Lord TruscottSunday Times Transcript
Sunday Times Lord Truscott page 1 of 36
2009 AND
2009. THEY
£2,000 A
Transcript begins as Lord Truscott (LT)
Jonathan Calvert (JC) and Claire Newell (CN) sit down in the peers'
dinning room. Three full-stops "..." denote a pause
or an inaudible passage.
JC: We have just recently starting doing
public affairs in the UK which is partly why we wanted some help
from someone connecting us to the two houses of parliament. At
the moment we have got certain clients. We have got one client
in particular that we are thinking of who wants some help and
we, as a company, do not have strong contacts within the two houses
and one of our researchers did some research.
CN: Yes, that's right. To identify people
we wish to talk to expand our political network and also as a
company we are interested in maybe having some consultants who
work for us and provide us with political expertise as well as
working more directly with clients. Both are an option and your
name came up.
LT: I do various sort of work for companies
and organisations. Some is strategic advice on what market they
want to go into or the passage of legislation, how government
works, what's the way to go about influencing government and ...
legislation going through. And the other thing is the interface
between parliament, the Commons and the Lords, with business and
how that works. I also provide ... it depends what sort of advice
your clients want. Are they looking at the sort legislative stuff
or contracts with government?
JC: It's more the legislation. The particular
client, you have to bear mind that if we have an arrangement there
might be other clients in the future, the particular client we
have in mind is setting up a retail group in the UK, so it's sort
of consumer affairs; it's setting up 40 retail clothing chains
across the UK over the next 18 months. It's called Emerald but
just a working title. They are a company called Wong Hing, Taiwanese.
They have more than 2000 clothes retail outfits across Asia ...
they are very used to having a close relationship to government
in their own country when it comes to setting up projects such
as this and and they've identified a number of issues which are
important to them and one of them is the Business Rates Supplement
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which you may or may not. I can jog
your memory. The BRSB is an extra 2% rate on top of the existing
business rate which is being proposed and in fact had its second
reading on Monday in the Commons. It's coming up to the Lords
and people are already paying around 43% in business rates so
they are quite high and the imposition of an extra tax is not
particularly welcome to our clients. It was a measure that was
brought in to really finance Crossrail as far I can see. It's
a way for council's to invest in infrastructure projects. One
of the things they were looking to see is if the bill could be
amended in some way. So there were two possibilities. One was
that the bill is amended so that the retailers actually paying
the tax, the businesses that will be paying the tax, vote on it
before the tax is levied. Now there is some scope in the bill
already for consultation with the retailers but it doesn't quite
go as far as saying. Alternatively, the possibility is that there
may be an exemption introduced into the bill for new businesses.
And what we were looking for is someone who would be able to help
us with that sort of area. I know it's not something you could
instantly say, I know all about the bill.
LT: As I say, I mentioned consumer affairs
... passed a consumer bill through the Lords and I was the government
spokesperson for the DTI. I covered everything, for the Lords.
I do, I followed the Energy Bill, for example, er, it's in the
public record, I advise a smart metering company, which is obviously,
on the smart metering bill, smart meters.
JC: These are meters which you have
in people's homes?
LT: Yeah, they tell you the energy that
you are using. The cost, so you can watch
CN: So you get far more information?
LT: The company themselves, they can
read your usage, they don't have to send a meter reader. So, the
consumer can see the cost, which might encourage them to use cheaper
tariffs that kind of thing.
JC: What were they looking for?
LT: First of all, the Energy Bill included
clauses on smart metering, So, I was advising them on the passage
of the bill. And in the future they are hoping to ensure that
the technical specifications fit in with the way they are thinking
as well. That the government doesn't come out with specifications
for smart meters which they can't do. Eventually they want to
be in a position where they can bid for the smart meters contract,
across the country. They put themselves in a prime position. That's
quite a big market, 44 million households, it's a multi billion
pound market really. It may not be just one company. Even so,
if they receive a chunk of it, then that's quite a significant,
so obviously they've got an interest in that. So, I advise them
on that. I've just had a lunch with someone from Gazprom. One
of the companies I advise advises Gazprom, I don't advice Gazprom
directly. I'd get in Private Eye with even an indirect connection.
One thing I would say though is that if you have legislation going
through I can advise you on the process, I, we can work on who
puts the amendments, but I can't put amendments directly myself,
because if I am paid as a
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consultant, I can't be paid for parliamentary
advocacy as it were. So, whilst as I did, speak on the Energy
Bill, I declared an interest with smart meters, I can declare
an interest, but I would not be comfortable myself being paid
by a company to put amendments directly myself, but what I could
do is advise on the process and identify other people who would
be willing to, who would be approached and put the amendments
and that kind of stuff. So I draw a line between advice, consultancy
and direct advocacy of being paid by a company of whatever. As
I say, on the smart metering case is a case in point. I spoke
on the second reading of the Energy Bill. I did mention smart
meters amongst other things, but I declared an interest. I monitored
the bill on smart meters and the amendments going through. And
that the amendments that the industry wanted to put forward were
put forward, but they were not put forward by me. I held meetings
with officials to discuss various issues including smart meters
but I didn't stand up and say `I move an amendment on behalf of
smart meters' because clearly that would be frowned upon. Because
people would say you were basically paid to move an amendment
so I have to be a bit careful in terms of approach.
JC: So you find someone to do it for
you or?
LT: Well it wouldn't be for me would
it, it would be for your client.
JC: Yes, for our client yes.
LT: What I can do is to facilitate the
system, fine, but I can't get involved in the paid advocacy in
parliament because that's against the rules and I'm pretty sure
its against the code of conduct plus it would make me a big target
for the media and it wouldn't be good for your client either.
What I am saying is there are ways to do these things, but there
is a degree of subtly required. You have to work behind the scenes
to a certain extent. Most people are happy with that because what
you want is good advice, you want results and to be able to influence
things. Again with smart metering thing, I held meeting with officials,
I can pick up the phone to officials and say what is happening
with smart metering.
CN: To civil servants?
LT: I can say what's happening. Well
there are these issues cropping up in the bill. I am incredibly
happy with doing that. As I say you just have to be a bit careful
with paid advocacy.
JC: Is that now an Act?
LT: Yes, the Energy Bill? Yes. Smart
metering is involved in it. There will be further government announcements
about how they can. I mean the decision of government is all in
the public domain, so I am not breaching any confidentiality.
The government said they would spend 2 years working out how the
implementation would eventually be achieved and then smart meters
would roll out to all domestic households over a 10-year period.
Ten years plus two is twelve. That's an ongoing thing.
JC: And did it in the end work out the
way your company wanted?
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LT: Yes, they were very happy because
they got a government commitment to do the things, to roll out
these. There is a watching brief because you have to watch for
all the implementation. As you know, it's one thing making all
these announcements and another implementing it and watching the
JC: Were there any crucial points with
anything? That people had to change? Or was the government largely
thinking along the right lines from the start?
LT: There were issues that cropped up
but that's why were amendments were moved and issues were raised
that were important to industry. That they wanted to highlight.
JC: I say that because if for an example
there is an issue such as we have here. Is it possible for us
to leave it to you to identify the right people and approach them?
LT: I think it should normally be a
sort of partnership as it were.
JC: So you would want some input from
us as well?
LT: Yes, that's normally the way it
works. I can identify people and talk to them, talk to officials
and all this sort of stuff. But normally I would work with the
organisation. I might for example say, `Claire such and such a
person is following this and you really need to talk to them,
give them a briefing note, have a coffee with them and would you
move these amendments. Lord Truscott may have mentioned it to
CN: That's it really, without me actually
knowing these people it can be hard for me to call someone I don't
know, and say `hello, you've never heard of me, wondering if you
could you move this amendment for me please?'
LT: Going in cold is difficult. It's
knowing, it's why, it's why lobby groups and PR companies use
politicians. They don't know who to approach, who is interested
and if you approach the wrong person or go in cold, then you could
be absolutely wasting your time.
JC: Because the information is not available
to someone on the outside looking in?
LT: For example, there was an occasion
again with the Energy Bill when the Energy Retail Association
approached me and said will you move these amendments and I said
no I won't but I know who will. I know a person who is interested
and it was one of my colleagues did move the amendment.
JC: Because they see you are interested
in it presumably?
LT: Yes, well a former energy minsters.
