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The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:

Request for Resources 1


A payment to the reserve of 9,424,000 as a result of the operation of the Overseas Pricing Mechanism.


Take up of £7,350,000 other current end-year flexibility for a capital transfer to MoD.

A claim on the reserve of £16,500,000 for consular premiums collected in the UK.

A claim on the reserve of £18,453,000 arising from the FCO/HMT 50:50 International Organisations cost-sharing agreement.

A claim on the reserve of £1,359,000 to increase grant to the British Council as a result of the operation of the overseas pricing mechanism.

A claim on the reserve of £151,000 for the Emergency Disaster Relief Fund.

A payment to the reserve of £5,568,000 programme grants as a result of the operation of the overseas pricing mechanism.

A transfer of £7,350,000 programme EYF expenditure to capital for operations in Afghanistan.

A transfer of £5,363,000 programme expenditure to Home Office for the Border and Immigration Agency.

A transfer of £5,000,000 programme expenditure to the Security and Intelligence Agencies

A transfer of £1,750,000 programme expenditure to Home Office for the Border and Immigration Agency to fund assisted voluntary returns.

A transfer of £100,000 programme expenditure to the Security and Intelligence Agencies for expansion and capability.

Neutral Changes

Increased other current expenditure of £20,000,000, fully offset by income, for consular and visa work.

19 Feb 2008 : Column WS30

A transfer of £15,000,000 from non-cash resource to near-cash resource expenditure in respect of release of restructuring provisions.


Take up of £31,300,000 end-year flexibility in respect of the FCO estate.

A claim on the reserve of £7,400,000 arising from the FCO/HMT 50:50 International Organisations cost sharing agreement.

A transfer of £22,396,000 capital expenditure from the Border and Immigration Agency for biometric passport equipment.

A transfer of £7,350,000 of programme EYF expenditure to capital for operations in Afghanistan.

A transfer of £7,350,000 capital expenditure to MoD for operations in Afghanistan.

A payment to the reserve of £282,000 as a result of the operation of the overseas pricing mechanism.

Neutral Changes

Increased expenditure of £5,300,000, fully offset by income

Request for Resources 2


Take-up of £6,850,000 Global Conflict Prevention Pool end-year flexibility.

A claim on the reserve of £95,845,000 for Africa peacekeeping.

A claim on the reserve of £61,603,000 for peacekeeping in the rest of the world.

A transfer of £3,413,000 programme expenditure from DfID for conflict prevention in Africa.

A transfer of £1,500,000 programme expenditure from DfID for conflict prevention in Sri Lanka.

A transfer of £31,000,000 programme expenditure to MoD for peacekeeping operations in the Balkans.

A transfer of £9,660,000 programme expenditure to DfID for planned global conflict prevention activity.

A transfer of £2,200,000 programme expenditure to the Security and Intelligence Agencies for expansion and capability.

A transfer of £1,500,000 programme expenditure to MoD for planned global conflict prevention activity.

A transfer of £50,000 programme expenditure to the Security and Intelligence Agencies for expansion and capability.

Neutral Changes

Increased expenditure of £2,500,000, fully offset by income from MoD, for Better Basra.

Increased expenditure of £2,500,000, fully offset by income from DfID, for Better Basra.

19 Feb 2008 : Column WS31

Health: Children's Palliative Care

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health (Lord Darzi of Denham): My honourable friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health (Ivan Lewis) has made the following Written Ministerial Statement.

In May 2006, the Secretary of State announced details of an independent review of palliative care services for children and young people with life-limiting or life-threatening illnesses and their families.

This independent review was an important piece of work. It offered us a crucial opportunity to look at current provision and consider what more can be done to improve the sustainability and accessibility of children’s palliative care services in both the statutory and voluntary sectors. The Government accepted and endorsed the recommendations contained in the review report and committed to the delivery of a first ever national strategy for children’s palliative care to meet the expectations of the review, of sector stakeholders and of children and families.

