The Conduct of Lord Moonie, Lord Snape, Lord Truscott and Lord Taylor of Blackburn - Privileges Committee Contents

Examination of Witnesses (Questions 140-153)

Lord Moonie

10 MARCH 2009

  Q140  Lord Dholakia: Can I just take you to the Code of Conduct, and I can well understand that you had not refreshed yourself at the particular stage of your conversation. The paragraph that interests me is the seven general principles which were identified by the Committee of Standards in Public Life and that very much applies to Members of Parliament in the Commons as much as they form part of the Code of Conduct in this particular document. Would you say that in your conversation with the Sunday Times you did not realise at that particular stage that these particular seven principles were observed?

  Lord Moonie: Do you have a copy of them? That is the one thing I do not seem to have.

  Q141  Chairman: We can give you a copy of that.

  Lord Moonie: Although I have looked at them fairly recently.

  Baroness Manningham-Buller: Paragraph five.

  Q142  Chairman: Paragraph five on the front page of the Code of Conduct.

  Lord Moonie: Yes. I believe that I applied them completely, yes. I would not dream of doing anything else.

  Lord Dholakia: Chairman, can I ask whether we could obtain a copy of the sample contract which Lord Moonie did refer to as being this type of situation.

  Q143  Chairman: Are you happy to leave those with us, Lord Moonie?

  Lord Moonie: I am only one party to these. If they are not used publicly, yes, of course, and they have not been referred to.

  Q144  Lord Irvine of Lairg: It may be sufficient if we just cast our eye over them.

  Lord Moonie: I am very happy to, yes.

  Q145  Chairman: Fine, thank you. Are there any other questions anybody wants to ask? Is there anything else that you want to say by way of conclusion, Lord Moonie?

  Lord Moonie: Only that I believe I tried to act properly in this situation. It was an informal discussion followed up by an informal offer to work for them, suggesting a range of fees. I would honestly have expected anything in detail to stem from a draft written contract which is what occurs, it is what you do. I agree that Members have to be very careful what they do when they take outside paid work, particularly when it involves consultancy work. With regard to the last two conversations I had with Mr Gillard, as I have said, they were held under difficult circumstances. Had I been thinking straight I would not have had them at all, but I did. I think they reflect the circumstances in which the conversations were held rather than any intent on my part to do anything. I entirely rebut, refute the allegation that I offered to do anything for them that was outside the rules as I saw them and as I think they have been explained to me today.

  Q146  Chairman: Thank you. If you can wait for a few minutes we will just have a quick look at those contracts.

  Lord Moonie: You are welcome to hold them for longer than that if you wish.

  Q147  Chairman: I think we will just have a quick look at them now and make sure you take them with you. In the meantime, can I say thank you very much indeed for coming in and your time. As I said earlier, we will be in touch with you with the transcripts which you can correct but not change and obviously if you can let us have them back as soon as possible. Thank you very much indeed.

  Lord Moonie: (After a short pause) I do not know if you are familiar with US law but Sarbanes-Oxley rules on foreign interests, I think, very much define how a contract with an American organisation is written. In Northrop Grumman's case you have separate contracts whether you are an internal adviser, as I am, or an external adviser who may speak to anybody commercial or otherwise outside the company.

  Q148  Chairman: Just for my information, are these contracts part of the parliamentary consultancy or non-parliamentary consultancy?

  Lord Moonie: These are non-parliamentary.

  Q149  Chairman: They are registered as such?

  Lord Moonie: They are registered under 12(d).

  Q150  Chairman: 12(e)?

  Lord Moonie: 12(d), I think.

  Q151  Chairman: "... as a non-parliamentary consultant.", so that is where they would be registered?

  Lord Moonie: Yes.

  Q152  Lord Dholakia: It says here, "This agreement should be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Virginia."

  Lord Moonie: That is where they are incorporated. They were merely an illustration.

  Q153  Chairman: Yes, indeed, of course.

  Lord Moonie: Thank you very much.

  Chairman: I will say thank you very much and thank you for your time this morning.

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