The National DNA Database
179. The National DNA Database (NDNAD) was established
in 1995 in England and Wales (Scotland and Northern Ireland have
their own databases), and contains profiles derived from DNA samples
taken from anybody over ten years old arrested for a recordable
offence (whether or not they are subsequently charged or convicted),[74]
from volunteers and from crime scenes. It is not governed by one
particular piece of legislation, although various acts have supported
its establishment and development over the years. We consider
the consequences of this fragmented system of regulation later
in the report. [75]
180. The NDNAD, in proportionate terms, is the
largest of its kind in the world. It contains DNA profiles of
7.39 per cent of the UK population, according to Vernon Coaker.
(Q 1049) Austria's forensic DNA database is the next largest
in proportionate terms, and contains about one per cent of the
population, while the USA's FBI "CODIS" database contains
about 0.5 per cent.[76]
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics states that "the threshold
for holding DNA profiles on a forensic database is far lower in
the United Kingdom than in any other Member State of the EU, and
the proportion of the population included on the UK DNA Database
is correspondingly far higher than in other EU countries."[77]
England and Wales are alone in the EU in systematically retaining
the profiles or samples of individuals who have not been convicted
of a crime.[78] However
the recent judgment in the case of S. and Marper v. the United
Kingdom ruled that this practice was not compatible with the
ECHR. We discuss this in more detail at paragraph 194.
181. Since the establishment of the NDNAD, the
use of bioinformationespecially DNA profilinghas
increased substantially, for instance in crime detection, the
investigation of offences and the conduct of prosecutions, and
the identification of deceased persons and body parts. The Prime
Minister has praised DNA as "one of the most effective tools
in fighting crime."[79]
Other witnesses agreed that the NDNAD could be a useful tool.
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics argued that "well-functioning
forensic databases have the potential to promote the public interest
to a significant degree" and that "the science and technology
of DNA profiling is increasingly robust and reliable".[80]
GeneWatch UK told us that the NDNAD is "an important tool
in criminal investigations" (p 72), whilst Liberty also
affirmed the NDNAD's utility, given proper justification and proportionality.[81]
182. Chief Constable Peter Neyroud, Chief Executive
of the National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA), the custodian
body for the NDNAD, has stated that "the Database continues
to grow in significance as a national intelligence resource in
support of policing."[82]
He told us that in cases of "serious offences and particularly
serious violent offences
these databases are incredibly
important in the investigation." (Q 108) He added that
Ian Huntley, found guilty of the 2002 murder of two girls in Soham,
"was arrested a considerable number of times before the events
of Soham for offences that ranged between relatively minor potential
sexual transgressions to quite significant ones. Mr Huntley
would have, under the Criminal Justice Act 2003, appeared on the
database. Prior to that he did not. That would have been a significant
benefit to the investigation". (Q 113) He also told
us that "the Police Service's case to Government when the
last changes to the database were made was about the strong likelihood
of serious crime detections that were there as a result of expanding
the envelope beyond those who were convicted of a recordable offence
or cautioned. That has indeed proved to be the case." (Q 120)
183. Tony McNulty told us that the NDNAD enables
perpetrators of a crime to be brought to justicesometimes
decades after the crime has taken place. (Q 960) His successor,
Vernon Coaker, justified the NDNAD's size on the basis that "it
has enabled us to solve a significant number of serious crimes.
If you look at the numbers of murders, rapes, serious robberies
and other violent crimes that have been solved as a result of
having that database, we think that in the end is a proportionate
response to tackling crime and it is a justification for it."
(Q 1052) He further told us that, between May 2001 (when
the provisions of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 came
into effect) and December 2005, approximately 200,000 profiles
were retained that would have to have been removed prior to the
passing of the Act. Of these, "approximately 8,500 profiles
from some 6,290 individuals have been linked with crime scene
profiles involving nearly 14,000 offences." (Q 1056)
The Minister was unable to clarify, however, how many of these
profiles had directly led to a conviction. (QQ 1057-60)
184. On the other hand, Dr Helen Wallace,
Director of GeneWatch UK, took issue with some of the claims made.