They said `will you move these amendments' and I said `well I
am monitoring the bill' but I didn't want to be seen to be moving
the amendments myself. Some of my colleagues here might be happy
to do that but again it depends on the degree of interest that
you've got. I think it depends on the
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circumstances. There can be a slightly
grey areas. But if you have got a clear linkage. If you had a
client ... it might not necessarily be the clever approach.
CN: If you could smooth the way for
us. If you could say this is the person you need to speak to,
I've spoken to them already, they are expecting my call?
LT: Yes. On the first thing the sort
of client said what is happening about this government decision,
we've heard its going to be delayed. So, I could just ring up
someone and chat to them and find out what's going on. They had
their CEO for Australia. He'd come from Australia, was off to
New York.
JC: Sorry, the CEO?
LT: The CEO of the client company. The
other thing that I would often do is say with an organisation
like yours, is have a lunch or a cup of tea and talk about issues,
what the government position is, what they want to achieve and
how you can bridge the gap. I've been involved with one or two
other things, like the sale of BE for example, British Energy,
both as a minister and then where there were various bids. One
or two of the bidders approached me to advise them on the process.
EDF won, of course. Might have been down to Gordon Brown's brother.
JC: Quite handy though. I have often
wondered how that works
LT: Well they will say that no direct
connection, but I know ... very well, the head of EDF ...
JC: I always imagine that Brown is a
very straight individual..
LT: Yes, EDF have been trying to run
it for some time.
CN: Yes, did you help EDF at all.
LT: No, I didn't work with EDF. I did
work with some of the other companies involved.
JC: So there wouldn't be any clash between
our retail company and any other client that you've got. There's
no conflict of interest in that sense is there?
LT: No. I was thinking about that. It
was partly what I was asking you. The other thing is I like to
be up front with the companies I do work for. I'm a non-executive
director of several companies ... and I advise several companies
as well. But it's all on the register of interests. What I would
say is if there is a conflict of interest I would advise the company
appropriately or maybe not be able to do it.
CN: If it was too similar to what you
are already doing.
LT: Yes. We would discuss it. As we
were saying earlier, for most people in the Lords it's part time
... we meet at 2 or 3 o clock in the afternoon, sometimes until
10pm. But most people have outside interests as a result. It tends
to be a portfolio
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type of existence. Generally, people
have other part time interests, those sort that fit in with being
in the Lords ...
JC: I would have thought it was easier
in that sense to be a Lord than a member of parliament where you
have salaries you have a constituency to look after.
LT: Yes, there it's the exception to
have other interests or maybe if they've got other interests it
takes up 20% of their time. They have their constituencies and
other things to take up most of their time. Here it is more of
a balance. I'd say 50/50 or even 60/40 have outside interests.
In terms of the register of interests people are generally pretty
well experienced at handling those. In terms of conflicts of interests
people are pretty well experienced in handling those positions.
I've got my published members register of interest which is open
to the public so it's all above board, open to transparency.
JC: How would it work? Would you put
us on the register or the client on the register?
LT: No, it would be you. Because its
two years since I was a minister any job I was appointed to would
have to go before the business advisory performance committee.
Usually what they say is its ok to take up any position providing
you've not been a minister more than 12 months before in that
case you can't directly lobby government or government departments.
I mean I don't see my role as, I've seen my role as lobbying.
I'm not personally a lobbyist. I don't personally lobby. What
I will do so on. Lobbying companies lobby.
JC: You don't phone up officials and
make the pitch yourself.
LT: No. I wouldn't do that. That's the
other thing I want to make clear. I don't mind being employed
by a lobbyist. But I advise lobbyists rather than do the pitch
myself. I am happy to find out information, but I think that is
slightly different. The advisory committee normally gives us advice.
Then the other thing is, the House of Lords Register of Interests,
every company that you work for you list the company whether as
a director or consultant. In this case, if it is a parliamentary
consultancy then you can state in the contract, but I only do
general consultancy. I would write down that I came to an agreement
with Michael Johnston. That's it, then your client list is confidential.
It's not really anyone's business who your clients are.
JC: I see, you'd register it just as
parliamentary. We would not be pushing you into break any rules
in so far as it would be parliamentary work.
LT: It wouldn't be exclusively parliamentary
work. I wouldn't be employed as a parliamentary advocate or lobbyist.
That's a key definition. I would advise clients ... interests
or whatever. It might be that the next one has a broader remit.
CN: And how does it work with your current
consultancies. Do you work on a retainer basis?
LT: As I say I am a non-executive director
of several companies. I'm also a consultant to those companies
... There are two companies I currently do consulting for, one
is a
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Smart metering company and financial
PR company Gavin Anderson, one of their clients is Gazprom. Do
you know Gavin Anderson?
JC: Yes.
LT ... They do have some big clients.
You would have to judge whether that is of itself a conflict.
From what you are saying, it is quite easy to separate out. Separate
clients, separate interests. Certainly, what you are talking about
is different to the sort of stuff I have done in the past. Things
like British Energy, IPOs, Gazprom.
JC: What are Gazprom's interests in
the UK? Do they have them?
LT: Well without breaching confidentiality,
Gazprom employs three agencies worldwide, Gplus in Brussels, Ketchum
in the US and Gavin Anderson in UK. They advise them on financial
pr, their image, how to present things. They have been quite busy
on Ukraine and I had lunch with Alexander ... the deputy CEO of
Gazprom for Britain. So I am in contact with Gazprom but mainly
through Gavin Anderson. That's a slightly different thing as I
am regarded as a Russia expert, three books on Russia.
JC: So both energy and Russia dovetail
quite nicely.
LT: I was involved with Russia before
I was involved in energy and I've got to know energy through Russia.
JC: I was wondering if Gazprom have
any interests here?
LT: Two years ago they had nothing in
the UK. Now they employ 200 people and have 5 per cent of the
retail market and they also use London as their base for carbon
trading. They use it as a base for expanding to the US and their
gas trading arm is here. They are mainly based in Manchester.
They have got another office in Richmond. So they are quite vigorously
expanding. This is Gazprom Markets and Trading UK, this is an
off-shoot of Gazprom, their foreign export retail arm. So there
are all sorts of issues there as well that are under discussion.
How much companies like Gazprom should have in the UK market.
Same with EDF, but a bit more sensitive with Gazprom, as you can
JC: I didn't realise there was a limit
on how much of the market Gazprom could have in the UK.
LT: There's not a formal limit. There
was a row a few years back when Gazprom started buying up big
assets or UK companies and there was disagreement between Blair
and Brown. Blair basically said. I wrote a report a couple of
years ago. I am an associate fellow of the Royal United Services
Institute and I'm currently writing a report on energy security.
I wrote a report a couple of years ago and there was really basically
a row between Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, which sucked in Alan
Johnson. Tony Blair was basically saying `we are an open civilised
market so if they want to come in they can do what they like'.
Gordon Brown was saying, `hold on there are political issues.
Are we going to let the Russians have the power to switch our
lights off'? So there was a bit of debate about that and it was
never really reconciled. Certainly when I was energy minister
they were very wary about letting
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Gazprom in and there were other issues,
security issues as well. Some of which is secret. Now it's still
very sensitive. The UK arm of Gazprom is gradually expanding in
the UK and expanding in the retail sector. The big issue a couple
of years ago was Gazprom buying Centrica. That was a security
issue. So, those sort of things I would advise them on as well.
CN: Do you work with other clients at
Gavin Anderson or is it just Gazprom?
LT: The way it works is that they say
`we have a client that wants to talk to you about this'. They
fix up a dinner or whatever ... There have been other clients.
It's in the public domain. We have talked about British Energy.
We also have occasional meetings when we just talk about issues
that are of interest to them and their clients. Or they will ask
me, `could you find out about this that and the other?' Your earlier
question was how does this work with me. I work on a retainer
basis. Usually with a consultancy thing it's for one or two days
a month. I don't do time-sheets or anything but generally it works
that the company calls on or will use me one or two days a month,
sort of time wise.
JC: So it's an hour here and there?
LT: Yeah generally, it can vary. If
I am asked to attend a conference in Zurich or something then
that can be a whole day and sometimes it can vary. Some months
I may only do a few hours and another month, you know, you get
two days or so. I find it sort of balances out.
CN: Much more. .
JC: It's the sort of work you could
say, we want 16 hours out of you a month?
LT: Yeah, it does vary and it is flexible.
