The following witnesses gave evidence. Those with
a * gave oral evidence.
Henry Barlow
Biological Recording in Scotland
Biosciences Federation
Booth Museum of Natural History
* Professor Richard Gornall, President, Botanical
Society of the British Isles
Dr Janet Bradford-Grieve
British Embassy (Rome)
The British Lichen Society
British Mycological Society
The British Phycological Society
CAB International
* Dr Mark Hill, Head of Biological Records Centre,
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
* Dr Alastair Culham, Centre for Plant Diversity
and Systematics, University of Reading
* Ben Cowell, Head of Museums Sponsorship
* Rt Hon Margaret Hodge, a Member of the House
of Commons, Minister for Culture, Creative Industries and Tourism
* Dr Miles Parker, Director of Science
* Rt Hon Lord Rooker, a Member of the House,
Minister for Sustainable Food and Farming and Animal Health
* Professor Nicola Spence, Head of Plant Health
Group, Central Science Laboratory
Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford
Henry Disney
* Ian Pearson MP, a Member of the House of Commons,
Minister of State for Science and Innovation
European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy Consortium
EMLRC (Leicestershire County Council)
Bill Ely
Dr Genoveva Esteban
European Mycological Association
* Dr Richard Fortey, President, the Geological
Global Biodiversity Information Facility
EF Greenwood
Hertfordshire Natural History Society
International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature
Professor Marcel Jaspars
* Dr Ian McLean, Head of Targets & Standards
* Professor Brian Cathcart, Kingston University
and Chair of the New Perspectives project
The Linnean Society:
* Professor David Cutler, President
* Dr Sandra Knapp, Botanical Secretary
Patricia Lorber
Professor (Emeritus) Amyan Macfadyen
Mycology sub-committee UK BRAG
National Biodiversity Network Trust:
* Sir Neil Chalmers, Chairman
* Dr Jim Munford, Programme Director
National Federation for Biological Recording
Natural History Museum:
* Dr Michael Dixon, Director
* Professor Richard Lane, Director of Science
National Museums Liverpool
National Museum Wales
Natural Sciences Collection Associations
Adrian Norris
Plant Diversity Challenge Steering Group
Plantlife International
Research Councils UK:
* Dr Pamela Kempton, Science and Innovation Manager,
Terrestrial and Freshwater Sciences, NERC
* Professor Georgina Mace, Director, Centre for
Population Biology, NERC Collaborative Centre
* Dr Colin Miles, Head, Molecular Cell Biology,
* Dr Alf Game, Deputy Director, Science
and Technology, BBSRC
* Professor Philip Esler, Chief
Executive, AHRC
* Steven Visscher, Interim Chief Executive,
* Professor Alan Thorpe, Chief Executive,
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew:
* Professor Stephen Hopper, Director
* Dr Eimear Nic Lughadha, Head of Science
Policy and Co-ordination
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh:
* Professor Mary Gibby, Director of Science
The Royal Entomological Society
The Royal Horticultural Society
School of Computer Science, Cardiff University
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency
The Scottish Government:
* Dr Liam Kelly
Society for General Microbiology
Systematics Association
* Professor Richard Bateman, President, Systematics
UK Biodiversity Research Advisory Group and the Global
Biodiversity Sub-Committee of the UK
* Professor Rick Battarbee, Environmental Change
Research Centre, University College London
University of Reading
Dr John Waland Ismay
Professor Roy Watling
The Wellcome Trust
The Wildlife Trust for Lancashire, Manchester &
North Merseyside
Yorkshire Naturalists' Union