She disputed Tony McNulty's emphasis on the value of the retention
of individual DNA samples as opposed to the re-analysis of crime
scene evidence, and also asserted that there have been occasions
when "DNA matches have been confused with successful prosecutions,
or that irrelevant cases have been cited in support of retaining
innocent people's DNA." (pp 94-102)
185. The Nuffield Council on Bioethics identified
some of the possible dangers of relying on the NDNAD: "Deliberate
or accidental contamination, misinterpretation of mixed samples
(those originating from more than one person), mistaken interpretation
of partial profiles and the misuse of statistics to establish
the probability of a match."[83]
Professor Peter Hutton, Chairman of the National DNA Database
Ethics Group, further mentioned incomplete crime scene samples,
the physical degradation of DNA, and the important element of
laboratory technicians' judgment in comparing samples as factors
that detracted from the forensic utility of DNA. (QQ 162-63)
186. The effectiveness or otherwise of the NDNAD
in solving crimes should not be the only consideration when considering
the appropriateness of the current arrangements; also relevant
is whether law-abiding citizens who have never been convicted
of a crime are unfairly disadvantaged by being included on the
Database. Dr Wallace believed that there were disadvantages
because the purpose of retention is "to look for matches
with any potential future crime scene profile" so that it
is "a kind of biological tagging" which resulted in
people being treated as "suspect[s] for any future crime."
There was also a "potential threat to 'genetic privacy' if
information is revealed about health or family relationships"
and "potential for unauthorised access, abuses and/or misuses
and mistakes: including the tracking of individuals and their
relatives". (Q 168 and pp 97, 99) DNA profiles could
potentially be used "to try to identify whether [somebody]
has been present at scenes other than crime scenes (for example,
a political or religious meeting)." (p 74)
187. The Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) suggested
that the retention of DNA profiles for use in future investigations
could be contrary to the DPA and that such profiles constituted
"sensitive personal information that an individual should
have the right to withhold if there is no specific need for it
in the investigation or prevention of crime." (p 436)
188. Some witnesses had concerns about possible
discrimination. As Professor Hutton told us, "at the
moment there are some groups who are hugely over represented on
the database in relation to their population incidence in society
in general", particularly black youths. (Q 189) Both
Professor Graeme Laurie of the University of Edinburgh Law
School (who contributed to the Nuffield Council on Bioethics'
report on The forensic use of bioinformation: ethical issues)
and Dr Wallace agreed that the number of ethnic minority
people on the database did not reflect the number that had actually
committed crimes. (QQ 192, 193) Professor Hutton suggested
that this over-representation was "related to the stop and
search policy which is occurring in community policing".
(Q 189)
189. By contrast, the NPIA argued that "inclusion
on the DNA Database does not signify a criminal record and there
is no personal cost or material disadvantage to the individual
simply by being on it." (p 46) Tony McNulty insisted
that "there are no guilty people on [the NDNAD] in the sense
of guilty of future charges" and that "it is not an
information source for all the naughty and potentially nasty people
in the country
It is purely an informational and investigatory
device for the police." (Q 960) He dismissed the suggestion
that the Government was saying that "we have all these people
on the database, they all must be guilty, now let us find a crime
to attach to them" and told us that "I do not think
there is a matter of principle here; I do not think there is any
stigma attached at all with being on the database." (QQ 964-65)
We were therefore puzzled by his declared opposition to a universal
database on the grounds of "practical civil liberties"
as well as "potentially legal concerns". (Q 966)
190. We believe that the retention of the DNA
profiles of people convicted of a recordable offence can be justified,
although GeneWatch UK called for the reintroduction of "a
system of time limits on how long people are kept on the Databaseso
that only DNA profiles from people convicted of serious violent
or sexual offences are kept permanently". (p 76) In
her speech of 16 December 2008 the Home Secretary said:
"We will consult on bringing greater flexibility
and fairness into the system by stepping down some individuals
over timea differentiated approach, possibly based on age,
or on risk, or on the nature of the offences involved
DNA of children under 10the age of criminal responsibilityshould
no longer be held on the database
and we will take immediate
steps to take them off."[84]
We welcome this commitment by the Government.
191. Another pressing issue is the retention
of the DNA profiles of people arrested for or charged with a recordable
offence but not subsequently convictedin other words people
who are, in the eyes of the law, innocent of any crime and who
should arguably be treated the same as people who have never been
192. During the course of the inquiry we learned
that in other jurisdictions the profiles of innocent people are
generally not retained. For example, the American Civil Liberties
Union (ACLU) told us that an argument is now being conducted in
some US states over whether individuals who are arrested should
have their profiles added to the databasebut, unlike in
the UK, most states pursuing this path were also specifying that
an arrestee's profile should be removed if he or she is not charged
or convicted of an offence.[85]
193. We heard evidence on this point from several
witnesses. Most recently, Vernon Coaker told us that the retention
of such profiles was "appropriate", "proportionate",
and "a response that commands the support of the population."