The other way is that what we would normally do is sign a contact
with a 12-month review period so if you are not happy you just
don't continue. But touch wood so far everyone is all right with
it. It may be that a relationship comes to an end for financial
reasons in that we've achieved all your aims.
JC: What's the going rate?
LT: Well my rate.
JC: What's your rate, I suppose?
LT: Well, I get paid £2,000 a day.
JC: So, in effect, that's £4,000
a month.
LT: If you want two days or if you want
one day then
CN: Yeah. Right ok.
JC: Oh, I see, so we can do it either
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LT: The other thing is, that I would
say as well is that, it depends on how much time you want and
what you want me to do. You make a decision and a plan. You can
say well, we've got enough for you to do for one day, but probably
not two days. Or you can say well we'll take you on for one day
and then we will review it after 12 months.
CN: And see whether it needs to be increased
or not.
LT: Increased or you think, you know,
whatever. We can review the situation and see if you are happy
with the arrangement. That's pretty standard really here really
I think.
CN: Yeah.
LT: You'll find I think that rates vary
from £1,000 to £5,000 a day so I think, you know, that's
what I would propose.
JC: I don't think the money is the problem.
In fact it won't really be us who pays it but the client.
LT: Yes
JC: He's quite relaxed about it. I think
it's just a question of getting the right person.
LT: Yes
JC: Presumably, if he were to come to
the UK, you could show him around?
LT: Oh yes.
CN: Do you ever arrange dinners in the
LT: Absolutely yes. Just before Christmas
I had the head of the Bank of International Cooperation come my
way, the CEO ... I've done dinners before, lunches, shown people
round. I've shown the Gazprom people around. I showed them around
the Commons and Lords and after dinner they wanted to see the
chamber. They quite enjoyed that. If I have a lunch or dinner
here, as an individual member I can bring 6 people without a problem.
If we need a few more I can always get a colleague to -. Also
you can hire private rooms for lunch or dinner ...
[Talks about arranging lunch or dinner
or afternoon tea for clients]
JC: Just going back to the business
rates bill, which is one of the things our client has highlighted
to us. It's in its second reading in the Commons, so it's not
at its beginning anymore. In practice, if we were to try and amend
it, to say for example that new companies would be exempt for
a certain period, would you be looking for people who were like
minded to do that sort of thing or.
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LT: Or try to persuade them. One or
other.You start in the Commons, but it's easier to amend things
here. The government has lost two votes in the Commons since 1997
and lost more than 400 votes in the Lords. And because of the
in-built government majority in the Commons it's a lot easier
to amend things here. The government has got about 28% of members
in the Lords so it has got no in-built government majority.
JC: Does that mean they are more likely
to make concessions here?
LT: Yes, they're more likely to lose
votes, so that's when the Lords comes into its own as sort of
a revival chamber. So, in that sense it's easier to get things
amended here.
JC: Do you have to put down a formal
amendment or is it a process in which the bill is still being
written in effect and someone writes it in?
LT: You can get the government to amend
its own bill, provided you can convince a minister or officials
that they can make amendments. They may do that because they would
prefer to amend it themselves rather than have it imposed on them
even though it may be fairly similar, it may be more restrictive.
In those cases ...They may well amend it themselves so they feel
they are in control.
There will be a bill team, policy director
who is responsible and you need to talk to those people first
and then the minister as well. And then
JC: And you could arrange all of that?
LT: Yeah. I mean, yeah. Especially with
the bill team, ministers, all that. I can advise on procedure
and people to deal with in the Commons but obviously when it comes
to the Lords it's far more within my ambit to influence it than
in the Commons.
JC: Because you know the officials or
LT: I know the officials and I can contact
the officials as it goes through the Commons stages but in terms
of influencing members and knowing the people, I know people better
up here than in the Commons. I still know people in the House
of Commons, some are ex-colleagues, but because of the government
in-built majority as well it's sort of easier in the Lords to
achieve what you want really. If the bill comes through the Commons,
you have first, we have the first bite of cherry there, the second
bite here and you may even have a third bite.
CN: So you've got lots of opportunities?
LT: Yes ... And the other thing is I
also have staff as well. [Talks about staff and space] In reality,
a lot of it comes down to me. The head of a bill team is not going
to talk to a researcher.
JC: So it sounds as if broadly you would
be able to do it.
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LT: In principle yes. I do similar things
and I've got the time to do it currently within what I am doing.
As I say, the life is part-time. I'm still working less hard then
when I was energy minister. They give you the odd red box at the
end of the day. I was lucky to get half a week off. The energy
thing was interesting. I think being a government minister is
over-rated though. I think if you don't really enjoy the brief
you shouldn't really do it. So, I may go back to government at
some stage in the future but I am quite happy to do other things
for a while. Gordon has invited me back a couple of time as it
were. The first time it wasn't really my particular thing.
Conversation trails off and they
walk back to the peer's entrance.
That evening (January 14) Lord Truscott
sent Calvert an email enclosing his CV
Dear David,
It was good to meet you and Claire this
afternoon for tea. I attach my cv and addendum for your information.
In principle, I think working together could be of great mutual
interest and benefit. As I mentioned, probably 1-2 days per month
would probably be sufficient, depending on the intensity of your
campaign and work programme, with a review after 12 months.
Do get in touch when you've had time
to think about if further, and we could then have a follow-up
meeting to finalise the details, if you are happy to proceed.
Best wishes,
The CV
Former UK Energy Minister and Department
of Trade and Industry Government Spokesperson in the House of
Lords; author and expert on Russia, the former Soviet Union, the
EU, political risk management and defence; media broadcaster;
former Member of the European Parliament.
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Currently a consultant and non-executive
director working mainly with energy, mining and public affairs
1. Political:
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
for Energy (UK Energy Minister) at the Department of Trade and
Industry and Government DTI Spokesperson in the House of Lords,
UK's (sole) Energy Minister, with responsibility
under the Secretary of State at the DTI (Alistair Darling), for
oil and gas, coal, the North Sea, renewables, nuclear power and
security, transmission and distribution, security of energy supply,
the Shareholder Executive (including BE), sustainable development
and the environment, energy infrastructure planning issues and
tackling fuel poverty. Represented the UK at the EU's Energy Council
of Ministers and the International Energy Agency. Jointly responsible
for producing and publishing 2007 Energy White Paper.
Lord (Peter) Truscott of St James's
was appointed a Labour Peer on 1 of May 2004.
Departmental Liaison Peer
to the UK Ministry of Defence, 2004-06.
Hon. Secretary, All-Party
Parliamentary Group for the Army, 2004-06, 07-
British Council Ambassador,
Russian Federation and republics of the former Soviet Union, 2005-06,
European Union Select Committee,
Sub-Ctee C (Foreign Affairs, Defence and Development Policy),
House of Lords, 2005-6, 2007-
Elected Member of the European Parliament
for Hertfordshire, June 1994-July 1999:
Member of the Foreign Affairs,
Security and Defence Policy Committee, 1994-99.
Vice-President of the Security
Sub-Committee, 1994-99.
Labour spokesperson in the
European Parliament for Foreign Affairs and Defence and departmental
link person for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and
Ministry of Defence (MoD), January 1997-July 1999.
Member of the European Parliament's
delegation for relations with the Russian Federation and the EU-Russia
Parliamentary Cooperation Committee.
Shadow Rapporteur on the
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with the Russian Federation,
and the EU's Common Strategy towards the Russian Federation.
Official observer of the
Duma elections, December 1995, and the Russian Presidential elections
of 1996, on behalf of the European Parliament. Observed the 1999
Duma elections as long-term observer and expert with the OSCE.
Co-ordinated and drafted
response to the UK's Strategic Defence Review (SDR), submitted
to the Secretary of State for Defence in the Commons Library.
Sunday Times Lord Truscott page 13 of
Co-ordinated and drafted
response to future European defence cooperation and the Common
Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), and submitted to the FCO and
European Parliament's rapporteur
on future relations with Central Asia and Estonia's association
Attracted £120 million
in EU loans and grants to Hertfordshire, 1994-99.
2. Education:
Oxford University, Exeter College, 1978-85.
M.A and D.Phil. ("The Korean War in British Foreign and Domestic
Policy, 1950-52"), Modern History, 1985. B.A. (Hons), Upper
Second, Modern History, 1981; Exeter College History Prize, 1981.
