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European Union Committee - Seventeenth Report
Codecision and national parliamentary scrutiny Here you can browse the report which was ordered by the House of Lords to be printed 7 July 2009. |
How codecision worksthe procedures as laid down in the Treaties
Conciliation and Third Reading Figure 1: The Codecision Procedureflowchart How codecision worksthe practice
Increase in first and early second reading deals How these deals occurinformal trilogues
Triloguesmandates and accountability Council, European Parliament and Trilogue meetings Transparency Implications for national parliaments seeking to keep abreast of negotiations?
Agreements reached in informal trilogues
The Government's role in providing information to facilitate this scrutiny Box 4: Some jargon simplifiedpart four Figure 2: Scrutiny actions flowchart Box 5: Key information the Government should provide to the Committee under the Scrutiny Guidance Assessment of the adequacy of the information we have from the Government
Ensuring effective scrutiny of proposals adopted at early stages: about what should we be informed Ensuring effective scrutiny of proposals adopted at early stages: Departmental performance Ensuring effective scrutiny of proposals adopted at early stages: some safeguards Key points in the negotiations Limité documents: constraints on use Addressing the results of our scrutiny to other parliaments
Adding to this system to ensure effective scrutiny negotiations at first and second reading Addressing our views to MEPs and other national parliaments
APPENDIX 1: European Union Committee List of Members APPENDIX 4: Sub-Committee responses to Codecision questionnaire APPENDIX 5: EP Code of Conduct for negotiating Codecision Files APPENDIX 6: Recent Reports from the Select Committee
Oral Evidence
Rose, Head of Communications, Institutions, Treaty and Iberia Group, Europe Directorate and Mr Ananda Guha, Deputy Head, Europe Strategy Group, Foreign & Commonwealth Office Written evidence Oral evidence, 5 May 2009 Supplementary written evidence Mr Andy Lebrecht, UK Deputy Permanent Representative to the EU and Mr David Tripp, Private Secretary to Mr Lebrecht Oral evidence, 2 June 2009 Mr Philip Léglise-Costa, French Deputy Permanent Representative to the EU Oral evidence, 2 June 2009 Mr Anthony Teasdale, Head of Strategy, Office of the President, European Parliament, Ms Els Vandenbosch, Director for Legislative Coordination, DG IPOL, Mr Klaus Baier, Head of Conciliation and Codecision Unit, DG IPOL, Mr Andreas Huber, Head of Secretariat, Environment Committee and Mr Niall O'Neill, Directorate for Relations with National Parliaments, European Parliament Oral evidence, 2 June 2009 Ms Una O'Dwyer, Acting Director for Relations with the Council, including Codecision, Commission Secretariat General and Mr Niall O'Neill, Directorate for Relations with National Parliaments, European Parliament Oral evidence, 2 June 2009 Mr Hubert Legal, Director (Codecision) Legal Service, Council General Secretariat and Mr Jonathan Dancourt-Cavanagh, Senior Desk Officer, Codecision Unit, European Council Oral evidence, 2 June 2009 Mr Richard Corbett MEP and Ms Arlene McCarthy MEP, European Parliament Written evidence from Richard Corbett MEP Oral evidence, 2 June 2009 Written evidence
Manchester Business School Dr Giacomo Bendetto, University of London Dr Charlotte Burns, University of Leeds European Commission European Council Federal Trust for Education and Research French Sénat German Bundesrat German Bundestag Professor Simon Hix, London School of Economics House of Representatives, The Netherlands Irish Parliament Davor Janèiæ, Utrecht University Dr Helle Krunke, University of Cophenhagen Parliament of Denmark Parliament of Finland Parliament of Sweden Tapio Raunio, University of Tampere, Finland Dr Christine Reh, University College London Romanian Parliament Dr Klára Szalay
NOTE: References in the text of the report are as
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