Terms of Reference
Correspondence with Ministers
Index I: List of topics alphabetically by
Index II: List of topics by Council of Ministers
European Union Committee
Area of Freedom, Security and Justice:
UK Opt-Ins
Impact of Lisbon Treaty on EU Institutions
Economic and Financial Affairs, and International
Administrative Cooperation in the Field
of VAT (5188/08)
Amending Budget 7 of the General Budget for
2007 (14752/07)
Budget Review
Common System of Value Added Tax: Treatment
of Insurance and Financial Services (16209/1/07, 16210/1/07)
Economic Partnership Agreements
European Court of Auditors' Annual Report
for 2006
European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (11985/07)
European System of National and Regional
Accounts (16361/07)
European Union Solidarity Fund (8323/06)
External Trade with Non-Member Countries
Holding, Movement and Monitoring of Excise
Products (6615/08)
Insurance and Reinsurance (11978/07)
International Tax Dialogue (12010/07)
Missing Trader Intra-Community Fraud
Multi-Annual Financial Framework: Budgetary
Discipline and Sound Financial Management (13237/07)
Mutual Assistance between Administrative
Authorities (5048/07)
Passenger Car Related Taxes (11067/05)
Preliminary Draft Budget (PDB) of the European
Communities 2008
Protection of the Euro against Counterfeiting
VAT Fraud (6859/08)
VAT Simplification (14248/04)
World Trade Organisation: Accession of Republic
of Cape Verde (16262/07)
World Trade Organisation: Accession of Ukraine
Internal Market
Accomplishment of the Internal Market
for Postal Services (14357/06)
Air Services Agreement with Jordan
Air Transport Services: Operation in the
Community (11829/06)
Airports (5886/07, 5887/07)
Aviation in the EU Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Trading Scheme (EU ETS) (5154/07)
Aviation Security Audits: European Community
and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
Civil Aviation Security (12588/05)
Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport
Vehicles (5113/08)
Clean Road Transport Vehicles (5130/06)
Computerised Reservation Systems (14526/07)
Cross-Border Electricity and Gas Networks
(13043/07, 045/07, 13048/07, 13049/07)
Electronic Communications (15371/07, 15379/07,
15387/07, 416/07, 15422/07)
Electronic Communications Networks and Services:
Relevant Markets
End-of-Life Vehicles (5413/07)
Energy from Renewable Sources (5421/08)
eSafety Communication (12383/05, 15932/06)
Euratom and the International Atomic Energy
Agency (7609/06)
Euratom Safety and Security: Activities in
2003 (5377/05)
Euro VI Standard for Heavy Duty Vehicles
European Aviation Safety Agency (14895/05,
European Aviation Safety Agency (5020/08)
European Electronic Communications Market
Authority (15408/07)
European Network and Information Security
Agency (ENISA): Extension (16840/07)
European Railway Agency: Free Movement of
Locomotives across the EU (17038/06, 17039/06, 17040/06, 5042/07)
European Strategic Energy Technology Plan
EU-US Aviation Agreement (8656/06)
First Intelligent Car Report (13922/07)
Free Movement and Marketing of Goods within
the EU (6312/07, 6313/07)
Freight Transport (14165/07, 14175/07, 14205/07,
14266/07, 277/07)
Galileo and European Satellite Radio Navigation
(13112/07, 113/07)
Integrated Maritime Policy for the European
Union (14631/07)
Intermodal Loading Units (9265/04)
International Maritime Organisation (IMO)
Joint Technology Initiative (JTI) (10149/07)
Joint Technology Initiative (JTI) on Aeronautics
and Air Transport (Clean Sky) (10148/07)
Lead Market Initiative (5121/08)
Liability of Carriers of Passengers by Sea
and Inland Waterway in the Event of Accidents (6827/06)
Maritime Activities (5912/06)
Marketing of Products (6377/07, 6378/07)
Natural Gas Transmission Networks (13045/07)
Protection of Pedestrians and Other Vulnerable
Road Users (13895/07)
Public-Private Partnerships (12303/05)
Rail Infrastructure Quality (6295/08)
Reaping the Full Benefits of the Digital
Dividend in Europe (15365/07)
Reduction of CO2 Emissions from
Light-Duty Vehicles (5089/08)
Research and Development: EUROSTARS (13088/07)
Road Transport Fuels (6145/07)
Safer Internet Programme (14933/06, 14937/06)
Services of General Interest (15650/07)
Single Market for the 21st Century Europe
Slovenian Presidency: Transport Proposals
Sustainable Future in General and Business
Aviation (5334/08)
Sustainable Power Generation from Fossil
Fuels (5780/08)
Third Country Auditors
Urban Mobility (13278/07)
Foreign Affairs, Defence and Development
Africa: EU Strategy (9678/07)
Agricultural Development in Africa (12190/07)
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Stabilisation and
Association Agreement (SAA)
Chad and the Central African Republic: EU
Military Mission
Climate Change and International Security
Defence-Related Products: Terms and Conditions
of Transfer(16534/07)
Development Policy and External Assistance
2006 (11141/07)