3. Employment:
2008-: Non-Executive Director
and consultant, Gulf Keystone Petroleum Ltd; Non-Executive Director
and consultant, African Minerals Ltd; Non-Executive Director and
consultant, Eastern Petroleum Corporation Ltd; Director, Energy
Enterprises Ltd.
Consultant, Landis + Gyr Group.
Associate Partner and Adviser, Opus
Executive Partners, professional executive search firm and strategic
Consultant, Gavin Anderson, global communications
and financial public relations company.
Currently writing a report for the Royal
United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies, provisionally
entitled "European Energy Security- Facing a future of increasing
dependency", for publication with ISBN number in July 2009.
2006-07: Parliamentary Under-Secretary
of State for Energy at the Department of Trade and Industry and
DTI Government Spokesperson in the House of Lords.
2005-06, 2008- : Associate Fellow,
Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies,
Whitehall, London. Published a Royal United Services Institute
report on political risk management in the energy and defence
sectors: The Ascendancy of Political Risk Management and its
Implications for Global Security and Business Investment (RUSI,
November 2006). Worked closely with companies in the energy and
defence sectors to assess their levels of political risk and mitigation
2004- : Appointed Life Peer,
1 May 2004 (Baron Truscott of St James's in the City of Westminster).
Completed a year-long Industry and Parliament
Trust placement with ConocoPhillips, BAE Systems, KPMG and Marsh
to assess different commercial approaches to risk management (2004-05).
Subsequently elected Fellow, Industry and Parliament Trust.
2002- : Worked on internationally
acclaimed political biography of President Vladimir Putin: Putin's
Progress: A biography of Russia's enigmatic President
Sunday Times Lord Truscott page 14 of
Vladimir Putin (published by
Simon and Schuster in several languages from 1 March 2004 and
then paperback, January 2005).
1999-02: Wrote and published
the international bestseller Kursk: Russia's Lost Pride (Simon
and Schuster, 2002). Subsequently turned into a National Geographic
Discovery Channel documentary, presented by the author.
Visiting, then Associate Research Fellow,
Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), Published major IPPR
report on European defence, European Defence: Meeting the Strategic
Challenge (IPPR, 2000). Launched by the UK Defence Secretary,
Geoff Hoon, who said the report was "... a significant contribution
to an increasingly important debate". Involved working closely
with defence companies engaged in the European defence market.
Independent policy analyst, author and
broadcaster. Wrote scores of articles (see addendum).
Long-term Election Observer in the Russian
Duma Elections with the Organisation for Security and Cooperation
in Europe (OSCE);
Senior expert with the European Commission
on a TACIS project in Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia, advising on
establishing a European Policy and Legal Advice Centre to develop
democracy and economic prosperity;
1994-99: MEP for Hertfordshire.
Wrote two parliamentary reports and
Russia First, a book on Yeltsin's Russia (IB Tauris, 1997).
The latter became a university text book on Russian foreign policy.
1989-94: National Association
for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders (NACRO), Team Leader
and later Manager.
1986-89: Labour Party Political
and Campaign Organiser.
4. Media experience
Extensive media experience has included
regular appearances on: BBC Newsnight, CNN (including 30 minutes
on Q & A twice), Sky UK, European and World News, BBC TV News,
BBC Breakfast, Breakfast with Frost, BBC News 24 and World, national
radio ("Today", "PM", and the "World
at One", "World Tonight", BBC World Service, Radio
2 Jimmy Young programme, Radio 4, 5 Live and UK Talk Radio), regional
TV and local and regional radio stations, plus BBC Wales and Scotland.
Appeared on Russia's NTV several times. Presenter and author for
the National Geographic Discovery Channel's documentary, Seconds
from Disaster: Sinking of the Kursk.
6. Personal
Sunday Times Lord Truscott page 15 of
Peter Truscott was born in Newton Abbot,
Devon, on 20 March 1959. Married Russian-born Svetlana (nee Chernicova)
Truscott, June 1991. Late father-in-law was Professor Colonel
Nicolai Chernikov of St Petersburg.
Hobbies are swimming, walking and the
7. Languages
Knowledge of Russian, French and Spanish.
8. References
Available on request.
9. Address for correspondence, etc:
Calvert sent Truscott the following
email on Friday 16 January 2009
Dear Peter,
Thanks so much for your CV. I've sent
it to Mr Jaing who is very impressed and appears keen to take
things further. He's particularly anxious to get cracking on amending
the Business Rates Supplement Bill as soon as possible.
Sorry it has taken so long to get back
to you but I've been very busy this week. Are you free next week
to finalise details? I'll be free on Tues and Weds in the afternoon
and my diary is empty on Thursday.
Can you remind me of your day rate/
I didn't write it down and Claire and I remember different figures.
Was it £3,750 a day?
Kind Regards
The following is Lord Truscott's reply
on Friday 16 January 2009:
Dear David,
Good to hear from you. Currently I charge
£2,000 per day, plus VAT. I think the only question was whether
you would require 1 or 2 days per month, or even more, depending
on the intensity of your campaign. One- two days usually covers
a watching brief on your areas on interest, with advice and input
so you achieve your aims. Obviously, we'd have to make a rough
assessment of how much time and input you want me to commit. After
my meeting with you and Claire, and the urgency of your issues,
my feeling is that two days per month could be sufficient, with
a review after 12 months.
I'm free on Wednesday afternoon. Would
you care to come in for tea again at 3.30pm, Peers' Entrance?
Best wishes,
Sunday Times Lord Truscott page 16 of
Calvert sent the following email to
Lord Truscott on 20 January 2009
Thank you Peter.
We can do Wednesday afternoon but I
have a diary clash. Would you be able to come for tea with us
at The St James's Hotel and Club, 7-8 Park Place, SW1, at 4.30pm?
It just make our logistics easier.
Many thanks.
Lord Truscott replied on 20 January
Dear David,
That's not a problem, I'll come to you.
I've meanwhile found out more about the Business Rate Supplements
Bill, which had its Second Reading on 12 January, and is now in
Committee in the Commons and heading for the Lords, but we can
discuss that tomorrow.
Calvert replied on Wednesday 21 January
Dear Lord Truscott,
See you later today. Many thanks.
Kind regards
Sunday Times Lord Truscott page 17 of
he will deal with the Lords himself.
He is also willing to attend meetings in which the lobbyists will
be making representations to officials or members of the two houses.
He goes on to describe how he met the key figures when promoting
his paid-for client's interests in the Energy Bill. He suggests
that his role helped ensure that the legislation was favourable
to his client.
CN : Oh, Lord Truscott, hello, we're
just round there ...
LT: Oh are you, hello.
CN: Hello. Nice to see you, sorry about
LT: That's all right.
CN: I was worried we'd got the time
wrong or something.
LT: No, I was wondering which part you'd
be in.
CN: I thought I'd come and have a check
before we gave you a call.
JC: Hello, hi.
LT: Hi, I think we were sat at the wrong
JC: Oh how embarrassing. Well, we've
got this rather large table, and we've got scones. These have
got cinnamon in and they're quite delicious.
LT: Right, I'll have one.
JC: Have you been waiting long?
LT: No, no. Just a few minutes, just
got comfortable, got a glass of orange juice.
JC: Did you walk up here or did you
LT: Yes, yes. I walked from the Lords.
I usually walk down from there because I've got a place in ***.
So, I walk down to the Lords and walk back.
CN: It's quite a nice walk. Do you cut
through St. James's?
LT: Yeah, yeah.
CN: Lovely isn't it?
LT: Yeah then down Lower Regent's street,
Pall Mall, walk through steps and through the park.
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JC: Because I reckon it was probably
the nicest day of the year so far, not that the year is very old.
CN: A couple of weeks.
LT: Yes and the light is very good
CN: Yes quite warm as well today. The
sun in your face when it was shining, it was lovely. I'm sure
it will be quite a cold evening with the clear skies but at least
it was pleasant today.
LT: No rain as well which is good. I
don't mind the cold.
CN: Yes, I don't like the rain either.
Well I'm forever losing my brollies so it just means I get wet.
LT: I remember the brollies I used to
leave in phone booths in the old days before mobile phones came.
Make a phone call and leave it on the side and that would be that.
JC: You don't really see phone boxes
much any longer. Well, working ones are sort of few and far between.
CN: Apart from tourists standing in
a couple that are left. They just want them for picture purposes
as they pose on the phone.