(Q 1055) He added that, where such profiles are retained,
there was "an appropriate threshold" because "police
officers can only arrest somebody if they act in accordance with
the PACE code, and the PACE code requires a police officer to
have at least a reasonable suspicion that the person they have
arrested has committed an offence. That offence has to be of the
standard of a recordable offence
It is a proportionate
response to the question, is it possible that some of the people
who come into contact with the police in the way that I have said
may be people who it would be beneficial in terms of the public
good for their DNA to be retained." (QQ 1055, 1064-65)
194. Shortly after Vernon Coaker's statement,
the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights on 4 December
2008 in the case of S. and Marper v. the United Kingdom,
was delivered. The case was brought by two individuals: one was
arrested for and charged with, but acquitted of a recordable offence;
the other was arrested for and charged with a recordable offence,
but the case was formally discontinued. Both wanted their DNA
to be taken off the NDNAD. The Court ruled that the Government's
current policy breached Article 8 of the European Convention on
Human Rights.[86] On
16 December 2008 the Home Secretary announced that the Government
would produce a White Paper on forensics which would deal with
the arrangements for DNA retention. She asserted that "we've
seen convictions for serious crimes of culprits who had had their
DNA taken and retained for a previous crime where they were arrested,
but not convicted."[87]
195. GeneWatch UK drew our attention to the regime
in Scotland:
"The Scottish Parliament voted against indefinite
retention of DNA profiles and samples from persons acquitted or
not proceeded against, in May 2006. Instead, police powers were
expanded to allow temporary retention (for up to 5 years, with
judicial oversight) from a much smaller number of people who had
been charged but acquitted of a serious violent or sexual offence.
The Scottish Government is currently conducting a review of this
decision in order to assess whether the temporary retention of
data from this more limited category of unconvicted persons is
appropriate. In conducting its review, the Scottish Government
has expressly ruled out the indefinite retention of fingerprint
and DNA data acquired from individuals who are not convicted of
any crime." (p 98)
196. We believe that the retention of DNA profiles
on the NDNAD potentially impinges on civil liberties. DNA profiles
provide the state with large amounts of personal information about
its citizens that could, in the future, be used for malign purposes.
197. We believe that DNA profiles should only
be retained on the National DNA Database (NDNAD) where it can
be shown that such retention is justified or deserved. We expect
the Government to comply fully, and as soon as possible, with
the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the case
of S. and Marper v. the United Kingdom, and to ensure that
the DNA profiles of people arrested for, or charged with, a recordable
offence but not subsequently convicted are not retained on the
NDNAD for an unlimited period of time.
198. In our view, it would only be acceptable
to retain the DNA profiles of innocent people indefinitely if
there were a universal DNA database containing the profiles of
everybody in the country. However, this potential solution to
the anomalous system which currently prevails was criticised by
the Information Commissioner:
"I think both for practical and civil liberties
reasons I am really quite sceptical about the logic of saying
that there are some unfair discriminations there at the moment
and therefore we resolve that by having everyone's data on a mandatory
basis." (Q 11)
199. Tony McNulty, who agreed with the "logic"
of a universal database, nonetheless thought that it would be
"intrusive and unnecessary and cause all sorts of difficulties"
and would carry implications in terms of costs and practicalities.
(QQ 960, 962, 967) His successor, Vernon Coaker, told us
that he would not find a universal database acceptable:
"The Government's view at the present time
is that a [universal] national DNA database, notwithstanding some
of the benefits that might accrue, is not a proportionate response
and is not something that would necessarily command the support
of the population." (Q 1061. See also QQ 1054-55)
200. Whilst a universal National DNA Database
would be more logical than the current arrangements, we think
that it would be undesirable both in principle on the grounds
of civil liberties, and in practice on the grounds of cost.
