The future regulation of derivatives markets: is the EU on the right track? - European Union Committee Contents


The following witnesses gave evidence. Those marked ** gave both oral and written evidence.

  Argus Media

  Ashurst LLP

  Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT)

  Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME), British Bankers  Association (BBA) and International Swaps and Derivatives Association  (ISDA)

  British Airways

  Mr John Chapman

  Chatham Financial

  City of London Corporation

  Deutsche Bank


  European Commission

  Financial Services Authority (FSA)

  Futures and Options Association

**  HM Treasury


**  International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA)

  Investment Management Association (IMA)

  J.P. Morgan

**  LCH.Clearnet

  Managed Funds Association

  MarketAxess Holdings Inc.

  Dr Chiara Oldani, University of Viterbo, Italy

  Mr Antonio Sáinz Vicuña

  Wholesale Markets Brokers' Association and the London Energy Brokers'  Association

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