LT: Yeah, I suppose they've got to keep
a few open.
JC: I reckon that's a plum jam. I'm
trying to work it out.
CN: No it's not plum I think it could
be fig or something.
LT: Yes fig.
CN: Because of the consistency. Plum's
a lot more jelly-like.
JC: We spoke to Mr Jiang and I think
in principle we're almost there. He's got to find, I mean he was
quite impressed with your CV and your background so I think hopefully
we can get to work asap on ...
LT: I did a bit of preliminary work
on it, not too much but I went through the second reading, it's
already gone through second reading.
JC: That must have been last week.
LT: Yes, so we've got a sort of programme
... it's in committee, so it will be a couple of days in committee
on the 20th and 22nd where it can be amended. There are also public
hearings where interest groups can give their view from the British
Chamber of Commerce to the General British Retail Consortium,
Society of Chartered Surveyors and various interest groups and
local authorities and the rest. So they'll be giving
Sunday Times Lord Truscott page 19 of
evidence as the bill goes through and
then there will be amendments put down and the Liberals have already
started to put down amendments and they'll be taken at committee
stage and report stage. It's due to come out of committee on Feb.
JC: This is a committee for the House
of Commons?
LT: Yes.
JC: Because you have a separate committee
don't you and you go through all the same things in the Lords?
(1 hour)
LT: Yes, it'll go through all that and
it'll come through the Lords in March. There will be a second
reading, committee stage with amendments then report stage and
third reading where amendments can still go through. And, in fact,
they're more likely to go through. It's interesting in the second
reading that the Tories call a vote to vote against the second
reading which is unusual because normally it's a vote on the principle,
sorry a debate on the principle of the bill. But the Tories are
clearly very unhappy about what it could mean for businesses.
They're calling it a stealth tax in effect, saying it would create
a burden to business. I think the estimates are that it would
cost £360m to £600m in extra cost that it will create.
So they called a vote on the second reading but they said they
weren't opposed to it as far as Crossrail is concerned. The funding
was agreed sometime ago to specifically fund Crossrail in London
and even Boris Johnson and the LGA were in favour of that. So,
the Tories sort of voted against but said they would still be
in favour of Crossrail. I think the party support a supplementary
rate of some form to support Crossrail, that's all party. The
Liberals supported the government on the second reading, only
the Tories voted against. Their line was again to support Crossrail
and they have a philosophical point that they believe in more
power being devolved to local authorities. But they really want
to see a local income tax. However, although the Liberals voted
with government on this, there were concerns about the lack of
balance because one of the main things that the Tories have said
and that business interests have said is before these supplementary
rates can be applied, there should be a ballot involving businesses
... and that they should sign up to it only if they want it in
their area for the upper tier level or unitary authority. So they're
saying there should be a ballot and I think the Liberals could
be sympathetic to that. So looking at it politically, there is
no chance that the bill could be defeated but there is a chance
of it being amended as it goes through.
This local business development scheme,
there is, in effect, a ballot and I think that is an area that
can be looked at. But as I say because you have the government
and the Liberals signed up to the bill, particularly as they would
see it as under-cutting Crossrail as they would be against it.
It could well be a majority against and even if the government
gets through the Commons stage it would have to get through the
JC: It would probably be very difficult
to raise unless the local businesses felt very strongly that this
is something that is going to benefit them.
LT: Uh huh, even in the bill as it currently
stands, if any project is identified as being for economic development,
which this supplementary rate bill would provide more
Sunday Times Lord Truscott page 20 of
than a third of the funding, then there
would have to be ballot anyway. So, that is already in the bill.
JC: So it's just a question of extending
it to service ... for all funding?
LT: Yes. The other thing is about the
rateable value. There is also scope for amendment because there
will be a rate revaluation next year. Currently there is a cap
of £50 for businesses and the government is saying that 91%
of businesses will not be affected because of the rateable value
but the Conservatives and one or two others are saying well once
the rateable value is changed next year and a lot more businesses
will come within the
net. Clearly, there has already been
a degree of lobbying on this from the BCI, chamber of commerce,
so there will be allies in this on work being done to amend the
bill and it does seem pretty strange given the economic cycle.
There is the concern as well that if the local authorities, if
they are having their council tax kept down they may just use
it as another funding tool.
The other thing said at the second reading
debate, they said in the lottery that it would only be used in
cases of conditionality when the clear conditional spending is
not on core local government spending but the lottery did it in
the end... but it would be watered down later on. I think that's
quite a dangerous precedent.
JC: So in terms of procedure ... you've
got the committee stage for the Commons later this month. Say,
for instance, our suggestion of an exemption for new businesses,
would it be possible to get an amendment on that as early as the
committee stage?
LT: Well it depends, I mean, what I
was going to ask you was what does your client actually want,
I mean, what are they seeking to achieve?
JC: Well he would like both really,
both a ballot and then as extra security, an exemption for business
for the first two years if you're a new business.
LT: No matter what the time, kind or
the rateable value?
JC: Yes. Because he assumes that all
of his premises are going to be big premises and therefore the
properties are going to be over the £50,000. I mean, we could
draft the amendment ourselves I suppose, but you have to get a
parliamentary draftsman to do it presumably?
LT: Not necessarily. You can sort of,
um ... well it maybe better to get a member to put it through
the public bill office so that they put it in the right language.
But a lot of organisations, if they have lawyers, they do the
drafting themselves or alternatively you can work with the public
bills office to get the wording right.
JC: The question is how do we get the
amendment into the committee?
Sunday Times Lord Truscott page 21 of
LT: Well there are a number of things
you can do. First of all you need to get all the evidence ...whether
they're doing something similar along the same lines or pretend
you are ...because normally they'll produce briefings when it
appears ... and they'll suggest various amendments and they'll
be going round various peers lobbying in effect ... and then saying
.here's an amendment, this is the reason for it, maybe you should
put it ...You find that sometimes if individuals or opposition
groups, if they agree with the argument, well, they'll just adopt
it because it's a lot easier for them to take ready made amendments
than to think of it themselves. Usually a frontbencher, they have
got one researcher or something and they will be snowed under,
so it a lot easier for them to take a template from someone else
and just bang it in as an amendment. First of all you need to
work out whether the other lobby groups like the Chamber of Commerce
are already doing that so you don't duplicate.
CN: As far as I know they are on board
with the idea of a vote but not the exemption for businesses
LT: Then really on that one what you
need to then do is identify private frontbenchers who are taking
it through the Lords. Caroline Spellman has just been made a shadow
local government representative so then it comes down to the local
government communities department. Those would be the teams. Hazel
Blears is doing it for the government and has overall control
and John Healey takes it through the second reading to Sadiq Kahn
... so once you know what you want to do ... you could then have
a meeting with opposition mps or individual mps and persuade them
of the argument and ask them to bang in this amendment. Providing
that they think it's a logical argument then they'll probably
go along with it and the other thing is ... Try and get the CBI
and other groups to do the same thing. Why aren't the CBI fundraising
every time ...?
CN: I don't know if they have a problem
with it but they seem to be just focusing on the vote thing maybe
because they think it's achievable because of the other vote system
that's in place for the business district thing ... I don't know
LT: What's the logic ... in terms of
new business ... so that you encourage investment and don't deter
JC: It's a very difficult time for any
new business. You'd have thought the government would want to
encourage new business especially the retail sector where we're
losing businesses all the time ... so we propose a two year exemption
LT: No matter what it ...? I mean there
may be an argument that if it's a well off business then maybe
it can afford it ... I'm just saying their might be an argument.
Small businesses, ok, but if you have a big conglomerate like
Walmart well what's the need to exempt them. So you'd have to
have the counter argument for that ....
CN: Well I suppose we want a full high
JC: How far are you able to help us
in all of this?
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LT: Well as I said to you before, I
can work with you over it and it is identifying people and obviously
following it, and identifying people too, meeting people, I mean,
talking with people to facilitate the amendment and making sure
the thing is granted. I think it's got to be a sort of partnership
as it were, because I don't think that for even two days a month
I'm going to be able to go away and do the whole shooting match
on my own. But if it's approached as a partnership then I think
JC: Do you know Caroline Spelman?
LT: Caroline Spelman? No. I know some
of the mps and I know all of the Tories in the Lords and I have
no problems approaching them. I mean, I think as I said it might
be worth having the first bite of the cherry in the Commons.
