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House of Lords
Session 2009-10
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European Union Committee Publications

European Union Committee - Minutes of Evidence [Back to Report]
Combating Somali Piracy: the EU's Naval Operation Atalanta

Here you can browse the Minutes of Evidence which were ordered by the House of Lords to be printed 6 April 2010.


Anderson of Swansea, L Jones, L
Chidgey, LSelkirk of Douglas, L
Crickhowell, LSwinfen, L
Hamilton of Epsom, LSymons of Vernham Dean, B
Inge, LTeverson, L (Chairman)
Jay of Ewelme, L


Witnesses: RT HON LORD MALLOCH-BROWN, a Member of the House, Minister for Africa, Asia and the UN, MR CHRIS HOLTBY, Deputy Head of Security Policy Group, and MS GILL ATKINSON, Head of Horn of Africa and East Africa Section, Africa Directorate, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, examined.

Question Numbers




Supplementary memorandum from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Further supplementary memorandum by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Further supplementary memorandum by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office

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