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Index to Coroners And Justice Bill
Part 1 - Coroners etc
Part 2 - Criminal Offences
Part 3 - Criminal Procedure
Part 4 - Sentencing
Part 5 - Miscellaneous Criminal Justice Provisions
Part 7 - Criminal Memoirs etc
Part 8 - Data Protection Act 1998
Clause 1: Duty to investigate certain deaths
Clause 2: Request for other coroner to conduct investigation
Clause 3: Direction for other coroner to conduct investigation
Clause 4: Discontinuance where cause of death revealed by post-mortem examination
Clause 5: Matters to be ascertained
Clause 6: Duty to hold inquest
Clause 7: Whether jury required
Clause 8: Assembling a jury
Clause 9: Determinations and findings by jury
Clause 10: Determinations and findings to be made
Clause 11: Certified investigations: investigation by judge, inquest without a jury
Clause 12: Intercept evidence
Clause 13 and Schedule 1: Duty or power to suspend or resume investigations
Paragraph 1: Suspension of investigation where certain criminal charges may be brought
Paragraph 2: Suspension where certain criminal proceedings are brought
Paragraph 3: Suspension pending inquiry under Inquiries Act 2005
Paragraph 4: General power to suspend
Paragraph 5: Effect of suspension
Paragraph 6: Resumption of investigation suspended under paragraph 1
Paragraph 7: Resumption of investigation suspended under paragraph 2
Paragraph 8: Resumption of investigation suspended under paragraph 3
Paragraph 9: Resumption of investigation under paragraph 4
Paragraph 10: Supplemental
Clause 14: Investigation in Scotland
Clause 15: Investigation in England and Wales despite body being brought to Scotland
Clause 16: Post-mortem examinations
Clause 17: Power to remove body
Chapter 2: Notification, certification and registration of deaths
Clause 19: Medical examiners
Chapter 3: Investigations concerning treasure
Chapter 4: Coroner areas, appointments etc
Clause 23 and Schedule 3: Appointment of senior coroners, area coroners and assistant coroners etc
Part 1 - Appointment of senior, area and assistant coroners
Part 2 - Qualifications of senior, area and assistant coroners
Part 3 - Vacancies, and functions of area and assistant coroners
Part 4 - Terms of office of senior, area and assistant coroners
Clause 24: Provision of staff and accommodation
Chapter 4: Coroner areas, appointments etc
Paragraph 1: Power to require evidence to be given or produced
Paragraph 2: Privileged information etc
Paragraph 3: Power of entry, search and seizure
Paragraph 4: Power of entry, search and seizure: supplemental
Paragraph 5: Exhumation of body for examination
Paragraph 6: Action to prevent other deaths
Clause 26 and Schedule 5: Offences
Clause 27 and Schedule 6: Allowances, fees, expenditure and reimbursement
Chapter 6: Governance etc
Clause 29: Reports and advice to the Lord Chancellor from the Chief Coroner
Clause 30: Regulations about training
Clause 31: Inspection of coroner system
Clause 32: Appeals to the Chief Coroner
Clause 33 and Schedule 8: Investigation by Chief Coroner or by judge at Chief Coroners invitation
Clause 34: Guidance by the Lord Chancellor
Clause 35: Coroners regulations
Clause 36: Coroners rules
Clause 37: Abolition of the office of coroner of the Queens household
Clause 38: Interested person
Clause 39: Interpretation: general
Clause 40 and Schedule 9: Amendments to the Coroners Act (Northern Ireland) 1959
Clause 41: Amendments to the Fatal Accidents and Sudden Deaths Inquiry (Scotland) Act 1976
Part 2- Criminal Offences
Clause 43: Persons suffering from diminished responsibility (Northern Ireland)
Clause 44: Partial defence to murder: loss of control
Clause 45: Meaning of qualifying trigger
Clause 46: Abolition of common law defence of provocation
Clause 47: Infanticide (England and Wales)
Clause 48: Infanticide (Northern Ireland)
Clause 49: Encouraging or assisting suicide: England and Wales
Clause 50: Encouraging or assisting suicide (Northern Ireland)
Clause 51 and Schedule 10: Encouraging or assisting suicide: providers of information society services
Chapter 2: Images of Children
Clause 53: Exclusion of classified film, etc
Clause 54: Defences
Clause 55: Meaning of image and child
Clause 56: Penalties
Clause 57: Entry, search, seizure and forfeiture
Clause 58 and Schedule 11: Special rules relating to providers of information society services
Clause 59: Indecent pseudo-photographs of children: marriage etc
Chapter 3: Other offences
Clause 61: Hatred against persons on grounds of sexual orientation
Part 3 - Criminal Evidence, Investigations and Procedure
Clause 63: Qualifying criminal investigations
Clause 64: Investigation anonymity orders
Clause 65: Applications
Clause 66: Conditions for making order
Clause 67: Appeal against refusal of order
Clause 68: Discharge of order
Clause 69: Delegation of functions
Clause 70: Public interest immunity
Clause 71: Application to armed forces
Clause 72: Interpretation
Chapter 2: Anonymity of Witnesses
Clause 74: Applications
Clause 75: Conditions for making order
Clause 76: Relevant considerations
Clause 77: Warning to jury
Clause 78: Discharge or variation of order
Clause 79: Discharge or variation after proceedings
Clause 80: Discharge or variation by appeal court