JC: 22nd/23rd this month, I've just
thought well, that must be this week.
LT: Yes, they have already had one committee
JC: When you first said it, I thought
you were talking about later in the month.
LT: So ... [lists dates] until 3rd
Feb then it's end of the committee. So it will be through all
of its stages in the Lords by March so this is why I was saying
to you that one day a month is probably not enough because even
doing background work for it takes a day ... so to monitor it
going through all its stages.
J: Could we structure it so that we
did more days at the beginning? I don't know what your period
LT: Well that's possible. But I think
it should be doable in a couple of days really. I'm going to take
on a researcher in the next week or two to assist me with this
and other things ... Have you done things like this here before?
CN: No, not so much here ... we wanted
to expand public affairs things. And unfortunately, it's all happening
very quickly for this particular client so we have to get a move
on really.
LT: Well we could say ... what I've
done with other organisations is say well I could do a minimum
of two days but then if you feel we really need to give this a
push, say to me, can you do more days? And I'll put more time
into it. For me it's just a question of time and the other thing
is I think it's better to develop a relationship with the client
to have a sort of minimum commitment so that I don't just put
in an awful lot of time over three months and that's it. Because
also I'm doing other things. But I think in this situation if
we say a minimum of two days ... then you thought well you can
give me a bit of a push if you need to do more then you can ask
me ... to do more days.
Sunday Times Lord Truscott page 23 of
CN: And you can see if you have the
time ...
LT: Or you may think that two days is
adequate the way it's going your end. But I agree that you have
to get on with it because amendments are already going through,
then it's already going in.
JC: Yes, I'm assuming that during our
two days for us you're contacting people for us ... is that ...
and contacting people could take days or it could take two minutes
and that's the difficult thing isn't it?
LT: There are a number of things that
need to be done. First of all, you need to follow the bill as
it goes through all of its different stages. So that means someone
has got to be reading all of the debates and all of the stages
and I'll keep an eye on the progress of the bill and then I think
the other thing is identifying who could be approached to put
forward amendments at various stages and maybe other bodies to
contact. So, that then that comes down to a bit of a mix. You
talking to some people, me talking to some people, sometimes both
of us talking to people to put something through. Really, you
have to feel your way a little bit. Some people like to do it
over a cup of tea in a tearoom, some people prefer to have a proper
presentation and so on So you have to be careful that people don't
feel they're having their arms twisted up their backs ... because
then there will be a reaction.
JC: To an extent, I think people will
feel better dealing with you as a fellow peer and former minister
... because they don't know us and we come from nowhere ...
LT: And there would be a different style
maybe in the Commons and in the Lords. I mean, in the Commons,
it might be better for me to identify the MP but for you to talk
to mps unless I particularly know an MP and have a word with him
and then I see the Lords people on my own because I know everyone
in the Lords who is active. So, I'm quite happy to do that on
my own. It may well be a sort of combination that if we set up
a meeting, say in the Commons, and say we've got Lord Truscott
and even in the Commons ... say you know, we've got Lord Truscott
and he'd like to come along ... you know, representations are
being made. I'm also happy to do that ...
CN: So if I were to set up a meeting
for you and I to go along and see someone.
LT: But I mean, what I ... In these
sort of situations, what I usually do is, I don't do all the leg
work myself. I'm there to give advice and to talk to people and
I'm quite happy to talk to mps and ... with officials and do the
behind the scenes stuff. As I said to you before, I don't think
I would be comfortable moving amendments myself ... because I
think people would complain it would be a direct interest.
JC: But the question is, you would be
able to find someone who could?
LT: Yes, yes. That's right. I mean,
I can speak on the subject just to declare an interest if I feel
that's required but I think its better to ... and from what I've
seen certainly on the balance you're pushing at the door on the
Conservatives and Liberals but the exemption which no one else
has mentioned. It's a question of getting that on the radar ...
Sunday Times Lord Truscott page 24 of
JC: It's a question of getting someone
to raise it ...
LT: The logical people would be the
Tories actually ... Are you prepared to disclose your clients
and the scale of investment ...say well we know a company that's
willing to invest x amount in the UK but given this regime they're
going to go somewhere else? If you can give ... ammunition for
members to use ... in the chamber ....
JC: What about the minister? It would
be John Healey would it? Is he someone you know?
LT: Yes, I know John Healey.
JC: Is it worth talking to him?
LT: Yes, yeah. Certainly I can ... erm,
yeah, can arrange ... there's no problem with me approaching the
minister either at the committee stage or the report stage ...
and saying, because it's usually a common thing that's done. That's
the other people you need to contact, the bill team ... because
they will brief mps and peers so there is plenty of opportunity
for exchange between mps and peers.
CN: The bill team brief mps and peers?
LT: And the minister. Together. Whether
it's John Healey in the Commons or the minister taking it through
in the Lords which will probably be ... Kay Andrews ... as local
government communities minister there ... probably be Kay Andrews.
CN: Is that something we can find out
now, who it will be in the Lords or does that happen nearer the
LT: We can find that now. I already
spoke to the chief whip's special advisor, so ... he was a little
hazy on the details. But you know, you can go directly to the
department or have it progressed through ... they do usually offer
briefing papers and certainly I could ask for a briefing and use
that as the time to say, well have you thought about this?
Of course, though, the minister may
or may not take it on board. Usually, they won't take it on board
unless they think there's a head of steam behind it and they could
lose a vote. Because departments are usually quite rigid, they
have got their bill and they don't want to amend it unless they
have to.
JC: Well, you can see that they see
it as a finished piece of work presumably, don't they?
LT: Yes, they've been working on it
for years ...
JC: It's like saying to them why didn't
you spot this in the first place. I suppose, its making the case
that a lot of businesses might be more comfortable with the bill
in ...
Sunday Times Lord Truscott page 25 of
LT: Again, bringing it back to the Energy
Bill. I had meetings with the bill team and the relevant minister
and the head of policy actually, at BERR.
CN: It's all DECC now isn't it?
LT: Yes, it is DECC now. So all that
is possible and that's fine, I don't mind doing that.
JC: What was your objective? To amend
the Energy Bill?
LT: Well I was keeping an eye on the
smart metering in particular, but also, I was interested in general
elements of the bill, energy security and all that stuff. But
the specific thing was smart metering.
CN: Yes, of course you were working
for the smart metering client.
JC: And did you manage to get it amended
in that instance?
LT: They got the result they wanted.
In terms of the, they wanted a commitment that smart metering
would be in the bill and that it would be rolled out. And both
commitments were (eg)
JC: Were they in the bill originally?
LT: There was some debate about whether
they would be in, and there was certainly no government commitment
to when it, the roll out would
JC: So you managed to get that changed
so that it would be in there?
LT: Yes, yes. So again, it was pushing
at an open door ... Knew as minister that the government was keen
on the principal of smart meters ... Getting them from a general
position to actually getting them to do it.
CN: Well of course if they put it in
the bill, then it becomes an Act and then they are committed to
that in legislation, rather than just potentially.
LT: In this bill the government will
have to make concessions, otherwise they will start losing clauses
and their priority is for Crossrail and to use the supplementary
rate bill to do it. And they will try and resist amendments but
at the end of the day they are going to make concessions to get
the bill through. They don't want it voted down but there is clearly
a majority from them ... to push it through.
Sunday Times Lord Truscott page 26 of
JC: Quite interesting your experience
with the Energy Bill. Quite instructive to us. Presumably, at
some point there has to be a piece of paper with an amendment?
How did you actually manage to find the right person to do that
in that particular instance?
LT: Well it has to be a member that
has to move the amendment. So even if its, it can be a frontbencher
or an individual member.
JC: A member of the Commons or Lords?
LT: Yes.
JC: So with the smart energy you found
a person who was willing to
LT: Yes, the amendments were moved in
both the Commons and the Lords on that one.
JC: And that effectively gave, those
amendments gave, changed the legislation in so far as it took
account of your client's view, your client's needs.
LT: Erm, well I mean, yeah. I mean,
they were happy with the result. I mean as I say it was pushing
at an open door in a way because government policy was going that
way. It was a question of getting government to firm up its position
on it.
CN: There's a far more formal commitment
when it's written down ...which is useful. Bash them over the
head I say!
JC: We were talking to Lord Taylor the
other day.
LT: Yes I know him.
JC: I wonder about that ... in terms
of ... Cantax do gas storage which is something you presumably
know quite a bit about. It's not a clash is it with your work
that you do for Gazprom?
