No | Description
| EU partner(s) | Chinese partner(s)
| Time schedule | Main output expected
| CDM | Comment
1 | Energy efficiency (paragraphs no 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 of the joint declaration adopted on 5 September 2005)
1.1 | Support to the development of China's new Energy Law Framework
| UK | National Energy Administration/NDRC
| 2007-09 | Integration of climate change aspects into the law
| No | Also relevant for other priority areas
1.2 | Support services for compliance monitoring and promotion of the China Energy Label
| Commission | NDRC (SAC, CNIS)
| 2008-09 | Improved effectiveness of schemes in China
| No | Support through the Energy and Environment Programme
1.3 | Promotion of benchmarking tools for energy conservation in energy intensive industries
| Commission | NDRC | 2008-09
| Training of intermediary organizations on benchmarking in nine key energy-intensive industry sectors
| | Support through the Energy and Environment Programme
1.4 | Study on the improvement of energy efficiency and reduced environmental impact of industrial boilers in China
| Commission | NDRC | 2007-09
| Plan to increase energy efficiency and reduce pollution from industrial boilers and kilns in China
| No | Support through the Energy and Environment Programme
1.5 | Energy efficiency and sustainable development in buildings
| FranceFrench Global Environment Facility/French Development Agency
| Ministry of Construction | 2004-08
| Improvement of the norms and regulations regarding EE in buildings.
Pilot projects: rural houses, retrofitting of existing buildings, new buildings.
| No | Second phase currently being considered
1.6 | Research Program for the financing mechanisms in the retrofitting of existing buildings in Hubei Province
| FranceFrench Development Agency |
Hubei Construction Commission/Huazong University
| 2006-08 | Methodologies and appropriate mechanisms (innovative financing) for the financing of retrofitting in public and residential buildings.
| TBD | Support the energy efficiency rehabilitation provincial programme
1.7 | Buildings: energy efficiency in existing buildings
| Germany | MOFCOM, Ministry of Construction
| 2005-10 | Demonstrating energy efficient renovation modes and technologies in Tangshan City
| No | |
1.8 | Development of a Sino-Italian web portal on energy efficiency in China
| Italy | SEPA | 2005-08
| Know-how dissemination | No |
1.9 | Energy efficiency in Taiyuan
| Italy | SEPA | 2006-08
| Identified measures for energy efficiency in energy-intensive industries in Taiyuan
| No | |
1.10 | China utility-based energy efficiency finance program
| Finland | Ministry of Finance (focal point)
| 2006-12 | Accelerated development of industrial, commercial, and multi-family residential EE market. Catalyze market for EE finance products.
| | Managed by IFC, co-financed also by the GEF
1.11 | Energy efficiency of buildings
| Finland | Dalian University of Technology
| | | |
1.12 | Energy Sector Reform Program
| Germany | NDRC | 2008-13
| Reform of the legislation on energy efficiency and resource protection; creation of implementing structures at provincial level; improved energy efficiency in industrial sectors
| | |
1.13 | Strengthen China's ability to meet its 2010 energy intensity target
| UK | China Business Council for Sustainable Development
| 2008-10 | Develop and implement China's national sectoral GHG measurement standards and tools in four major energy consuming industries (cement, petrochemical, oil & gas and chemicals)
| | |
1.14 | Energy efficiency credit line
| FranceFrench Development Agency |
Ministry of Finance Huaxia Bank Merchants Bank Shanghai Pudong Development Bank
| 2006-11 | Credit available to Chinese medium size enterprises for small scale industrial energy efficiency projects
| Yes | CDM credits may be produced within each sub project
1.15 | Energy conservation and reduced environmental impact in energy intensive industries
| Commission | NDRC | 2008-09
| Measures for regional governments to achieve their energy conservation targets
| | Support through the Energy and Environment Programme
1.16 | Financing of coke dry quenching technology in a coking plant in Guangdong
| European Investment Bank | Ministry of Finance
| 2008- | | |
1.17 | Railway electrification of the Luoyang-Zhangjiajie line and the Xiang Gui line
| FranceFrench Development Agency |
Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Railway |
