Terms of Reference
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Supporting the Prime Minister
The Cabinet Office and the Prime Minister's
The role of the Prime Minister
i) Personality and experience
ii) Political context
iii) Secular trends
Assessing the implications
i) A perceived increase in the Prime
Minister's involvement in policy delivery
ii) The Delivery Unit and the Strategy Unit
iii) A "Dustbin Function"?
iv) Special advisers
Constitutional implications
ii) The system of Cabinet government and
collective ministerial responsibility
iii) Accountability
A case for reforming the structure of the
i) A Department of the Prime Minister
ii) A Department of the Prime Minister and
Chapter 3: Supporting the Cabinet
A classical model eclipsed?
The death of Cabinet government?
The role of Cabinet committees
Collective ministerial responsibility and
the model of departmental policy delivery
The role of the Minister for the Cabinet
The Cabinet Office and the Treasury
Machinery of government changes
The proposal to abolish the Office of Lord
Chapter 4: Strengthening the Civil Service
i) The Cabinet Office's responsibility
for the Civil Service
ii) The Cabinet Secretary's role as Head
of the Home Civil Service
iii) The role of the Cabinet Secretary
iv) The Cabinet Office and Capability Reviews
Chapter 5: Conclusion
Chapter 6: Summary of Recommendations
Appendix 1: Select Committee on the Constitution
Appendix 2: List of Witnesses
Appendix 3: The Evolution of the Centre
Appendix 4: Mapping the Centre
NOTE: References in the text of the report are as
(Q) refers to a question in oral evidence
(p) refers to a page of written evidence
Oral and Written Evidence
3 June 2009
10 June 2009
17 June 2009
24 June 2009
1 July 2009
8 July 2009
15 July 2009
14 October 2009
21 October 2009
4 November 2009
Written Evidence