The change in the resource element of the Departmental Expenditure Limit arises from:
Request for Resources 1i. a draw down of £46,000,000 of the Departments Resource End of Year Flexibility stock to fund expenditure of the Child Maintenance Enforcement Commission.Request for Resources 2ii an increase of £20,000,000 as a result of benefit savings realised by the rollout of Provider Led Pathways. An agreement with HM Treasury allows the Department to convert 50p of every £1 saved into Departmental Expenditure Limit funding;iii a budget transfer of £1,455,000 to the Ministry of Justice to fund increased operating costs relating to the introduction of Employment Support Allowance;iv a budget transfer of £220,000 to the Ministry of Justice to fund expected increases in consent orders through the courts for child maintenance, following repeal of section 6 of the Child Support Act 1991;v a budget transfer of £330,000 to the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform in relation to Mesothelioma compensation payments;vi a budget transfer of £132,000 to the Department for Children, Schools and Families relating to Joint Birth registrations;vii budget transfers to the Scottish Government £114,000, the Welsh Assembly £66,000 and the Department for Children, Schools and Families £1,142,000 in relation to Child Poverty Pilots;viii a transfer of £4,000,000 Administration funding was made to the Government Equalities Office, in return for £4,000,000 of Programme funding, resulting in a net nil overall impact on the Departmental Expenditure Limit; andix a £3,500,000 reduction in Departmental Expenditure Limit to contribute to increased Annually Managed Expenditure resulting from enhancements to the Support for Mortgage Interest scheme, announced as part of the Governments package of help for home-owners.Request for Resources 3x a draw down of £55,000,000 from the Departments Modernisation Fund. As part of the Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 (CSR07), the Department was given access to a Modernisation Fund of £550,000,000, across all CSR07 years, in addition to its settlement funding; andxi a budget transfer of £2,000,000 to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport to support the Governments free swimming initiative.Request for Resources 5xii a draw down of £45,000,000 from the Departments Modernisation Fund. Refer paragraph 12. above; andxiii a budget transfer of £315,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in relation to the Government Skills Programme. Capital Departmental Expenditure LimitThe change in the capital element of the Departmental Expenditure Limit arises from:
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Request for Resources 3xiv a budget transfer of £2,402,000 from the Northern Ireland Executive relating to the Pension Transformation Programme; andxv a budget transfer of £1,463,000 from the Department for Children, Schools and Families relating to the Employee Identification and Authentication Services.Request for Resources 5xvi a budget transfer of £1.5 million from the Department for Children, Schools and Families in relation to the Employee Authentication Service project.Administration costsThe movement in the Administration Cost limit arises from the changes to the Resource Departmental Expenditure Limit as noted in items i, iii, iv, vi, viii, x, xii and xiii above, and item xvii below.Movements in Non-Voted Resource ExpenditureThe changes in non-voted resource expenditure arise from:Request for Resources 1xvii a £50,000,000 reduction in non-voted resource fully offset by a £50,000,000 increase in voted resource to reflect the allocation of the Departmental Unallocated Provision to support expenditure on the Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission. Request for Resources 2xviii an increase in non-voted expenditure of £1,313,000 offset by a decrease in voted expenditure of £1,313,000 in respect of increased spend of Working Ventures (UK) Limited.Request for Resources 3xix an increase in non-voted expenditure of £8,000,000 offset by a decrease in voted expenditure of £8,000,000 on respect of an increased utilisation of the Financial Assistance Scheme provision; xx a reduction in non-voted expenditure of £141,000 offset by an increase in voted expenditure of £141,000 in respect of decreased spend of The Pensions Advisory Service;xxi an increase in non-voted expenditure of £82,000 offset by a decrease in voted expenditure of £82,000 in respect of decreased spend of The Pensions Ombudsman;xxii a reduction in non-voted expenditure of £3,801,000 offset by an increase in voted expenditure of £3,801,000 in respect of decreased spend of The Pensions Regulator; andxxiii a reduction in non-voted expenditure of £6,573,000 offset by an increase in voted expenditure of £6,573,000 in respect of decreased spend of the Personal Accounts Delivery Authority.Movements in Non-Voted Capital ExpenditureThe changes in non-voted capital relate to the following adjustments:
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Request for Resources 3xxiv an increase in non-voted expenditure of £448,000 offset by a decrease in voted expenditure of £448,000 in respect of increased spend of The Pensions Regulator; andxxv an increase in non-voted expenditure of £871,000 offset by a decrease in voted expenditure of £871,000 in respect of increased spend of the Personal Accounts Delivery Authority.
Department of Energy and Climate Change: DEL
The Minister of State, Department of Energy and Climate Change & Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Lord Hunt of Kings Heath): My right honourable friend the Secretary of State for Energy (Ed Miliband) has made the following Written Ministerial Statement.
