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House of Lords
Session 2009-10
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European Union Committee Publications

European Union Committee - Written Evidence [Back to Report]
Stars and Dragons: The EU and China

Here you can browse the Written Evidence which were ordered by the House of Lords to be printed 9 March 2010.


Memorandum by Baroness Ashton, member of the European Commission

Memorandum by Dr Nicola Casarini,* Marie Curie Research Fellow in the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute Florence

Memorandum by Dr Chong-Pin Lin, Professor, Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies, Tamkang University, Taiwan, Republic of China

Memorandum by Professor Flemming Christiansen, Chair in Chinese Studies, University of Leeds

Memorandum by the Department of Energy & Climate Change

Memorandum by Ivan Lewis, MP, Parliamentary Under-secretary of State, Department for International Development

Further supplementary memorandum from Julia Longbottom, Head of Far Eastern Group, Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Memorandum by Lizzie Parsons, Global Witness

Memorandum by Jonathan Peel, Member of the European Economic & Social Committee (EESC), representing the UK—Group I (Employers/Industry)

Memorandum by Bill Rammell MP, Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Memorandum by Human Rights Watch

Memorandum by Professor David Shambaugh, Director, China Policy Program, George Washington University, Non-resident Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies Program, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C. USA

Memorandum by Mr Sukhdev SHARMA, Member of the EESC, President of the follow-up committee of the EU-China Civil Society Round Table

Memorandum by the Taipei Representative Office in the UK

Memorandum by the Tibet Representative Office in the UK

Memorandum by Dr Steve Tsang, Fellow and University Reader in Politics, St Antony's College, Oxford University

Supplementary written evidence from Dr Steve Tsang, St Antony's College, Oxford University

Memorandum by Dr Gudrun Wacker, Senior Fellow, German Institute for International & Security Affairs, Berlin

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