Codecision and national parliamentary scrutiny - European Union Committee Contents


The following witnesses gave evidence. Those marked ** gave both oral and written evidence; those marked * gave oral evidence; those marked without an asterisk gave written evidence only.

Tim Ambler & Francis Chittenden
Dr Giacomo Bendetto, University of London
Dr Charlotte Burns, University of Leeds
**Richard Corbett MEP
*Commission Secretariat General
*Council General Secretariat
*DG IPOL, Legislative Coordination and Codecision Secretariat, European Parliament
*Directorate for Relations with National Parliaments, European Parliament
*Environment Committee, European Parliament
European Commission
European Council
Federal Trust for Education and Research
** Foreign & Commonwealth Office
*French Deputy Permanent Representative to the EU
French Sénat
German Bundesrat
German Bundestag
House of Representatives, The Netherlands
Professor Simon Hix, London School of Economics
Irish Parliament
Davor Janèiæ, Utrecht University
Dr Helle Krunke, University of Copenhagen
*Arlene McCarthy MEP
*Office of the President, European Parliament
Parliament of Denmark
Parliament of Finland
Parliament of Sweden
Tapio Raunio, University of Tampere, Finland
Dr Christine Reh, University College London
Romanian Parliament
Dr Klára Szalay
*UK Deputy Permanent Representative to the EU

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