EU Consumer Rights Directive: getting it right - European Union Committee Contents

Examination of Witnesses (Question Numbers 358-359)

Ms Maggie Craig, Mr Harold Gay and Ms Linda Jackson

21 MAY 2009

  Q358  Chairman: Good morning. Perhaps you would like to state your names for the record.

  Ms Craig: My name is Maggie Craig. I am the Director of Consumer Strategy at the Association of British Insurers.

  Mr Gay: My name is Harold Gay. I am the Trading Law Manager for Alliance Boots, but I appear here today as the Chairman of the CBI Consumer Affairs Panel.

  Ms Jackson: My name is Linda Jackson. I am Senior Legal Adviser at the CBI.

  Q359  Chairman: I realise you are from different organisations. Would anybody like to make an opening statement?

  Ms Craig: I would like to make one very brief point. We welcome the initiative. We believe it is primarily a goods Directive, so we are comfortable that the scope does rightly exclude financial services and insurance to a large extent. We have a couple of concerns, particularly on the prohibition on inertia selling. I would really like to pick those up later when they arise at appropriate moments in the questions, but I just wanted to flag that at the beginning.

  Mr Gay: My Lord Chairman, I would just like to say thank you for allowing us to come and talk to you. For us, maximum harmonisation is the prize from this Directive and as a balanced package it is something that we think has some benefit.

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