release of tax and customs revenues to the Palestinian Authority, progress on the political track and co-operation with the Palestinian side on alleviating the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Strengthening EU-Arab League Relations

The council discussed strengthening ties with the Arab League and tasked the relevant council bodies to take forward consideration of the issue.

Freedom of Information Act 2000

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice (Baroness Ashton of Upholland): Today I have deposited copies of The Freedom of Information Act 2000Statistics on Implementation in Central

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Government: January to March 2007
in the Libraries of both Houses. Copies are also available in the Vote Office and the Printed Paper Office. This is the ninth quarterly bulletin produced by the Ministry of Justice and former DCA, monitoring the performance of central government and associated bodies under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Copies are also available on the Ministry of Justice website at informationquarterly.htm.

Immigration: Family Asylum Policy

The Minister of State, Home Office (Baroness Scotland of Asthal): My honourable friend the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Nationality (Liam Byrne) has made the following Written Ministerial Statement.

I would like to update the House on the provision introduced in Section 9 of the Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Act 2004. This provision is intended as a means of influencing the attitudes and behaviour of unsuccessful asylum-seeking families who are not taking steps to facilitate their departure from the United Kingdom to their country of origin. It does this by providing for the termination of support in cases where the assessment is that the family is not co-operating or placing themselves in a position where they can leave. The provision was piloted between December 2004 and December 2005 in three areas.

We introduced the provision because it is not right that families who have had their asylum claims carefully considered—including by the independent appellate authorities—should expect to remain in the United Kingdom indefinitely, even after it has been decided that they are not in need of international protection. It is preferable for all concerned if families agree to make a voluntary return home. This is a more dignified approach and allows access to the reintegration assistance provided through the International Organisation for Migration. However, the Border and Immigration Agency must be able to enforce return where a family refuses to make a voluntary return, including in cases where the co-operation of the family is required to obtain necessary passports or other travel documents.

In the form piloted, Section 9 did not significantly influence behaviour in favour of co-operating with removal, although there was some increase in the number of applications made for travel documents. This suggests that the Section 9 provision should not be seen as a universal tool to encourage departure in every case; therefore, we do not propose that it should be used on an indiscriminate basis by Border and Immigration Agency case-owners in the future.

Since the pilot of the Section 9 provision was undertaken, the approach to dealing with asylum applications by the agency has, however, undergone a significant transformation. Making fast-track asylum decisions, and removing those whose claims fail, was one of the four objectives set out in the review we published last July. The new approach being taken by the agency offers a more credible and sustainable end-to-end system. Specialist case owners are now

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responsible for managing the claimants and their cases through the whole system to either removal or integration as a refugee. Faster and higher quality processes are leading to a better deal for the well founded claimant. This is supported by a strong focus on ensuring that early steps are taken so that those whose claims are not successful leave the United Kingdom in a timely manner.

I have therefore decided that the Section 9 provision should be available to case owners dealing with cases under our new end-to-end asylum process. While it will not be suitable on a blanket basis, it is important that we retain an ability to withdraw support from families who are wilfully not co-operating in the process. Going forward, it should be for case owners to take a view, based on an established relationship with the family and an intimate knowledge of the unsuccessful asylum claim, of which approach to encouraging departure is most likely to be effective. Case-specific close working with appropriate officials from the local authority will normally be required if the use of the Section 9 provision is being considered.

A short report detailing the outcome of the pilot for the 116 families involved in the pilot and the 116 families used as a control group has been made available on the Border and Immigration Agency website.

Legal Aid

The Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice (Lord Falconer of Thoroton): On Friday 22 June I laid before Parliament Implementing Legal Aid Reform: Government Response to the Constitutional Affairs Select Committee Report (Cm 7158). It is also available on the Ministry of Justice website at

Northern Ireland: Chief Electoral Officer

Lord Rooker: The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (Peter Hain) has made the following Ministerial Statement.

The Chief Electoral Officer for Northern Ireland, Douglas Bain, is responsible for all aspects of electoral administration in Northern Ireland, including the conduct of all elections and referendums, as well as electoral registration. In accordance with Section 14 of the Electoral Law Act (Northern Ireland) 1962, as amended by Section 9 of the Northern Ireland (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2006, the Chief Electoral Officer is required to submit an annual report to the Secretary of State.

I am pleased to announce that the annual report of the Chief Electoral Officer for Northern Ireland for 2006-07 has been laid before Parliament today. Copies are available in the Library.

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Northern Ireland: Security Normalisation

The Minister of State, Ministry of Defence (Lord Drayson): My right honourable friend the Minister of State for the Armed Forces (Adam Ingram) has made the following Written Ministerial Statement.

As part of the announcement of normalisation made by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland on 1 August 2005, we undertook to reduce the number of military bases in Northern Ireland to the 14 core sites named in the security annex of the joint declaration. We have since reported that we will in future require only 10 of those 14 core sites.

Since 1 August 2005 we have successfully undertaken a major programme of work to remove 37 years worth of military infrastructure. At one time there were 106 military sites in Northern Ireland, and even at the beginning of the security normalisation period less than two years ago there were 44 sites.

The departure of troops from Bessbrook Mill today marks a key step in the delivery of tranche three of security normalisation as set out in the revised annexe to the joint declaration on 1 August 2005. Of the other sites to be closed in this tranche, the observation post at the Police Service of Northern Ireland Rosemount and Masonic Base in Londonderry have already been vacated and, in the case of Masonic Base, handed to defence estates for return to the landowners. We are on schedule to vacate Harmony House, Lisburn; Drumadd Barracks, Armagh; and Lisanelly Barracks, Omagh, by 31 July 2007. This will mark the completion of the work set out in the joint declaration with the exception of Moscow Camp, Belfast, which will be vacated by the end of the year. Following my Statements of 10 May and 12 October 2006, work to vacate St Lucia Barracks, Omagh, and to close Laurel Hill House, Coleraine, is expected to be completed by 31 July 2007; and plans to close St Patrick’s Barracks, Ballymena, by 31 March 2008 and Shackleton Barracks, Ballykelly, in April 2008 remain on schedule.

Northern Ireland: Stevens Inquiry

The Attorney-General (Lord Goldsmith): The Public Prosecution Service in Northern Ireland has today issued a Statement in relation to decisions as to prosecution arising out of the Stevens III investigation. Copies of the Statement have been placed in the Libraries of both Houses.

Public Information

Lord Davies of Oldham: My right honourable right friend the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster is today publishing the Government's response to The Power of Informationreview.

In February 2007 my honourable friend the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster commissioned Tom Steinberg, director of mySociety, and Ed Mayo, chief executive of the National Consumer Council, to:

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Their report, The Power of Informationreview, was published on 7 June. Copies are available on the Cabinet Office website and have been placed in the Library for the reference of noble Lords.

The Government take three overarching lessons from the review. The Government should:

engage in partnership with user-led online communities;ensure that they fully understand and respond appropriately to changes in the information market; andadvise civil servants on how best to participate in new media.

Citizens themselves are already helping each other in online communities and working towards the same goals as the Government on a range of policies, from parenting to health and financial management. The Government in particular agree with the reviewers’ comparison between online mutual support and the 19th century co-operative and self-help movements. They are concerned that this comparison should not be misused as a simplistic justification for a return to a laissez-faire approach.

The government response welcomes the findings of the review in general and sets out how its recommendations will be taken forward. Accordingly, the Government will make a progress report in December 2007. This response is not the Government's final word but the beginning of a phase of policy activity to work through the review's recommendations and their consequences.

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