LT: No, because they're the retail side
... So they're interested in expanding the retail market ... I
think they supply for some commercial customers as well. But they're
not into storage facilities as well.
JC: Is a competitor to Cantax, Wingas?
LT: They're German though, aren't they?
JC: I thought they were looking to do
some offshore storage in the UK.
LT: There's a limit to the offshore
storage that we have got. There is a bit debate about how we should
increase our offshore storage ... I think we have a week's supply
... It was very important when we had North Sea gas. Now the majority
of our
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gas comes from Norway. But in the future
as North Sea stocks decline we will become more dependant on Europe.
Storage will become more of an issue.
JC: It's quite unpopular isn't it. I
think Cantax are looking to put a big storage depot in the North
West. It's one of those nimby-isms.
LT: They used to have those big storage
things in every town.
JC: Yes, yes. I guess if we have more
gas-fired power stations then we'll need even greater storage.
LT: Yes. And the whole security of supply
debate as well. As you say there is a degree of nimby-ism there.
So going offshore is a good thing if you can do it.
CN: Is it very difficult?
LT: It's usually more expensive. But
it's something we should probably be looking at.
JC: Does that mean storing it underground,
LT: Well, yes you can sort of ... aquifers
and old mines and things.
JC: So you'd have like an oil rig ...
LT: I'm not sure about the technical
side but there are several different ways you can do it. The CCS,
one of the ideas for storing carbon was in old mines, going out
into the North Sea ... specialised facility.
JC: Is there anything else we need to
discuss at this point?
LT: Well, we just need to draw up a
contract. Presumably you've done similar sort of consultancy so
you don't need a template for me, you have your own. So on the
basis of a couple of days minimum ... hopefully you will have
further requirements after this client.
JC: Initially were looking at amending
this bill ...in future if we take on Canatxx, we may wish to take
on your expertise. That's just a for instance.
LT: They want to develop storage?
JC: Yes. I think there were planning
and some political issues.
LT: It depends on the scale. If it's
fairly large scale, it can run under the new infrastructure planning
commission so it doesn't get bogged down in local planning ...
it depends on the level.
JC: We are talking about a year initially
aren't we?
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LT: Yes, twelve months initially and
then we can decide if both parties are happy. That's what I've
done with all of the other.
JC: That's quite straight forward. We
already have contracts we can get run up.
LT: Once we do that we can have another
meeting to talk about tactics. I'm due to take on a researcher
in the next couple of weeks so I can get them onto it and all
the rest ... and take it from there. How much time are you yourselves
CN: Quite a lot. We need to give it
a big push. We need a researcher and a monitor ... we need to
decide who that is ....
LT: I think on the issues, it should
be doable actually. We have got this piece of legislation which
does seem to me to be quite onerous for business at the moment
and people do seem to be concerned about the implications and
it is clearly an issue ... and that really should be saleable.
It's not like the impossible. I mean, if it was something else
that you'd come to me with ... if the political will isn't there
it just may not be possible but what you're talking about should
be really very possible.
JC: All we have to do is get the amendment
into the bill and members have to vote on it?
LT: Yes, you have to take it all the
way. Try to get it amended in the Commons and the Lords and try
to make sure the government doesn't amend it again. But I should
think the government wants this done and dusted by the summer
LT: I would have thought their sticking
point would be on the ballot rather than on the exemption. You
can see the potential to really damage the thing for Crossrail.
That may be an area where you just have to give ground and say
this doesn't apply to Crossrail. If it's seen as scuppering Crossrail
you won't get anywhere. That's a compromise you may have to make.
You may have to say, you're ring fencing Crossrail in London but,
for the rest of the country ... and then you could stick the new
businesses but. I think that would be seen as reasonable and I
think you could get that through. I'm not quite sure that the
Liberals are 100% signed up to the ballot idea. I think they can
be persuaded.
LT: So what sort of timescale.
CN: I'd hope, this week, really. Is
it ok for us to email it as an attachment?
LT: So what may come up later in the
year? I suppose it depends what clients come forward?
CN: Yes, it does. Some seem quite keen.
JC: I think it's about managing expectations.
From what you've said it should be doable.
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LT: So it's Mr Jaing? Where's he from?
JC: Hong Kong. We know him from our
work in Brussels for him on shoe imports ... He is a financier
of what will be the consortium under the name Emerald.
LT: Is it general retail?
JC: Clothing.
LT: What's his timescale?
JC: It's ... we expect to have the first
shops opening by the turn of next year.
LT: Pretty brave in this environment,
and that's an argument you can use.
JC: Actually, I think the business rate
supplement will come in around about April next year which is
why. So it was identified by these people that they wanted to
neutralise if they could.
LT: Is it so important. in the ...
JC: It's the uncertainty he doesn't
like. It's eliminating one of those areas of uncertainty.
LT: In the current environment, the
government would be mad to create more burdens for business and
create uncertainty. It will be a very difficult couple of years.
JC: Surprising they're going through
with it really but I suppose they want to fund Crossrail.
LT: Apparently, the original idea was
to have a Crossrail funding bill. But then they decided the business
improvement ... that they thought it would be a good idea to create
this bill so it's not only funding Crossrail but other local ...
could do a similar thing. Why should it only be London? What happens
if Manchester wants a big infrastructure project, well this is
the way to achieve it ...
There are some clauses ... there's no
prescribed area that they have to spend it on. So I'm quiet comfortable
JC: Who's in charge of sponsoring the
LT: The minister. Hazel Blears is secretary
of state but it will be given to John Healey in the Commons and
given to his opposite number in the Lords.
JC: It was Healey who was fielding questions
in the second reading.
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LT: I came across him ... at a by-election
again quite a bit when I was minister ... because he was the Treasury
man at the time.
JC: So he might listen to the arguments
LT: Well its worth giving it a go. The
department ... strategic back down if they think they're going
to lose ... convince the ... in your army.
LT: Have a plan for the Commons and
... follow it all the way chasing various organisations all the
Conversation comes to a close.
Following the meeting Lord Truscott
sent an email to Calvert and Newell on 21st January 2009
Dear David,
Good to see you and Claire again today.
I've looked at my commitments again, and I can give MJA three
days per calendar month for the duration of the contract (with
a 12 month review). If you are concerned that later the workload
might decrease, we can include a proviso that this may, if felt
appropriate by MJA, be reduced to two days per calendar month
from September 2009 onwards.
As I mentioned to you, I will be taking
on my own assistant in the next couple of weeks, who will be dedicated
to this assignment.
Best wishes,
Michael Gillard, a Sunday Times reporter,
called Lord Truscott on Friday 23 January
Sunday Times Lord Truscott page 31 of
MG: I'm calling you about some discussions
you've had over the last week with a company called MJA?
MG: Who represent this Chinese businessman
Li Jiang?
LT: Urhuh.
MG: And I understand that they've been
asking you and others to help them in their approach to amend
some legislation that is going through the houses relating to
supplementary business taxes?
LT: I have been having talks with them.
Why? Is it a scam is it?
MG: From the outset I'll make sure you
are aware they were undercover reporters and the whole conversations
were taped.
LT: Urhuh
MG: And I wanted to take you through
those conversations so we can get a better understanding of what
it is you felt you were doing when you had those two meetings.
LT: How many other people did they interview?
MG: We will get to that at the end if
you don't mind. I wouldn't mind just going through your particular
two meetings. It seems to us from the transcripts that you did
agree to help MJA on behalf of their client and it was very clear
in those conversations that what they were interested in doing
was having the legislation amended as it went through the house.
LT: Urhuh
MG: You are not denying that?
LT: Well yes, er, people approached
to have that done.
MG: You sent a CV to the company and
in that CV it was made clear that you were going to take on a
researcher to deal with the work that they wanted to engage you
to do and a fee structure was discussed£72,000 for
a year based on a three day month?
LT: Well yeah I, er, I'm not going to
go into details about anything that I thought was er you know
was a legitimate transaction. I'm not going to go into any commercial
MG: Well the company doesn't exist.
There is no Li Jiang. The whole thing was a...
LT: I was actually suspicious about
that yeah.
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MG: Were you suspicious enough to not
do business with them?
MG: Obviously not.
