Annual Report 2008-09 - Information Committee Contents

Annual Report 2008-2009

CHAPTER 1: Introduction

1.  This report informs Members and those outside the House about the activities of the Information Committee during the 2008-09 Session in advising and supporting the House's information and communication services.

2.  This is our second annual report. Our first annual report[1] was well received,[2] and we hope that this report will be found to be informative and interesting.


Background: The role of the Information Committee
The Information Committee is one of the domestic committees of the House. Its terms of reference are:

"To consider information and communications services, including the Library and Parliamentary Archives, within the strategic framework and financial limits approved by the House Committee".

The House has agreed that the domestic committees should "function primarily as user groups, actively canvassing the views of Members and providing a forum within which they can make complaints or suggestions about services".

The services that the Information Committee is concerned with are:

  • The Parliamentary Information and Communication Technology service (PICT)
  • Library services in the House
  • Information services for Members, including Hansard
  • Public information about the House and its work, including outreach
  • Bicameral services, including the parliamentary website, parliamentary outreach, visitor services, the education service and the broadcasting of parliamentary proceedings
  • The Parliamentary Archives

The Committee considers current levels of services and makes recommendations for change. Any Committee recommendation that requires significant unbudgeted expenditure would also need approval by the House Committee. For further information, see our pages on the parliamentary website:

1   Annual Report 2007-08, published 25 November 2008 (HL Paper 202). Back

2   See, for example, the minutes of the House Committee meeting of 4 December 2008. Back

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