Select Committee on Communications Minutes of Evidence

Examination of Witnesses (Questions 320 - 324)


Mr Robert Thomson

  Q320  Baroness Thornton: My question is really along the same sort of lines and is really to do with who you would back in a General Election. Would you talk to Mr Murdoch about that and how would you reach a decision if you were going to decide to put your editorial weight being a particular political party?

  Mr Thomson: Again, that is my decision. I have approved leader writers and other sector specialists to whom I talk about various policies. At the Last Election, we had a series of leader meetings but each of the sector specialists came in and talked about their area. At the last Election, to put it crudely, the Times voted Labour and the Sunday Times voted Conservative. At the last Scottish Election, the Times voted labour and the Sunday Times voted Scottish National Party, for some reason. So, there is clearly diversity within the group and we have that diversity because, in the end, it is the editor's decision.

  Q321  Baroness Thornton: So, you would not discuss that with Mr Murdoch?

  Mr Thomson: No. Ahead of the last Election, I did not discuss the Times leader line with Rupert Murdoch.

  Chairman: So, when Tony Blair goes across the world to talk, it is all a complete waste of time!

  Q322  Baroness Thornton: He might have his eye on the Sun.

  Mr Thomson: With the Times.

  Q323  Chairman: With the Times but not necessarily with the other Murdoch newspapers?

  Mr Thomson: It is on the record that there is a different relationship between the proprietor of the Sun and the proprietor of the Times. There is clearly a different relationship.

  Chairman: Hopefully we will be talking to one or two others.

  Q324  Bishop of Manchester: A quick clarification going back to blogs. Ruth Gledhill's blog is increasingly widely read; I think that she is a very good journalist. The reason why people read the blog is because she is the Times religion journalist. Am I right in having taken from what you said that you would have no kind of editorial control over what she puts on that blog even though it is being read because she is the Times journalist?

  Mr Thomson: If Ruth were using that blog in some political way and not in a religious specialist way, then clearly I would have a conversation with her, but I have known Ruth long enough and seen her work for long enough to realise that there is no better religious writer in the world.

  Bishop of Manchester: She is very good and I was not suggesting anything other than that, it was the editorial influence that you may have over those who write blogs who are on your staff.

  Chairman: We have run out of time. I would like to thank you very, very much, Mr Thomson, for a very interesting session. We may have other questions and perhaps we can put those in writing to you. Thank you very, very much for coming today. I know that it was with some inconvenience. Thank you.

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