LT: I was suspicious about it. I did
actually wonder whether it was a journalistic set up to be quite
frank and I was trying to get from them what it was that they
expected. I was suspicious but obviously I was, you know, trying
to work out from them what sort of work was required and what
would be ethical for me to do or not do in those circumstances.
MG: But you did agree, these are your
words, to facilitate the amendment by talking to people who could
affect that aim?
LT: No, no ...
MG: And said about finding people to
put an amendment down; and that you would work behind the scenes
was your phrase to influence things?
LT: No, no that wasn't, that wasn't,
that wasn't my understanding of my role at all. My role would
be to er assist them from the aims that they had to support their
client. I specifically said to them I would not put down amendments
myself. What I suggested to them was that there was a number of
organisations that were involved in the supplementary rates bill
who were lobbying people concerned, ministers and other people
that were putting forward amendments and I suggested to them how
they could take part in that lobbying process.
MG: With respect that is not what the
transcripts show. What they show is that you did make it clear
correctly that you wouldn't put down the amendment yourself ...
LT: Yes
MG ...but you said you would find third
parties to do it and you would work behind the scenes to influence
things. You talked about speaking...
LT: No, no what I said to them, and
I'm sure this is in the transcript, was they needed to identify
individuals to whom they could make their case and I would help
them identify individuals to whom they could make their case.
And I said to them how they should go about that.
MG: Yes. Getting back to the point of
using someone else to put down the amendment, that is quite clear
from the transcript you were suggesting that was how you would
do it?
LT: No, no. What I said was they had
to present their case to people who were involved in the legislation
and [pay or persuade] them to put forward amendments but I would
not do that. And I would specifically not lobby people. What I
could do was obviously follow the legislation as it goes through
the house and keep them informed but I specifically said that
I would not put forward the amendments myself and they
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would have to identify people to whom
they should make their case. It happens all the time in the instance
they were talking about the supplementary rates bill, there was
the chamber of commerce and the CBI who were putting forward amendments,
er, suggestions for amendments of the bill and they were giving
evidence to the bill committee as it's going through currently.
The two issued they mentioned were the ballot, before that went
through, and also there was another thing about exemptions for
new businesses. And I said they shouldn't push on an open door
as far as the ballot was concerned, from what I could see the
CBI was lined up behind that with the exception that the funding
for Crossrail should not be affected and they would have to make
concessions as far as London was concerned, but they may well
be able to persuade, to er ensure that the amendments were moved
as far as the ballots were concerned ... but they were pushing
at an open door. On exemptions where new businesses were concerned,
and they mentioned Mr Jiang who was gong to make a large scale
investment in the UK, as far as that was concerned, I said that
they would have to make a case for that and they may well be able
to persuade people. I said, er, that is something they would have
to do. I did actually say to them that I did google MJA and I
came up with an operation in er Australia and the US. But they
created obviously a fake website, in which it claimed they had
been in operation since 2002. I also went to Trafalgar House and
I couldn't (laughs) actually find them listed among the companies
there, so clearly before actually signing an agreementas
you said there was various sums discussedbefore signing
an agreement I would have clearly checked them out more thoroughly.
Obviously, we didn't get to that stage.
MG: Well you got to the stage of sending
your CV, talking about a researcher to assist in the work, discussing
the fee structure?
LT: Yeah.
MG: But moving on from that, the point
I'm making is that I am not suggesting that you suggested in those
two conversations that you would make the amendment, put down
an amendment. What I am suggesting is that the transcripts are
clear that you suggested it would be done through a third party
that you would arrange?
LT: No, no I don't believe that is the
case. What I said to them was...
MG: Well I will read you the transcript
if you like. It says `As I said before I don't think I'd be comfortable....
I think it is better to.' I don't it can be any clearer that you
did say that you would find someone to put the amendment down
other than you, ie by proxy?
LT: No, no, that is not, that was not
my intention. If you go through the whole thing it's clear that
they had to go through a process of making their case to various
people involved in the legislation and they together with my advice
would identify sympathetic parties that might be willing to put
forward an amendment.
MG: The transcript is also clear on
the fact that you said that you would be working behind the scenes
to also identify officials who you could speak to, to further
the aim of MJA?
LT: No, no, that is no my understanding.
Can I have your name again please.
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MG: Of course you can. You also talked
about willingness to speak to civil servants, the head of the
bill committee and ministers and you said people would pick up
the phone to you because of who you were.
LT: No, I didn't say that. Look Mr Gillard
I appreciate that this is a sting operation. I think that your
reporters have embellished and taken out of context what I said.
If you do publish defamatory stories about me, bearing in mind
that your journalists were obviously out to deceive quite comprehensively
and I made it quite clear about what I would or wouldn't do, my
position is that bearing in mind there are other mps who have
taken this kind of role. I was quite clear that what I was doing
would be entirely ethical. If you do print a defamatory story
then I will reserve the right to take legal action. You are a
journalist with the Sunday Times?
MG: I am.
LT: And is this with the Insight team
or something.
MG: It is the Insight team.
LT: Ok, yup, well that's my position.
I think I've been frank enough up to now...
MG: I do have an obligation to put to
you the full raft of allegations we might make so if you could
bear with me.
LT: Your journalists will recall the
story of ... and they were clearly trying to entrap me. And I
made it clear that I would only assist them in their work. I would
not do anything unethical. I would not put amendments myself.
I would help them put their case and their case for their client.
But as is the normal practice I would not do anything unethical.
MG: We did speak to the registrar to
understand where the rules are on this issue and we were given
a very clear steer that it is a breach of the rules for a member
of the Lords to take money from a third party when that third
party wants to amend a piece of legislation and it is also a breach
for a member of the Lords to in any way affect parliamentary business
for money, whether or not that member declares or not his interest
with that company. And what I am saying the basis of the transcript
of these two meetings show is that you were willing to engage
with MJA on behalf of a Chinese company to amend a piece of legislation
for money. And regardless of whether you would or wouldn't have
declared that, according to the registrar that is a breach of
the rules.
LT: Can I have your number Mr G. [***
**** given]
The thing is I was not agreeing to amend
the legislation myself or to bring that about. All I was going
to do was to assist them to make their lobbying case so they could
lobby to make amendments and to put their case to parliamentarians
who then amend the legislation.
MG: What is the difference between those
two positions?
LT: I was not personally going to amend
the legislation or convince any MP or Peer or minister to amend
the legislation. I was merely going to advise them on how they
Sunday Times Lord Truscott page 35 of
could go about er having a campaign
to amend legislation. And you will find that lots of people give
advice on how companies and lobby groups can go about and amend
the legislation. I was giving advise nothing more.
MG: But you did say you had already
spoken to the chief whip special adviser on this issue?
LT: That was not on the issue of the
bill that was merely on the issue of the timing of the legislation
going through. And it wasn't the special adviser it was someone
in the whips office not the special adviser. It was merely an
adviser on the timing of the bill going through the Commons. It
was not about the substance of the bill, about lobbying the government.
They informed me and I informed your reporters that the bill was
in committee and was going to be coming to the Lords in March.
It was really about timetable nothing else.
MG: Do you accept you said to the reporter
you wouldn't register the relationship as a parliamentary consultancy
even though they made it clear that it was parliamentary work
in its entirety that they were asking you to do?
LT: That would have depended on the
nature of the contract, which I hadn't received and obviously
there a various consultancies and I explained to them there was
parliamentary work and non-parliamentary work and that would have
depended on the contract, which I didn't receive, on how I had
to register it. That was something for later on.
MG: You did give other examples of work
for other individuals. You talked about an Energy Bill that was
changed favourably for a smart metering company. Do you remember
MG: You talked about the client that
was involved in the sale of British Energy.
LT: That was not changing legislation.
MG: I'm not suggesting that it was.
What I was saying was that during the conversation you referred
to other work you had done for other consultants, as a consultant
for other companies.
LT: I have mentioned other work, but
not in terms of, I did not amend any legislation myself, I merely
said that, er, er, that er, a bill had gone through. That I was
involved in the Energy Bill.
MG: That you had met the bill team,
that you had met the head of policy and the relevant ministers,
as part of the work for the smart company.
LT: No, that was part of me monitoring
the bill overall, that was not ... for the company. As the former
energy minister, I followed the Energy Bill, I did not amend any
part of the legislation ... did not in any way myself. And if
you go through Hansard you will find that this is the case. .
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Conversation ends with Gillard asking
about the British Energy sale and his client but Truscott declines
to discuss the matter.