The Barnett Formula - Select Committee on the Barnett Formula Contents


The following witnesses gave evidence. Those marked * gave oral and written evidence and those marked ** only gave oral evidence.

Alliance Party of Northern Ireland
Australian Commonwealth Grants Commission
**Lord Barnett
Madoc Batcup
**Professor David Bell—University of Stirling
*Dr Gillian Bristow—Cardiff School of City & Regional Planning
**Mr Peter Bunting— Irish Congress of Trade Unions, Northern Ireland
cebr ltd
*Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy
City of London
**Mr John Corey—Northern Ireland Public Service Alliance
David Hume Institute
*Department of Finance and Personnel (Northern Ireland)
*Department of Health
East England Development Agency
*Economic Research Institute of Northern Ireland
Federal Trust for Education and Research
*Professor James Foreman-Peck—Cardiff Business School
*Mr Jim Gallagher—Ministry of Justice
*Mr Paul Griffiths—Consultant to the Welsh Local Government Association
*Dr Eurfyl ap Gwilym—Plaid Cymru
Professor David HealdUniversity of Aberdeen Business School
*Mr Victor Hewitt—Economic Research Institute of Northern Ireland
*HM Treasury
The Independent Experts Group to the Commission on Scottish Devolution
*Professor David King—University of Stirling
Local Government Association
London Councils
**Lord MacGregor of Pulham Market
**Mr Seamus McAleavey—Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action
*Mr Patrick McCartan—Northern Ireland Confederation of Health & Social Services
*Professor Iain McLean—University of Oxford and IPPR North
Russell Mellet
**Mr David Moxham—Scottish TUC
**Rt. Hon Jim Murphy MP—Secretary of State for Scotland
**Rt. Hon Paul Murphy MP—Secretary of State for Wales
*National Health Service
Northern Ireland Civil Service
*Northern Ireland Confederation for Health and Social Services
**Mr John Osmond—Institute for Welsh Affairs
Parliament for Wales Campaign
*Plaid Cymru
*Mr Peter Price, Cymru Yfory—Tomorrow's Wales
Reform Scotland
*Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations
*The Scottish Government (NHS Scotland)
*Mr Ruchir Shah—Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations
*Professor John Simpson—Queen's University, Belfast
**Mr Michael Smyth—University of Ulster
Society of County Treasurers
Sustrans Cymru
**Professor Kim Swales—University of Strathclyde
*Mr John Swinney MSP—Cabinet Secretary for Finance & Sustainable Growth, the Scottish Government
**Mr Geraint Talfan-Davies—Institute for Welsh Affairs
TaxPayers Alliance
*Professor Colin Thain—University of Ulster
**Sir Brian Unwin
*Wales Council for Voluntary Action
*Welsh Local Government Association
**Rt. Hon Shaun Woodward—Secretary of State for Northern Ireland

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