Disaster Response Capacity (7562/08)
Energy Cooperation between Africa and Europe
ESDP Civilian Headline Goal 2010
ESDP: Recent Developments
EU Foreign Policy Evidence Session Follow-up
EU Response to Situations of Fragility: Engaging
in Difficult Environments for Sustainable Development, Stability
and Peace (14356/07)
EU Russia Inquiry
EU-Russia Summit, October 2007
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: Advancing
Regional Cooperation to Support Peace, Progress and Inter-Cultural
Dialogue (15869/07)
European Defence Agency 2008 (14937/07, 15413/07,
European Defence Agency: Changes to the Establishment
European Defence Agency: Steering Board Meeting,
November 2007
European Defence Equipment Market (16488/07,
European Security Strategy
European Neighbourhood Policy (16493/07)
General Affairs and External Relations Council,
Brussels, February 2008
Kosovo: EU Special Representative
Missile Proliferation: EU Member States'
Membership of MTCR
Prohibition of Use, Stockpiling, Production
and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and their Destruction (Ottawa
Republic of Cape Verde and the EU (14932/07)
Republic of Korea: Proposed Partnership and
Cooperation Agreement
Restrictive Measures against Burma/Myanmar
Restrictive Measures against Uzbekistan:
Review of Travel Ban
Security and Development: Food for Thought
to Strengthen EU Policy Coherence
Stabilisation and Association Agreement and
Interim Agreement with the Republic of Serbia (15616/07, 15690/07)
UK-EU Battlegroup Certification Exercise
Weapons of Mass Destruction: Proliferation
Western Balkans: Enhancing the European Perspective
Environment and Agriculture
20 20 by 2020: Europe's Climate Change
Opportunity (5866/08)
Agricultural Statistics: Aerial Survey
and Remote Sensing Techniques (11670/07)
Ambient Air Quality and Cleaner Air for Europe
Animal Health Strategy 2007-2013 (13292/07)
Biocidal Products Directive(5224/07)
Biofuels Progress Report (5389/07)
Bluefin Tuna: Multi-Annual Recovery Plan
CAP Health Check (15351/07)
Carbon Capture and Storage (5835/08)
Catch Limitations (Fishing Quotas) 2008 (15874/07)
Common Organisation of Agricultural Markets
Common Organisation of the Market in Wine
Control of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated
Fishing (14236/07, 14237/07)
Electronic Identification for Sheep and Goats
(15314/07, 15510/07)
Environmental Statistics: Towards a Shared
Environmental Information System (6222/08)
EU Emissions Trading Scheme (5862/08)
Farm Structure Surveys and Survey on Agricultural
Production Methods (9531/07)
Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the
EC and Mauritania (16570/07)
Genetically Modified Organisms: Deliberate
Release into the Environment (5250/07)
Global Climate Change Alliance (13107/07)
Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Commitments(5849/08)
Industrial Emissions: IPPC Directive (5088/08,
International Coffee Agreement (5237/08)
International Whaling Convention (16832/07,
Kyoto: Progress towards Meeting Objectives
Living Modified Organisms (LMOs): Damage
Resulting from Transboundary Movements (13078/06)
Marine Environment Protection (13700/05,
Marketing of Fruit Plant Propagating Material
and Fruit Plants Intended for Fruit Production (5877/07)
Mercury: Negotiations towards a Legally Binding
Instrument (6459/08)
Milk Quotas (16466/07, 16476/07)
Modification of Fisheries Partnership between
the European Community and Third Countries (13994/07)
Placing on the Market of Genetically Modified
Maize and Genetically Modified Potato (16782/07, 16783/07, 16784/07,
Placing on the Market of Genetically Modified
Maize GA21 (11744/07, 11786/07, 11860/07, 5946/08)
Plant Protection Products (11755/06, 11896/06,
Protection of Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement
Sustainable Fishing Report 2006 (5050/08)
Sustainable Use of Pesticides (11896/06,
Thematic Strategy on Soil Protection (13388/06,
Water Scarcity and Drought (12052/07)
Law and Institutions
A Europe of Results: Applying Community
Law (13407/07)
Amendments to the Rules of Procedure
and to the Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice (11759/07,
Civil Liability and Financial Securities
of Shipowners (5907/06, 14486/07)
Combating Terrorism (14960/07)
Combating Terrorism: Article 11 of the Framework
Decision (14957/07)
Conditions of Entry and Residence of Third-Country
Nationals for the Purposes of Highly Qualified Employment: EU
Blue Card (14490/07)
Confiscation of Crime-Related Proceeds, Instrumentalities
and Property (5785/08)
Conflict of Laws in Matters Concerning Matrimonial
Property Regimes (11817/06)
Consular Protection: EU Action Plan 2007-09
Control of the Acquisition and Possession
of Weapons (7258/06)
Cooperation and Verification Mechanism: Progress
of Bulgaria and Romania (6150/08, 6161/08)
Court of First Instance (CFI) (6858/08)
Enforcement of Judgments in Absentia (5213/08,
7279/08, 8372/08)