201. Finally we consider the retention of DNA
profiles of witnesses or victims of crime who volunteer to give
a DNA sample to help in a police investigation and then find that
their DNA becomes part of a permanent record because of the choice
they have made when giving the sample. Professor Hutton told
us that there were some 16,000 such samples at the end of 2006
(Q 179), whereas Vernon Coaker gave a figure of 32,000 volunteers.
(p 375) Peter Neyroud conceded that "there are some
issues there around making sure people are properly informed at
the time the sample is taken." (Q 113) He explained
"In respect of volunteers, the process is
that they can choose to have their DNA sample destroyed or consent
to the profile being loaded on to the DNA database." (Q 115)
202. However, Professor Hutton explained:
"The method of taking consent is probably
on occasions flawed in that the person taking consent from an
individual may not meet the basic criteria in common law to be
able to answer specific questions about what is going to happen
to the sample and the processes it will go through." (Q 172)
203. Professor Hutton went on to describe
the procedures for gaining the consent of volunteers:
"The current consent form in fact has on
it two options. One is to sign so that the DNA and its derived
data will only be used for that case; the second is to sign to
say that it can be used for that case and the second sample retained
and the DNA profile loaded on to the National Database".
(Q 172)
204. Professor Laurie addressed the question
of whether volunteers should be asked if they are willing for
their samples to be retained once an investigation is completed:
"I think that may be a possible approach
on certain conditions: first of all that it is demonstrated that
that would actually further the ends of prosecution services to
have volunteers who are effectively innocent persons by retaining
that information. Secondly, that it would respect the fundamental
tenets of the law of consent, being informed consent, that you
were fully informed
of what were the consequences of you
being kept on this if it is indefinitely. Thirdly, hopefully it
is not 'indefinitely' because your right to refuse, again a fundamental
tenet of the law of consent, should be respected, whereas at the
moment it is not." (Q 178)
205. The NDNAD Ethics Group has recognised the
seriousness of this matter and has given it a prominent place
in its work programme, where it has generated important recommendations.[88]
Professor Hutton said that the Ethics Group prefers that
volunteer samples should only be used for the case in hand, especially
as research evidence suggests that, in most cases, there would
be no loss to operational policing if the samples were not placed
on the NDNAD. He added that "our work on this has been completely
supported by ACPO". (Q 172)
206. A further issue relating to DNA profiles
of volunteers is when and whether such profiles should be deleted
from the NDNAD. Such profiles are only loaded on to the NDNAD
if the volunteer gives his or her consent. But, as Professor Hutton
told us, once the profile is loaded onto the NDNAD, "it is
there for 100 years and it is very difficult to get off; and removal
is subject to the individual decisions of local Chief Constables."
(Q 172) Similarly, Gareth Crossman warned us that profiles
"only tend to be deleted when an individual is so bloody-minded
about it that they continue to push and push until in the end
the individual police force gets rid of it." (Q 264)
207. Professor Hutton suggested that there
would be few drawbacks to making it easier to have volunteer profiles
deleted because, as a recent piece of work undertaken by the Ethics
Group and ACPO had shown, "if, in the main, for the majority
of cases volunteer samples were not loaded on to the National
Database and were used only for the case in hand there would be
no loss to operational policing." (Q 172) Tony McNulty
suggested that he was open to this idea, telling us that "the
notion that volunteers should have at least the option for retention
being for a shorter period than forever is a fair one that we
are exploring." (Q 970)
208. We recommend that the law enforcement
authorities should improve the transparency of consent procedures
and forms in respect of the National DNA Database (NDNAD). We
believe that the DNA profiles of volunteers should as a matter
of law be removed from the NDNAD at the close of an inquiry unless
the volunteer consents to its retention.