Subject to parliamentary approval of the new estimate, the total Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) budget for the Department of Energy and Climate Change will be £2,790,657,000 and the administration budget will be £98,320,000.
Resource DEL
of which:
Administration budget
Near-cash in RDEL
Capital DEL
Less Depreciation
Total DEL
The total of Administration Budget and Near-cash in Resource DEL figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping.
Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in estimates and accounts, but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets.
Depreciation, which forms part of Resource DEL, is excluded from total DEL since Capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The resource element of the DEL arises from:
a machinery-of-government transfer from the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform of a net negative £963,013,000 voted near-cash, £1,711,504,000 of non-voted near-cash, a net negative £2,980,000 voted non-cash and a net negative £47,752,000 of non-voted non-cash in respect of supporting affordable, secure and sustainable energy and managing historic energy liabilities effectively and responsibly;a machinery-of-government transfer from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of £152,512,000 voted near-cash and £34,000,000 of non-voted near-cash in respect of bringing about
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a low-carbon Britain, developing an international agreement on climate change and promoting low-carbon technologies in developing countries; a reduction in non-voted expenditure of £27,000,000 and a reduction in voted income of £28,932,000 relating to reclassification of entities within the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority;an increase in non-voted expenditure of £296,782,000 and an increase in voted income of £296,782,000 due to updated income and expenditure forecasts for the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority;a reserve claim of £54,100,000 non-cash in respect of an increase in provision for the Concessionary Fuel Scheme;utilisation of end-year flexibility of £50,300,000 non-cash in respect of an increase in provision for the Concessionary Fuel Scheme;a transfer of £80,000 from the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform in respect of compensation for mesothelioma sufferers; andan increase in voted near-cash expenditure and a decrease in non-voted near-cash expenditure of £34,000,000 with respect to take-up of departmental unallocated provision for the Warm Front programme.Also within the Resource DEL, the administration budget arises from:a machinery-of-government transfer from the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform of £52,471,000 near-cash and £3,000 of non-cash in respect of professional support and infrastructure; anda machinery-of-government transfer from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of £42,485,000 near-cash and £3,361,000 of non-cash in respect of professional support and infrastructure. The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from:a machinery-of-government transfer from the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform of a net negative £7,582,000 voted and £1,248,183,000 non-voted in respect of supporting affordable, secure and sustainable energy and managing historic energy liabilities effectively and responsibly; a machinery-of-government transfer from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of £402,030,000 voted and £16,000,000 non-voted in respect of bringing about a low-carbon Britain, developing an international agreement on climate change and promoting low-carbon technologies in developing countries;a 2008 Pre-Budget Report award of £50,000,000 in respect of bringing about a low-carbon Britain;a reduction in voted income of £52,782,000 and a reduction in non-voted expenditure of £52,782,000 due to updated income and expenditure forecasts for the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority; andan increase in voted expenditure and a decrease in non-voted expenditure of £16,000,000 with respect to take-up of departmental unallocated provision for the Warm Front programme.
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Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform: DEL
The Minister of State, Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform & Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Lord Davies of Abersoch): Subject to parliamentary approval of any necessary supplementary estimate, UKTI's total DEL will be decreased by £199,000 from £91,506,000 to £91,307,000. This reflects the net transfer of £200,000 in Voted capital from UKTI's Vote to BERR's Vote. Within the total DEL change, the impact on resources and capital is set out in the following table:
Resources DEL
Of which:
Near-cash in RDEL
Capital DEL
Less Depreciation
Total DEL
UKTI's Vote does not include Administration provision, which is included in the Estimates of our parent departments, BERR and FCO.
The change in the resource element of DEL arises from:
a token increase of £1,000 to allow an increase in appropriations-in-aid to be included in the Estimate.
The change in the capital element of DEL arises from:
a transfer of capital underspend of £200,000 to BERR to fund capital works to UKTI accommodation.
Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets.
Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from total DEL since Capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
HM Treasury: DEL
The Financial Services Secretary to the Treasury (Lord Myners): My honourable friend, the Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury (Angela Eagle) has today made the following Written Ministerial Statement.
Subject to parliamentary approval of the spring supplementary estimate, HM Treasury's Resource DEL will be increased by £73,000 from £221,551,000 to £221,624,000 and the Administration Budget will be
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increased by £118, 18,000 from £169,425,000 to £169, 543, 000 with no net change in the capital DEL. The
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impact on resources and the administration budget is set out in the following table:
Non- voted
Of which
Administration budget *
Near cash in RDEL *
Capital **
Less: Depreciation ***
* The total of Administration budget' and Near cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total Resource DEL, due to definitions overlapping.
** Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets.
***Depreciation, which forms part of Resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since Capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.