EU Consumer Rights Directive: getting it right - European Union Committee Contents

Examination of Witness (Question Numbers 40)

Dr Christian Twigg-Flesner

26 MARCH 2009

  Q40  Chairman: We may well do that. Thank you very much indeed. I certainly feel, if still a lot of material going through my head, further educated and we are grateful for that. All the Committee have probably got a lot more clarity about the questions that they are now going to pursue with other witnesses. I think we are just pleased that someone in the world understands all this and will be able to help us.

  Dr Twigg-Flesner: I hope I do. I may be, of course, completely wrong in everything I have said this morning!

  Chairman: Thank you very much indeed for spending the time with us. If there is anything else you think we should know, please do not hesitate to tell us.

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