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The noble Lord may wish to write directly to the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland or to the relevant sponsor department, the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister.
Asked by Lord Corbett of Castle Vale
To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they will place in the Library of the House a copy of the papers by General Sir Richard Dannatt on moving the proposed Olympic shooting venue from Greenwich to the National Shooting Centre, Bisley, and the comments of the National Rifle Association on the suggestion. [HL38]
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence (Baroness Taylor of Bolton): I have placed in the Library of the House a copy of the note on Bisley that General Sir Richard Dannatt passed to the previous Secretary of State for Defence in September 2008.
We remain committed to working with the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games to enable the shooting events at the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics to take place at the Royal Artillery Barracks, subject to there being minimal disruption to Army personnel, their families, and to the operations of the barracks.
To ask Her Majesty's Government whether the civil service superannuation scheme and other principal public sector pension schemes have the powers and computing facilities to adjust payment and other benefits to take account of deflation. [HL918]
To ask Her Majesty's Government in view of the current economic climate, what proposals they have to reconsider the provision of inflation-proof pensions for civil servants. [HL1108]
Lord Patel of Bradford: Current social security legislation provides for public service pensions to be adjusted by the same rate as the state second pension, and for such adjustments to take place only if there has been an increase in prices over a given period. Systems and processes are in place to reflect the requirements of this legislation.
To ask Her Majesty's Government further to the Written Answers by the Lord President (Baroness Royall of Blaisdon) on 6 February (WA 15657), which of their actions have been initiated or substantially modified consequent upon the receipt of an e-petition submitted to the No. 10 Downing Street website. [HL1602]
The Lord President of the Council (Baroness Royall of Blaisdon): E-petitions form one of a variety of ways in which the public can make known their views to the Government and which the Government would take into account in the overall development of policy.
To ask Her Majesty's Government on what legal basis Royal Navy vessels are operating against pirates in international waters. [HL1599]
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence (Baroness Taylor of Bolton): Royal Navy vessels are acting in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
The legal mandate of the EU counter-piracy mission, Operation ATALANTA, in which the UK is heavily involved, is based on UN Security Council Resolutions 1814, 1816 and 1838.
To ask Her Majesty's Government further to the publication of Post-Legislative ScrutinyThe Government's Approach (Cm 7320) in March 2008, which Acts of Parliament have been subject to post-legislative review and which Acts are presently being reviewed. [HL1456]
The Lord President of the Council (Baroness Royall of Blaisdon): Since March 2008, the Cabinet Office has produced detailed guidance for departments on post-legislative scrutiny, available on the Cabinet Office website at and_domestic/legislative_programme/guide_html/post-legislative_scrutiny.aspx.
A system has also been put in place to ensure that all departments will produce Command Papers for Select Committees on the implementation of each Act passed in 2005, within three to five years of Royal Assent.
One Command Paper was published in December 2008 on the Electoral Registration (Northern Ireland) Act 2005 (Cm 7504). We expect to publish some Command Papers later this year on Acts passed in 2005. Command Papers on all remaining Acts passed in 2005 will, where appropriate, be published by summer 2010 and, for subsequent Acts, within three to five years of Royal Assent.
To ask Her Majesty's Government further to the Written Answer by Lord Bach on 12 February (WA 237), what percentage of (a) prison staff, and (b) prison officers have received training aimed at preventing violent extremism and radicalisation. [HL1656]
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice (Lord Bach): As part of the National Offender Management Service's programme of work to address the risks associated with violent extremism and radicalisation. a series of briefings, written materials and events have been delivered to prison staff.
Information to identify what percentage of (a) prison staff and (b) prison officers have benefited from this range of activity is not held centrally. It would require approaching numerous sources for this information.
To ask Her Majesty's Government further to the Written Answer by Lord Bach on 12 February (WA 23840), of the 197 Muslim chaplains currently serving in prisons in England and Wales how many are employed (a) full-time, (b) part-time, and (c) on a sessional basis, broken down by the prisons they are serving in. [HL1654]
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice (Lord Bach): Further to the Written Answer I gave on 12 February, the table below sets out the number of Muslim chaplains currently serving in prisons in England and Wales, on a full-time employed, part-time employed and on a sessional basis. These figures are not static and will reflect changes over time for a range of reasons. In a few cases, the same Muslim chaplain works at more than one prison. Some prisons will also have a sessional Muslim chaplain who does not attend regularly but who can be called on to provide cover when needed. The figures presented have been derived from manual records. This is liable to the normal inaccuracies associated with a reporting system of this type.
Prison Establishment | Employed (full time) | Employed (part time) | Sessional |
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