209. The lack of a single legislative framework
for the NDNAD worried a number of witnesses. Professor Laurie
told us:
"We now have multiple pieces of legislation
which need to be fitted together in order to understand exactly
what is going on
what is missing is independent, accountable
and powerful oversight; a fundamental reappraisal of the basis
of the National DNA Database; a suitable framework for its development,
its management and governancewhich is not actually in law
at the momentclarity of purpose and also articulation of
the values that actually underpin this, which are lost in this
morass of laws
consolidation of this entire field of law
would seem most appropriate." (Q 198)
210. Professor Hutton agreed with Professor Laurie
that "there should be a better statutory basis" and
noted that this argument had been made by the Ethics Group. (Q 208)
He thought it was unsatisfactory that "the situation that
exists is outside any national regulatory framework and has many
elements of judgment in it." This means, for example, that
"although the police can take samples and load them on to
the database there is actually no compulsion on the police to
take a sample when somebody is arrested, and once arrested and
the sample has been taken there is no compulsion for it to be
loaded [onto the NDNAD]it is entirely at the discretion
of the police." (Q 180) Dr Wallace also agreed
that the NDNAD should be put on a specific statutory basis. (Q 204)
The House of Commons Home Affairs Committee has backed this view,
recommending that "alongside any conclusions of the PACE
review the Government introduce primary legislation to replace
the current regulatory framework for the National DNA Database".[89]
211. The RAE thought that, in formulating new
legislation, consideration should be given to establishing "a
new body to oversee the collection, retention and use of bioinformation
[and] to check that records are not kept for excessive
periods or without clear justification. Alternatively, the role
of the Surveillance Commissioner could be extended to cover the
collection, retention and use of bioinformation by the police
service." (p 436)
212. We are concerned that the National DNA
Database (NDNAD) is not governed by a single statute. We recommend
that the Government introduce a bill to replace the existing regulatory
framework, providing an opportunity to reassess the rules on the
length of time for which DNA profiles are retained, and to provide
regulatory oversight of the NDNAD.
Regulation of CCTV
213. At present, there are few restrictions on
the use of public area CCTV cameras in the UK. According to paragraph
1.4 of the Covert Surveillance Code of Practice, the provisions
of RIPA do not apply to CCTV systems unless they are being used
for a pre-planned surveillance operation.[90]
While the DPA regulates the handling, storage and processing of
information obtained via CCTV, it does not place any restrictions
on where such cameras can be installed in public or under what
circumstances. Provided that they comply with the relevant planning
restrictions, public authorities such as local councils are free
to install CCTV systems in town centres and other public places
(such as residential estates) without prior approval from central
government or the permission of residents. Furthermore, as the
DPA only governs how information that has been recorded and stored
is dealt with, in principle it does not apply to situations where
cameras are used for observation only and where no recording is
made. As a consequence, local authorities and the police are in
principle free to use CCTV cameras for general, unrecorded surveillance.[91]
214. Both Liberty and JUSTICE expressed serious
concerns about the fact that CCTV remains largely unregulated.
Noting that the DPA was not intended to provide a comprehensive
framework for CCTV regulation, Liberty argued that new data protection
legislation was needed to reflect changes in the technology of
visual surveillance and to regulate better the use of cameras.
(pp 105-08) Liberty also drew attention to a statement released
by the Council of Europe in March 2007, which suggested that strong
regulation was necessary if human rights were to be protected
from overly intrusive CCTV surveillance:
"Video surveillance of public areas by public
authorities or law enforcement agencies can constitute an undeniable
threat to fundamental rights such as the right to privacy
and [to the individual's] right to benefit from specific protection
regarding personal data collected by such surveillance
it is recommended that specific regulations should be enacted
at both international and national level in order to cover the
specific issue of video surveillance by public authorities of
public areas as a limitation of the right to privacy." (p 106)
215. JUSTICE also pointed to the inadequacy of
the existing legislative regime, and suggested that it is a mistake
to suppose that existing privacy safeguardssuch as the
DPA or RIPAare capable of providing effective protection.
(pp 111-12)
216. We received a number of suggestions as to
how the existing regulatory structure could be reformed and CCTV
better controlled. According to Dr Andrew Adams of the School
of Systems Engineering, University of Reading, the principal regulator
for CCTV should be the OSC, whose "role and resources should
be expanded to provide licensing for public space CCTV schemes,
guidelines on their deployment and operation and audit of the
adherence to these guidelines." If video footage were processed
in such a way as to transform it into personal data, the OSC should
work closely with the ICO to ensure adherence to the data protection
principles laid down in the DPA. (p 382)
217. The RAE suggested that in order to address
an imbalance of power between the citizen and the state as regards
the use of CCTV, an element of "reciprocity" should
be introduced. This, they argued, could be achieved by allowing
the public access to detailed information about the positioning
of cameras, and the launch of a website "containing maps
which indicate the locations of cameras, and sample images from
cameras demonstrating their range. This would allow individuals
and communities to raise complaints should they feel that particular
cameras are unnecessary or excessively intrusive." (p 434)
218. Vernon Coaker told us that "the Government
agrees with the recommendation in the National CCTV Strategy,
that there should be a national body for the governance and use
of CCTV in this country, and we will be looking to establish one.