2008-13 | Electrification of 1,000 km of railway line
Construction and electrification of 500 km of railway line
| No | |
1.18 | Development and dissemination of technology for power generation through waste heat recovering from coal gangue brick manufacturing
| SpainUNDP MDG Fund | MOA
| 2008-10 | Improve currently inefficient and polluting technology now used in China
| | |
1.19 | Optimization of flue gas desulphurization (FGD) process in iron ore sintering plants and in lead/zinc smelters
Ins±titut "Joz±e S±tefan", Ljubljana
| State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization Institute of Thermal Energy and Power Engineering, Zhejiang University
| 2007-09 | To increase energy efficiency and reduce pollution
| | Also relevant for other priority areas
2 | New and renewable energy (paragraphs no 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the joint declaration adopted on 5 September 2005)
2.1 | Renewable wind energy programmes
| Germany | Ministry of Finance, provincial authorities
| 1990-ongoing | Reliable and sustainable electricity supply in coastal areas and western provinces
| No | |
2.2 | Education and research centre for wind energy
| Germany | MOFCOM, State Grid, China Guodian, CLYEPG, CEPR
| 2005-10 | Capacity building in all relevant areas of wind power development
| No | |
2.3 | Solar energy for the Olympic Games
| Italy | Beijing Municipality
| 2005-08 | Supply the Olympic Committee building with thermal solar power
| No | |
2.4 | Renewable Energy In Qinghai
| Italy | SEPA, Qinghai Province
| 2006-08 | Micro hydro and small solar pilot plants for rural electrification
| No | |
2.5 | Renewable energy centre in Tibet
| Italy | MOST, S&T Bureau of Tibet
| 2005-08 | Diffusion of Solar Energy, Small Hydro Power and other renewable sources in Tibet; training of Tibetan technicians
| No | |
2.6 | Bioethanol for sustainable transport
| Commission | Nanyang City, Tsinghua University
| 2006-09 | |
| |
2.7 | Biogas project demonstration of animal waste
| Romania | Ministry of Agriculture
| | | |
2.8 | Biofuel from jatropha and waste oils
| Italy | MOST | 2007-08
| Feasibility study on a Jatropha plantation and the related bio-fuel production in Sichuan; feasibility study for the design of a waste oil collection system and of a biofuel production plant in Hubei
| Yes | |
2.9 | Wind Energy Development
| Demark | NDRC | 2005-09
| Wind resource assessment, grid integration, post feasibility study
| No | |
2.10 | Dali wind farm project (Yunnan)
| FranceFrench Development Agency |
Ministry of Finance | 2007-12 |
30 + MW wind farm near Dali | Yes
| |
2.11 | Mini Hydro-power plant projects in Chongqing and Yichang (Hubei)
| FranceFrench Development Agency |
Ministry of Finance | 2005-12 |
Building of small hydropower schemes in Wuxi and Yichang
| No | |
2.12 | Agricultural biomass resources in China
| Commission | NDRC | 2008-09
| Resource assessment | No |
Support through the Energy and Environment Programme
2.13 | Offshore wind energy resources in China
| Commission | NDRC, China Meteorological Administration
| 2008-09 | Resource assessment and feasibility study of offshore wind farm development in China
| No | Support through the Energy and Environment Programme
2.14 | Development support for sustainable rural and renewable energy training in China
| Commission | NDRC | 2008-09
| | No | Support through the Energy and Environment Programme
2.15 | Off-shore wind & biomass conversion technology
| Commission | NDRC | 2008-09
| | | Support through the Energy and Environment Programme
2.16 | Financing of wind farms in Henan, Hainan and Guangdong
| European Investment Bank | Ministry of Finance
| 2008- | | |
2.17 | Exchange program on renewable energy
| Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering | Chinese Academy of Engineering
| 2006- | | |
2.18 | Development and dissemination of a new biomass pellet system
| SpainUNDP
MDG Fund | Energy Bureau of NDRC
| 2008-10 | Replacement for coal in rural areas
| | |
2.19 | Increased capacities and dissemination of productive applications associated with off-grid rural renewable power stations
| SpainUNDP MDG Fund | Energy Bureau of NDRC
| 2008-10 | |
| |
2.20 | Biogas station based on animal farm waste in Nanchang
| Czech Republic | MOFCOM, Nanchang Hero Development Zone
| 2001-09 | Biogas station producing heat & energy
| | Support through former bilateral devel assist.