Eurojust and the European Judicial Network
(5037/08, 5039/08, 7254/08)
European Agencies: The Way Forward (7972/08)
European Arrest Warrant: Framework Decision
European Patent System (8302/07)
European Regulatory Agencies (7032/05)
European Statistics (14094/07)
European Supervision Order (ESO) in Pre-Trial
Procedures (12367/06, 15821/07)
Family Law: Reform Treaty
Fight against Cyber Crime (10089/07)
Funding of Political Parties at European
Level (11559/07)
Index of Third Country Nationals Convicted
in the EU (11453/06)
Intellectual Property Rights (8866/06)
Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters:
Lugano II (5296/08)
Judicial Training in the EU (11243/06)
Jurisdiction of the ECJ in Title IV Matters
Justice Forum (6333/08)
Laissez-Passer Issued to Members and Servants
of the Institutions (5549/08)
Maintenance Obligations (5198/06, 5199/06)
Mediation in Civil and Commercial Matters
Population and Housing Censuses (6768/07)
Protection of the Environment through Criminal
Law (6297/07)
Role of Eurojust and the European Judicial
Network in the Fight against Organised Crime and Terrorism (14253/07)
Rome I: Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations
Rules of Procedure of the ECJ (5952/08, 5953/08)
Statistical Advisory Board (14240/06)
Succession and Wills (7027/05)
Suspended Sentences and Alternative Sanctions
(5325/07, 14759/07)
Third Company Law Directive and Sixth Company
Law Directive: Requirement for Independent Expert Advice (7207/07)
Home Affairs
Biometrics in Passports (14217/07)
Bio-Preparedness (11951/07)
Border Agency
Control of Synthetic Drug 1-Benzylpiperazine
(BZP) (11974/07)
Cooperation between the Special Intervention
Units of Member States in Crisis Situations (13534/07)
Critical Infrastructure Protection (16932/06,
Data Protection Framework Decision (7315/07,
European Migration Network (15240/05, 12481/07)
Europol: Establishing the European Police
Office (5055/07, 10327/07, 14593/07, 15336/07, 16452/07, 6424/08,
6427/08, 6566/08)
EUROSUR: European Border Surveillance System
(6664/08, 6665/08)
Illegal Migrants: Proposals for a Common
EU Returns Policy
Justice and Home Affairs Council
Passenger Name Record (PNR) Framework Decision
Police Cooperation between Member States
Prüm Treaty: Incorporation into EU Law
(6566/07, 11045/07, 11045/1/07)
Readmission Agreements (12634/07)
Reception Standards for Asylum Seekers (15802/07)
Responses to EU Select Committee Reports
Schengen Information System (SIS II): Communication
Social Security for Migrant Workers (12166/07)
Third Country Nationals: Increasing the Attraction
of the EU (14491/07)
Third Country Nationals: Single Application
Procedure (14490/07, 14491/07)
Uniform Format for Residence Permits for
Third Country Nationals (7298/06, 12658/07)
Visa Information System (VIS) under the Schengen
Borders Code (6970/08)
Social Policy and Consumer Affairs
Acquisition and Preservation of Supplementary
Pension Rights (13857/07)
Active Inclusion of People Furthest from
the Labour Market (14101/07)
Adult Learning Action Plan (13426/07)
Children in EU External Action (6175/08)
Consumer Protection: Sale of Timeshare and
Other Long Term Holiday Products (10686/07)
Coordination of Social Security Systems with
the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Tunisia, Croatia, Algeria,
Morocco and Israel (16599/07, 16688/07, 5081/08, 5083/08, 5107/08)
Cosmetic Products (6725/08)
Credit Agreements for Consumers (9948/2/07)
Erasmus Mundus Programme 2009-13 (11708/07)
E-Skills for the 21st Century: Fostering
Competitiveness, Growth and Jobs (12795/07)
European Approach to Media Literacy in the
Digital Environment (5086/08)
European Charter on Rights of Energy Consumers
European Institute of Technology (10361/06,
European Job Mobility Action Plan 2007-10
European Year for Combating Poverty and Social
Exclusion 2010 (16600/07)
Financial Education (5250/08)
Food Enzymes and Flavourings (14419/07, 14421/07,
14509/07, 14510/07)
Income and Living Conditions (EU SILC) Module
for 2009 (5869/08)
Lifelong Learning Action Plan (6515/08)
Marketing and Use of Paint Strippers Containing
Dichloromethane (6689/08)
Marketing Authorisations for Medicinal Products
Novel Foods (5431/08)
Promoting Young People's Full Participation
in Education, Employment and Society (12772/07)
Promotion of Healthy Diets and Physical Exercise
Review of the Consumer Acquis (6307/07)
Safety of Toys (5938/08)
Schools for the 21st Century (11808/07)
Slovenian Presidency: Education and Training
Slovenian Presidency: Health Priorities
Statistics on Public Health and Health and
Safety at Work (6622/07, 9823/08)
Sustainable and Competitive European Tourism
Tackling the Pay Gap between Women and Men
Together for Health: A Strategic Approach
for the EU 2008-13 (14689/07)
Undeclared Work (14369/07)
White Paper on Sport (11811/07)
Working Time Directive (15098/02, 12683/04,
Youth in Action 2007-13 (6328/08)