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House of Lords
Session 2009-10
Publications on the internet
Communications Committee Publications

Communications Committee - First Report
The British Film and Television Industries

Here you can browse the report which was ordered by the House of Lords to be printed 14 January 2010.


Terms of Reference



Chapter 1: The British film industry  

Chapter 2: A better future for British films

Chapter 3: British television

Chapter 4: Promoting British television

Chapter 5: Skills and training

Chapter 6: Summary of Recommendations

Appendix 1: Select Committee on Communications

Appendix 2: List of Witnesses

Appendix 3: Call for Evidence

Appendix 4: Committee Visit to Pinewood Studios, 6 May 2009

Appendix 5: Committee Visit to Leavesden Studios, 16 July 2009

Appendix 6: Committee Visit to Berlin, 2 November 2009

Appendix 7: Six decades of British Television highlights

Oral and Written Evidence - HL 37-II
18 March 2009
25 March 2009
1 April 2009
22 April 2009
29 April 2009
13 May 2009
20 May 2009
3 June 2009
10 June 2009
17 June 2009
24 June 2009
1 July 2009
8 July 2009
15 July 2009
14 October 2009
21 October 2009
28 October 2009
4 November 2009
11 November 2009

Written Evidence


The Report of the Committee is published in Volume I (HL Paper 37-I)

The Evidence of the Committee is published in Volume II (HL Paper 37-II).

References in the text of the report are as follows:

(Q) refers to a question in oral evidence

(p) refers to a ge of written evidence

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