3 | Clean coal technologies and carbon dioxide capture and storage for near-zero emissions power generation (paragraphs no 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the joint declaration adopted on 5 September 2005)
3.1 | Demonstration of near-zero emissions power generation through carbon dioxide capture and storage
| Commission, UK | MOST (NDRC, MFA, SEPA)
| 2006-09 | Feasibility study and analysis of options for technology demonstration in China (by 2008)
| No | Work to continue after 2009
3.2 | Various projects funded under the 6th and 7th European RTD Framework Programmes
| Commission | Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, Administrative Centre for China's Agenda 21
| 2006-10 | CO2 capture and hydrogen production from gaseous fuels
Assessment of the European capacity for geological storage of CO2
Support to regulatory activities for carbon capture and storage
| No | Support through the European Energy Research Programme
3.3 | Piloting and dissemination of clean coal technology
| SpainUNDP MDG Fund | Shanxi Provincial Government
| 2008-10 | |
| |
4 | Methane recovery and use (paragraphs no 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the joint declaration adopted on 5 September 2005)
4.1 | Enhancing the production of natural gas
| Commission | NDRC | 2008-09
| Natural gas strategy master plan for the development of natural gas in China; promotion of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) management in exploitation & production of natural gas and the promotion of a related HSE database
| No | Support through the Energy and Environment Programme
4.2 | Biogas Landfill Recovery
| Italy | SEPA, MOST | 2004-08
| Energy production from biogas recovery; Several landfills in different provinces evaluated and CDM activities developed.
| Yes | |
4.3 | Animal waste treatment |
Italy | Beijing Municipality |
2005-08 | Energy production from biogas recovery
| Yes | |
5 | Hydrogen energy and fuel cells (paragraphs no 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the joint declaration adopted on 5 September 2005)
5.1 | Various projects funded under the 6th European RTD Framework Programme
| Commission | Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing University of Technology, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics
| 2006-10 | Handbook for approval of hydrogen refuelling stations
New methods for superior integrated hydrogen generation system
Fuel cell testing, safety, quality assurance
| No | Support through the European Energy Research Programme
6 | Power generation and transmission (paragraphs no 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the joint declaration adopted on 5 September 2005)
6.1 | Environmental Protection in Energy sector with focus on coal-fired power plants
| Germany | MOFCOM, NDRC | 2005-09
| Environmentally friendly utilization of coal and water resources in coal-fired power plants
| Yes | |
7 | Clean Development Mechanism and other market-based instruments such as Emissions Trading Schemes (paragraph no 9 of the joint declaration adopted on 5 September 2005)
7.1 | CDM facilitation project
| CommissionSwedish Environmental Research Institute
| MEP, NDRC, CAS | 2007-10 |
Higher capacity of China's Designated National Authority (DNA), the National CDM Service Centre and Designated Operational Entities (DOEs); European and international standards in Quality Management in CDM development in China; increased awareness of CDM opportunities; reports on CDM impact assessment and CDM policy improvement and on technology transfer in CDM projects
| No | |
7.2 | CDM capacity building and project development in four Western provinces
| FranceFrench Global Environment Facility/French Development Agency
| Ministry of Science and Technology | 2006-08
| CDM Capacity building
CDM project development
| Yes | Second phase being considered
7.3 | Bilateral CDM programmes
| Italy, Denmark | MOST, NDRC |
| Assist China in achieving SD and EU in achieving compliance with commitments under the Kyoto Protocol
| Yes | Also relevant for other priority areas
7.4 | CDM Cooperation | Italy
| MOST | 2007-08 | Capacity Building activity and CDM projects scouting
| Yes | |
7.5 | Enhanced CDM application in conservation agriculture
| SpainUNDP MDG Fund | MOA
| 2008-10 | |
| |
7.6 | Stimulation of the establishment of rural household-scale and larger biogas digesters through CDM facility
| SpainUNDP MDG Fund | Energy Bureau of NDRC
| 2008-10 | |
| |
8 | Adaptation to the impacts of climate change (paragraph no 10 of the joint declaration adopted on 5 September 2005)
8.1 | Greenhouse gas and air pollutioninteractions and synergies (GAINS-ASIA and CURB-AIR)
| Commission | Energy Research Institute and Energy Research Institute of the Shandong Academy of Sciences
| 2005-07 and 2006-08 | Capacity building
| No | |
