House of Lords portcullis Session 2009-10
Publications on the internet
European Union Committee Publications

European Union Committee - Third Report
Directive on Alternative Investment Fund Managers

Here you can browse the report which was ordered by the House of Lords to be printed 2 February 2010.



Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: What are Alternative Investment Funds and what risks do they pose to financial stability?

Chapter 3: Key Aspects of the AIFM Directive

Chapter 4: Supervision of AIFMs

Chapter 5: Towards an EU Passport regime for AIFMs?

Chapter 6: The AIFM proposal in the global context

Chapter 7: Depositary and valuation

Chapter 8: Better regulation

Chapter 9: Summary of Conclusions

Appendix 1: EU Sub-Committee A: (Economic and Financial Affairs, and International Trade)

Appendix 2: List of Witnesses

Appendix 3: Call for Evidence

Appendix 4: Glossary

Appendix 5: Note on the Sub-Committee Meeting with Jean-Paul Gauzès MEP, Rapporteur on the AIFM Directive, 4 November 2009

Appendix 6: Letter from Lord Myners, Financial Services Secretary, HM Treasury, to Rt Hon Lord Roper, Chairman of the House of Lords European Union Committee, 8 December 2009

Appendix 7: Letter From Rt Hon Lord Roper, Chairman of the House of Lords European Union Committee, to Lord Myners, Financial Services Secretary, HM Treasury, on the Emerging Conclusions, 10 December 200973

Appendix 8: Letter from Lord Myners, Financial Services Secretary, HM Treasury, to Rt Hon Lord Roper, Chairman of the House of Lords European Union Committee, 17 December 2009

Terms of Reference

Oral and Written Evidence

7 July 2009

14 July 2009

20 October 2009

27 October 2009

3 November 2009

4 November 2009

10 November 2009

24 November 2009

12 December 2009

Written Evidence


(Q) refers to a question in oral evidence

(p) refers to a page of written evidence

The Report of the Committee is published in Volume I, HL Paper 48-I.

The Evidence of the Committee is published in Volume II, HL Paper 48-II

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