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The £234,011,000 decrease in the voted element of capital DEL arises from:
An increase in departmental capital costs of £100,000 for an element of the Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 settlement omitted from the Main Estimate.
An increase in voted receipts for the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council of £4,900,000, offset by an increase in the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council non-voted capital DEL.
A movement to non-voted capital DEL of £229,211,000 from voted capital DEL for the Higher Education Funding Council for England (£190,000,000) and for the Research Councils (£39,211,000).
The £234,111,000 increase in the non-voted element of capital DEL arises from:
An increase in the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council non-voted capital DEL of £4,900,000, offset by an increase in voted receipts for the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council.
A movement from RfR2 voted capital DEL of £229,211,000 to non-voted capital DEL for the Science and Research Investment Fund (£190,000,000) and for the Research Councils (£39,211,000).
The £1,733,000 increase within the Administration Budget arises from:
A machinery of government transfer from the Cabinet Office of £1,600,000 for Government Skills.
A transfer from the Cabinet Office for £42,000 for Parliamentary Counsel costs.
An increase in central administration costs of £91,000 for an element of the Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 settlement omitted from the Main Estimate.
Lord Tunnicliffe: My right honourable friend the Secretary of State for the Department for International Development (Douglas Alexander) has made the following Written Ministerial Statement.
As a consequence of budgetary transfers associated with the winter supplementary estimates, the Department for International Developments total departmental expenditure limit will be reduced by £1,377,000 from £5,737,828,000 to £5,736,451,000. Within the total DEL change, the impact on resource and capital is set out in the following table:
Change (£,000) | New DEL (£,000) | ||||
Voted | Non Voted | Voted | Non Voted | Total | |
The net change in the resource element of DEL arises from:
£1.97 million transferred to DfID from the Ministry of Defence in relation to Stabilisation Aid Fund projects in Iraq, and
£738,000 transferred to DfID from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in relation to Stabilisation Aid Fund funded projects in Afghanistan.
£40,000 transferred from DfID to the Cabinet Office in relation to the funding of the government security zone;
£4 million transferred from DfID to the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in relation to the Returns & Reintegration Fund; and
£45,000 transferred from DfID to HM Treasury as a contribution to the Office for Government Commerces project, Centre of Expertise in Sustainable Procurement.
There are no changes in the capital element of DEL.
The Minister of State, Department for Transport (Lord Adonis): My right honourable friend the Secretary of State for Transport (Geoff Hoon) has made the following Ministerial Statement.
Subject to parliamentary approval of any necessary supplementary estimate, the Department for Transport departmental expenditure limit (DEL) for 2008-09 will be decreased by £16,835,000 from £13,255,844,000 to £13,239,009,000 and the administration budget will be increased by £304,000 from £281,622,000 to £281,926,000.
Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital, are as set out in the following table:
£000 | |||||
Change | New DEL | ||||
Voted | Non-voted | Voted | Non-voted | Total | |
Resource Change: Administration (total increase of £304,000)
Voted: total increase of £349,000
Near Cash transfer of £349,000 from other government departments as follows: from the Cabinet Office for Parliamentary Counsel costs (£313,000); and from the Department for Communities and Local Government to cover staff costs in Traffic Management (£36,000); and
A £45,000 transfer from non voted near cash administration provision offset by a £45,000 transfer to the Office of Government Commerce for the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Procurement.
Non Voted: total decrease of £45,000.
Transfer of £45,000 to administration near cash voted provision.
Resource Change: Programme (total increase of £323,000)
Voted: total increase of £24,592,000
Treasury agreed near cash reinstatement of the £7,080,000 abatement of Transport for Londons borrowing costs in respect of Metronet that were not avoided in 2008-09 due to the delay in Metronet leaving administration;
A net transfer of £24,269,000 from non voted provision as follows:
£3,800,000 near cash for Vehicle & Operator Services Agency Heavy Good Vehicle enforcement works;£3,139,000 near cash for Rails subsidy to Train Operating Companies (£2,559,000) and other rail services (£580,000);£2,000,000 near cash for freight grants:£2,500,000 near cash for continuous insurance enforcement;£1,000,000 near cash for Bus Passenger Champion;£200,000 near cash for travel and transport direct government franchise;£40,000 near cash for Central Administration for subsequent transfer to the Cabinet Office; and£11,600,000 non cash for cost of capital for Humber Bridge; partially offset by £10,000 near cash transferred to non voted provision in respect of utilisation of the rail provision; andA transfer of £6,757,000 to other government departments as follows:
£6,717,000 to the Scottish Executive for Scottish rail services; and£40,000 to the Cabinet Office for the Security, Monitoring and Co-ordination Centre.Non-Voted: total net decrease of £24,269,000
£24,269,000 transferred to voted provision, as detailed above.
Capital Change: (total decrease of £9,962,000)
Voted: total increase of £88,338,000 RfR1
A transfer of £98,300,000 from non voted provision as follows:
£75,000,000 to increase grants to London Underground Ltd;£10,300,000 for the Highways Agency;£6,000,000 for Cycling England;£3,300,000 from British Transport Police Authority to Network Grant; £2,000,000 for the Blue Badge Scheme;£1,500,000 for Vehicle & Operator Services Agency Heavy Goods Vehicle enforcement works; and £200,000 for the Air Accident Investigation Branchs additional hangar refurbishment work.Partially offset by transfer of £9,962,000 to the Scottish Executive for rail services.
Non-Voted: total decrease of £98,300,000
£98,300,000 provision transferred to voted provision.
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health (Lord Darzi of Denham): My honourable friend the Minister of State, Department of Health (Ben Bradshaw), has made the following Written Ministerial Statement.
The Department of Health's element of the departmental expenditure limit (DEL) will be reduced by £4,630,000 from £98,570,061,000 to £98,565,431,000. The administration cost limit remains unchanged at £219,163,000. Subject to the necessary supplementary estimate, the Food Standards Agency DEL will increase by £1,000 from £137,719,000 to £137,720,000 and the administration cost limit will increase by £1,000 from £50,439,000 to £50,440,000. The overall DEL, including the Food Standards Agency, will reduce by £4,629,000 from £98,707,780,000 to £98,703,151,000. The impact on resource and capital are set out in the following table.
Change | New DEL | ||||
Voted | Non-voted | Voted | Non-voted | Total | |
£ million | £ million | £ million | £ million | £ million | |
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