8.2 | Understanding the dynamics of the coupled climate system (DYNAMITE)
| Commission | CAS | 2005-08
| Capacity building | No |
8.3 | Impacts of climate change on Chinese agriculture
| UK | MOST (CAAS) | 2005-08
| Research and capacity building | No
| Phase 1 complete, phase 2 underway, final reports to be issued in autumn 2008
8.4 | Basic collection for danger zone planning in mountain areas of the province Beijing and in Xibailianyu
| Austria | Beijing Forestry University
| | | |
8.5 | Developing eco-hydrology based watershed management plan to adapt to the coupling effects of land use change and climate variability
| Austria | Beijing Forestry University
| | | |
8.6 | Effects of climate warming on carbon cycling in alpine meadow ecosystems on the Tibet plateau
| Austria | CAS |
| | | |
8.7 | Responses of soil, water and nutrients processes to global warming in Songnen steppe and Transilvanian steppe
| Romania | Northeast Normal University
| 2007-08 | Comparative study |
| |
8.8 | Surveillance system for assessing and monitoring of desertification
| Commission | CAS | 2005-10
| | | |
8.9 | Hydrometeorological data resources and technologies for effective flash flood forecasting
| Commission | Wuhan University
| 2006-09 | |
| |
8.10 | Yellow River climate change scenario development
| Commission | Ministry of Water Resources, Yellow River Commission
| 2008-09 | Study of potential impacts of climate change on water resources management, protection and development at basin level and possible responses
| No | Support through the EU-China River Basin Management Programme
8.11 | Biodiversity and climate change mitigation and adaptation
| Commission | Ministry of Environmental Protection
| 2007-10 | Development of China biodiversity and climate change action plan and integration of climate change into the National Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan
| No | Support through the EU-China Biodiversity Programme
8.12 | UK-China Impacts of Climate Change Project
| UK | NDRC | 2009-11
| Research and capacity building | No
| Project design in progress |
8.13 | Capacity building on impact assessment and adaptation strategies in less developed areas of Western China and vulnerable coastal areas of Southeast China
| SpainUNDP MDG Fund | MHRSS
| 2008-10 | |
| |
8.14 | Enhanced strategies for climate-proofed and environmentally sound agricultural production (C-PESAP): Agricultural development in selected agro-ecosystems of the Yellow River Basin
| SpainUNDP MDG Fund | MOA
| 2008-10 | Adaptation to climate change and reduce agricultural pollution
| | |
8.15 | Policies and capacities developed to manage environmental health issues from climate change
| SpainUNDP MDG Fund | MOH
| 2008-10 | Monitoring health risk assesments (National Environment and Health Action Plan, Nov 2007)
| | |
8.16 | Capacities enhanced and policies developed for understanding and adapting to impacts of water supply changes on China's environment and development
| SpainUNDP MDG Fund | MOWR
| 2008-10 | Comprehensive view on the situation of water resources in Yellow River Basin
| | |
8.17 | A study of environmental and climate changes from the sedimentary records of remote lakesII
National Institute for Biology, Ljubljana
| Institute of Tibetan Plateau, CASS | 2007-09
| | | |
9 | Capacity building, strengthening institutions and raising public awareness (paragraph no 11 of the joint declaration adopted on 5 September 2005, "Knowledge for energy policy making, energy strategy visions and foresight; awareness raising")
9.1 | Training courses Venice International University
| 2002-08 | Comprehensive capacity building program on climate change issues for institutional organizations officers
| No | |
9.2 | Cost assessment for sustainable energy systems
| Commission | Energy Research Institute
| 2006-08 | |
| |
9.3 | Adaptation and mitigation strategies: supporting European climate policy
| Commission | CAS | 2006-09
| | | |
9.4 | Euro-Asia research and training on climate change management
| Italy and Commission | MOST, NDRC
| 2006-09 | Creating a scientific network on climate change management between European and Asian academic institutions
| No | Support through the European Asia-Link Programme
9.5 | Addressing barriers to clean technology deployment
| UK | Tsinghua University |
2008-09/10 | A clear vision of the international mechanisms and frameworks necessary to advance and accelerate the deployment of clean technologies
| | Support to Chinese technology transfer initiatives in the context of a global deal. World Resources Institute is a partner
9.6 | Low Carbon Economy Task Force in the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED)
| UK, Sweden, Norway | CCICED, Development Research Centre (DRC)
| 2008-10 | Task Force reports containing recommendations for State Council, 12th 5YP, etc.