The strategy, which is launched today, sets out clear expectations for improving choice, access and continuity of care, and seeks to place palliative care at the centre of local children’s service provision. It highlights how commissioners, providers and teams of palliative care professionals can shape the provision of services to meet the needs of children, young people and their families. In addition, it emphasises the roles that each can play in providing child-focused, family-centred services and gives examples of what could be put in place to achieve this.

The policy sits as a framework for future service development. It seeks to highlight the key aspects of the independent review and challenge local areas to take this group of children more seriously. Accordingly, local areas will need to devise their own strategies and spend their money better to deliver more effective and more equitable services.

The findings of the Independent Review of Children’s Palliative Care Services and the cross-government programme Aiming High for Disabled Children are backed by a significant financial commitment to help deliver the step-change in service provision that is needed for these children, young people and their families, all of whom wish to pursue ordinary lives, achieve their full potential and make a contribution to society.

A copy of the report has been placed in the Library.

Home Office: DEL

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Home Office (Lord West of Spithead): Subject to parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Home Office's departmental expenditure limits for 2007-08 will be increased by £8,068,000 from £9,247,819,000 to £9,255,887,000 and the administration budget will be reduced by £19,540,000 from £414,140,000 to £394,600,000

Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table

19 Feb 2008 : Column WS32

ChangeNew DEL£'000
VotedNon- votedVotedNon- votedTotal

Resource DEL






of which:






Administration budget*






Near cash in RDEL*












Less depreciation***












19 Feb 2008 : Column WS33

Totalo/w near casho/w Admin

(a) The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:




Transfers from other government departments:




Increase in programme near cash for UK Visas (Section K). This is a re-allocation of resource DEL from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.



Increase in programme near cash to the Serious Organised Crime Agency (Section X) for property related costs. This is a re-allocation of resource DEL from the Cabinet Office.



Increase in programme near-cash (Section K) for Assisted Voluntary Returns (AVR) and Public Expense Removal (PER) expenditure. This is a re-allocation of resource DEL from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.



Increase in programme near cash to the Serious Organised Crime Agency (Section X) following a transfer of functions from the Assets Recovery Agency.



Increase in programme near cash to the National Policing Improvement Agency (Section AH) following a transfer of functions from the Assets Recovery Agency.



Increase in near cash admin central support costs (Section M) following the Home Office and Ministry of Justice Machinery of Government transfer that took place in the Winter Supplementary Estimate.




Increase in admin near cash (Section B) to reflect the policy transfer of the respect database. This is a re-allocation of resource DEL from the Department for Children, Schools and Families.




Transfers to other government departments:




Reduction in central support costs following the Home Office and Ministry of Justice Machinery of Government transfer that took place in the winter Supplementary Estimate.


Admin near cash (Section M).




Admin non cash (Section M).




Reduction in programme near cash (Section A) following a transfer of Criminal Justice IT resources to the Ministry of Justice.



Reduction in programme near cash from the departmental unallocated provision (DUP) to the Ministry of Justice. This adjustment corrects a shortfall in the Machinery of Government transfer that took place in the Winter Supplementary Estimate.



(b) The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from:Capital


End-year flexibility:


Increase in capital grants (Section O) to meet the Crime Reduction and Community Safety Group’s strategic objectives of “cutting crime, especially violent and drug-related crime, and ensuring people feel safer in their homes and daily lives, particularly through more visible, responsive and accountable local policing”.


Increase in criminal justice IT capital (Section O) to be transferred to the Ministry of Justice.


Increase in capital (Section K) to meet the Border and Immigration Agency’s strategic objective of “securing our borders, preventing abuse of our immigration laws and managing migration to the benefit of the UK”.


Transfers from other government departments:


Transfer from section O to correct a budget overpayment of criminal justice IT capital made to the Ministry of Justice in the Winter Supplementary Estimate.


Transfers to other government departments:


Transfer of biometrics funding from section K to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.


Transfer of criminal justice IT capital from section O to the Ministry of Justice.


Transfer from section M to the Ministry of Justice representing a contribution towards building improvement works at a shared service centre.


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