Clause 81: Special provisions for service courts
Clause 82: Public interest immunity
Clause 83: Power to make orders under the 2008 Act
Clause 84: Interpretation
Chapter 3: Vulnerable and Intimidated Witnesses
Clause 86: Eligibility for special measures: offences involving weapons
Clause 87: Special measures directions for child witnesses
Clause 88: Special provisions relating to certain sexual offences
Clause 89: Evidence by live link: presence of supporter
Clause 90: Video recorded evidence in chief: supplementary testimony
Clause 91: Examination of accused through intermediary
Clause 92: Age of child complainant
Chapter 4: Live Links
Clause 94: Answering to live link bail
Clause 95: Searches of persons answering to live link bail
Clause 96: Use of live link in certain enforcement hearings
Clause 97: Direction of registrar for appeal hearing by live link
Chapter 5: Miscellaneous
Clause 99: Admissibility of evidence of previous complaints
Clause 100: Powers in respect of offenders who assist investigations and prosecutions
Clause 101: Bail: assessment of risk of committing an offence causing injury
Clause 102: Bail decisions in murder cases to be made by a Crown Court judge
Clause 103: Indictment of offenders
Part 4 - Sentencing
Clause 105: Annual Report
Clause 106: Sentencing guidelines
Clause 107: Sentencing guidelines: sentence ranges
Clause 108: Allocation guidelines
Clause 109: Preparation or revision of guidelines in urgent cases
Clause 110: Proposals by Lord Chancellor or Court of Appeal
Clause 111: Sentencing Guidelines: duty of court
Clause 112: Determination of tariffs etc
Clause 113: Resource implications of guidelines
Clause 114: Monitoring
Clause 115: Promoting awareness
Clause 116: Resources: effect of sentencing practice
Clause 117: Resources: effect of factors not related to sentencing
Clause 118: Duty to assess impact of policy and legislative proposals
Clause 119: Assistance by Lord Chancellor
Clause 120: Entrenchment of Lord Chancellors functions
Clause 121: Abolition of existing sentencing bodies
Clause 122: Interpretation of this Chapter
Chapter 2: Other provisions relating to sentencing
Clause 124: Dangerous offenders: terrorism offences (England and Wales)
Clause 125: Dangerous offenders: terrorism offences (Northern Ireland)
Part 5 - Miscellaneous Criminal Justice Provisions
Clause 127: Implementation of E-Commerce and Services directives: penalties
Clause 128 and Schedule 15: Treatment of convictions in other member States etc
Admission of evidence as to bad character of a defendant
Decision as to allocation
Required custodial sentences for certain offences
Restriction on imposing custodial sentence or service detention
Young offenders: referral conditions
Proving of foreign convictions before courts
Clause 129: Transfer to Parole Board of functions under the Criminal Justice Act 1991
Clause 130: Retention of knives surrendered or seized: England and Wales
Clause 131: Retention of knives surrendered or seized: Northern Ireland
Clause 132: Security in tribunal buildings
Part 6 - Legal Aid
Clause 134: Excluded services: help in connection with business matters
Clause 135: Criminal Defence Service: information requests
Clause 136 and Schedule 16: Criminal Defence Service: enforcement of order to pay cost of representation
Clause 137: Statutory instruments relating to Legal Services Commission
Part 7 - Criminal Memoirs etc
Clause 139: Qualifying offenders
Clause 140: Qualifying offenders: service offences
Clause 141: Qualifying offenders: supplementary
Clause 142: Relevant offences
Clause 143: Deriving a benefit
Clause 144: Applications
Clause 145: Determination of applications
Clause 146: Limits on recoverable amount
Clause 147: The available amount
Clause 148: Property
Clause 149: Effect of conviction being quashed
Clause 150: Powers of court on repeat applications
Clause 151: Additional proceeds reporting orders
Clause 152 and Schedule 17: Exploitation proceeds investigations
Clause 153: Functions of Serious Organised Crime Agency
Clause 154: Limitation
Clause 155: Interpretation of Part 7
Part 8 - Data Protection Act 1998
Clause 157: Data-sharing code of practice
Clause 158 and Schedule 18: Further amendments of the Data Protection Act 1998
Data Controllers Registration
Assessment notices
Power to require information
Restriction on the use of information
Monetary penalties: restriction on matters to be taken into account
Part 9 - General
Clause 160 and Schedules 19 and 20: Consequential etc. amendments and transitional and saving provisions
Schedule 19: Minor and consequential amendments
Part 8 - Disqualification for Driving
Schedule 20: Transitory, transitional and saving provisions
Clause 161 and Schedule 21: Repeals
Clause 163: Effect of amendments to criminal justice provisions applied for the purposes of service law.
Clause 164: Extent
Clause 165: Commencement
Part 1 - Coroners etc
Part 3 - Criminal Evidence, Investigations and Procedure
Part 4 - Sentencing
Part 5 - Miscellaneous criminal justice provisions
Part 7 - Criminal Memoirs etc
Part 8 - Data Protection Act 1998
Criminal Justice Act 2003 sections 103 and 108(2)
Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 section 25
© Parliamentary copyright 2009
Prepared: 26 March 2009