| No | Part of CCICED's work on energy and climate change
9.7 | Financing of CCICED's Task Force on sustainable urban development
| France/French Development Agency | CCICED
| 2007-10 | Policy recommendations
| | |
9.8 | Establishing a methodology and piloting Low Carbon Development Zones in China
| UK | CASS, Energy Research Institute
| 2008-10 | Development of pilot low carbon development zones which will test out low-carbon friendly policies
| No | Chatham House and E3G involved
9.9 | Improve soil nutrient management towards a low carbon economy in China
| UK | China Agricultural University, Northwest Agricultural & Forestry University, Nanjing Agricultural University, CAS Centre for Chinese Agricultural Policy
| 2008-11 | Recommendations to the Chinese government to encourage low carbon approaches in agriculture whilst maintaining high production
| | |
9.10 | Inclusion of climate change modules in Communist Party School Curriculum
| UK | Global Environmental Institute, Communist Party School
| 2008-09 | Inclusion of climate change modules in Communisty Party School curriculum
| No | |
9.11 | Provincial strategies & actions for climate change mitigation & adaptation in China
| Commission | NDRC, China International Centre for Economic & Technical Exchange (CICETE)
| 2008-11 | Support the government of China in translating its National Climate Change Programme into on-the-ground action by developing local policies, institutional frameworks, partnerships and implementation capacities
| | With Norway and UNDP |
9.12 | Europe-China Clean Energy Centre (EC2)
| Commission | National Energy Administration
| 2008-14 | Tools for decision-makers, platform for capacity building and advice on regulatory conditions for the energy market, facilitating exchange of knowledge and emerging technologies, advisory role on clean energy issues
| No | Project design in progress
9.13 | Support to institutional and capacity building of the Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy (ICARE)
| Commission | Ministry of Education
| 2008-13 | EU-China Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy (ICARE) is established. Clean and renewable energy engineering education in China is permanently enhanced
| No | Project design in progress
9.14 | Research and Forum on Economics of Climate Changetoward a low carbon economy in China
| Stockholm Environment Institute
(funding from Sweden,
Germany ...)
| China Economists 50 Forum | 2007-09
| An action oriented policy report, addressing the issues of priority in the premise of climate change mitigation and adaptation and advising the policy makers how to achieve a low carbon economy in China.
| | |
9.15 | Establishment of Global Climate Change Centre in Beijing
| SpainUNDP MDG Fund | ONLGC and NDRC
| 2008-10 | South-South cooperation. Knowledge hub for good practices. Policy making
| | |
9.16 | Convening and Generation of Policy Advice from a High-Level Climate Change Policy Task Force
| SpainUNDP MDG Fund | China Council on International Cooperation for Environment and Development and MEP
| 2008-10 | Advise strategic policies on implementing the National Climate Change Strategy
| | |
9.17 | Formulation of China's Basic Energy Law
| 2008-10 | Includes a New National Rural Energy Strategy
| | |
9.18 | Engagement of multinational and local companies through a UN-Business Compact on Climate Change
| 2008-10 | Corporate responsibility for climate change and energy
| | |
9.19 | Demostration of best practices of "green employment" in three selected companies
| SpainUNDP MDG Fund | MHRSS
| 2008-10 | |
| |