I cannot give a timeframe for that". (Q 1069) On the
question of statutory regulation, he added that "it is not
something that we would necessarily dismiss but in the first instance
we want to establish the national body and see how that works
with respect to voluntary regulation, keeping in our back pocket
the need, if necessary, to do more." (Q 1069)
219. We recommend that the Government should
propose a statutory regime for the use of CCTV by both the public
and private sectors, introduce codes of practice that are legally
binding on all CCTV schemes and establish a system of complaints
and remedies. This system should be overseen by the Office of
Surveillance Commissioners in conjunction with the Information
Commissioner's Office.
62 See, for example, the decision in Campbell v
Mirror Group Newspapers [2004] UKHL 22. Back
Warren, S. and Brandeis, L. (1890), "The Right to Privacy",
Harvard Law Review, 4(1), pp 193-220. Back
Report of the Committee on Privacy and Related Matters (Chairman
David Calcutt QC), Cm 1102, 1990, p 7. Back
Lord Steyn, "Democracy, the Rule of Law and the Role of Judges",
Attlee Foundation Lecture, 11 April 2006. Back
See also Chapter 7. Back
According to section 5(3) of the Act, the Secretary of State can
issue a warrant only if the surveillance proposed is necessary:
(a) in the interests of national security; (b) for the purpose
of preventing or detecting serious crime; (c) for the purpose
of safeguarding the economic well-being of the United Kingdom;
or (d) for the purpose, in circumstances appearing to the Secretary
of State to be equivalent to those in which he would issue a warrant
by virtue of paragraph (b), of giving effect to the provisions
of any international mutual assistance agreement.
See Back
ibid. Back
Statutory Instrument 2003 No. 3172 The Regulation of Investigatory
Powers (Communications Data) Order 2003; and Statutory Instrument
2003 No. 3171 The Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Directed
Surveillance and Covert Human Intelligence Sources) Order 2003.
Home Office, Access to Communications Data-Respecting Privacy
and Protecting the Public from Crime, March 2003. Back
HL Deb 13 Nov 2003 cols 1521-62 and 1573-1604, and House of Commons
Third Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation on 4 Nov 2003
(cols 3-38). Back
Jacqui Smith MP, Speech to the Intellect Trade Association, 16
December 2008. Back
A recordable offence is any offence for which the police are able
to keep records of convictions and offenders on the Police National
Computer. Back
Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984; Criminal Justice and Public
Order Act 1994; Criminal Evidence (Amendment) Act 1997; Criminal
Justice and Police Act 2001; Criminal Justice Act 2003; and Serious
Organised Crime and Police Act 2005. Back
The Forensic Use of Bioinformation: Ethical Issues, op. cit.,
para 1.22. Back
ibid., Executive Summary, p xxiv, para 47. See p 52, Box 4.3 for
comparisons of Member States' practices. Back
ibid., p 52, Box 4.3. Back
Gordon Brown MP, Speech on Security and Liberty, 17 June 2008. Back
The Forensic Use of Bioinformation: Ethical Issues, op. cit.,
Executive Summary, p iii, paras 3, 5. Back
Overlooked, op. cit., p 67. Back
National Policing Improvement Agency, Annual Report 2006-07,
p 6. Back
The Forensic Use of Bioinformation: Ethical Issues, op. cit.,
Executive Summary, p. xiii, para 3. Back
Jacqui Smith MP, Speech to the Intellect Trade Association, op.
cit. Back
Appendix 4, para 60. Back
For the text of the judgment see Back
Jacqui Smith MP, Speech to the Intellect Trade Association, op.
cit. Back
1st Annual Report of the Ethics Group: National DNA
Database, op. cit., paras 5.2-5.20. Back
A Surveillance Society?, op. cit., para 285. Back
Home Office, Covert Surveillance-Code of Practice, 2002. Back
The use of CCTV cameras by private organisations-such as banks
and retailers-is typically assumed to be authorised under section
3 of the Criminal Law Act 1967 on the grounds that it constitutes
a reasonable means to prevent crime. Back
European Commission for Democracy Through Law (Venice Commission),
Opinion on Video Surveillance in Public Places by Public Authorities
and the Protection of Human Rights, March 2007, paras 79, 81, Back