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The Office for National Statistics (ONS) compiles employment and unemployment statistics for parts of the UK from the Annual Population Survey (APS) and its predecessor, the annual Labour Force Survey (LFS), following International Labour Organisation (ILO) definitions.
Table 3 gives estimates of those aged 16 to 18 who are unemployed as a percentage of all economically active persons aged 16 to 18, using the July 2007 to June 2008 APS dataset, which is the most recent for which figures are available.
Seasonally adjusted estimates of national and regional unemployment levels and rates are published each month in the Labour Market Statistics First Release.
26 Mar 2009 : Column WA170
Level | North East | North West | Yorkshire & Humberside | East Midlands | West Midlands | East |
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Table 2: Number of job vacancies1 notified to Job Centre Plus in English regions, Wales, Scotland, Great Britain and UK | |
January 2009 | |
Not seasonally adjusted | |
Source: Jobcentre Plus Administrative data
(1)Job vacancies for English regions, Scotland, Wales and Great Britain are live unfilled vacancies from the Jobcentre Plus administrative data.
Table 3: Unemployment rate for people aged 18 and under1 in English regions, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland | |
Per cent | |
Source: Annual Population Survey
1 Aged 16-18 unemployed persons as a percentage of all economically active persons aged 16-18.
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