House of Lords portcullis
House of Lords
Session 2010 - 11
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament

Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill

Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 2 — Rules for conduct of the referendum
Part 2 — Forms referred to in referendum rules



Voting area .......................................

This poll card is to tell you that you


For the referendum on: [day/date]

may vote in this referendum on behalf


Name and Address (Proxy):

of the person named on the back of


We will send the proxy postal voting


papers around [day/date].




If the postal voting papers have not


arrived by [day/date] please call


[helpline number] and ask for help.


If you lose or accidentally spoil the proxy postal ballot paper, please call:


[helpline number] as soon as possible. Replacement ballot papers can only be




issued before 5 pm on [day/date of poll].


This card is to provide you with information about voting by post.




Back of card


Referendum on the voting system for United Kingdom parliamentary elections




*This poll card is to tell you that for this referendum you will be able to vote as


proxy for the person named below and you will be sent a postal vote.




*(Person’s name)






*(Person’s address)


When you receive the postal voting pack, please read the instructions with it


carefully before completing the postal ballot paper.


Do not let anyone see your vote. If you need help voting, the person helping you


must not tell anyone how you have voted. You can get independent help from the




counting officer: please call our helpline on [helpline number].


Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 2 — Rules for conduct of the referendum
Part 2 — Forms referred to in referendum rules



You must sign the postal voting statement (unless you have been granted a waiver


by prior arrangement with the electoral registration officer) and provide your date


of birth. This is a security measure. It will not affect your vote or mean it can be


identified. Without your signature and date of birth the statement will not be valid


and your vote will not be counted. The counting officer can cross check your




signature against other records that they hold.


If you lose or accidentally spoil the postal ballot paper, please call the helpline


number below as soon as possible. We can only issue replacement postal ballot


papers before 5 pm on [day/date of poll].


Complete and return the postal vote as soon as possible. The counting officer must




receive the postal vote by 10 pm on [day/date of poll]. You can deliver your


completed voting papers to any polling station in the voting area.


If you want to vote in person as a proxy in this referendum, you must cancel your


postal vote before 5 pm on [-11 day/date deadline].


It is illegal to do any of the following:





Vote more than once (unless you are appointed as a proxy for another


person) in this referendum.



Vote as a proxy in this referendum for more than two persons unless you


are their spouse, civil partner, parent, grandparent, brother, sister, child or







Vote as a proxy for a person if you know that the person is subject to a legal


incapacity to vote.


Issued by the Counting Officer


[Where poll card sent to the proxy of an anonymous elector substitute for the text


marked with * above:




This poll card is to tell you that for this referendum you will be able to vote as


proxy for the person whose electoral number is shown below and you will be


sent a postal vote.


You are entitled to vote as proxy for the person whose electoral number is shown








(Person’s number on electoral register)


Rule 15(6)(a)

Form 9 - Official poll card (to be sent to an elector in Northern Ireland not

voting by post)


Front of card


Referendum on the voting system for United Kingdom parliamentary






Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 2 — Rules for conduct of the referendum
Part 2 — Forms referred to in referendum rules



Voting area: Northern Ireland


Polling day ...............................................................................................................


Your polling station will be .....................................................................................


Polling hours: 7 am to 10 pm


Number on register ..................................................................................................




Name .......................................................................................................................


Address ...................................................................................................................




Back of card


Referendum on the voting system for United Kingdom parliamentary






This card is for information only. You can vote without it, but it will save time


if you take it to the polling station and show it to the clerk there. Remember


that you will not be able to vote unless you show an approved form of


photographic identification.




When you go to the polling station, tell the clerk your name and address, as


shown on the front of the card and show your photographic identification. If the


clerk is satisfied that you are entitled to vote you will be given a ballot paper.


Go to one of the compartments. Mark a cross (X) in the box on the right hand


side of the ballot paper opposite the answer you are voting for.




Fold the ballot paper in two. Show the number and other unique identifying


mark to the presiding officer, but do not let anyone see your vote. Put the ballot


paper in the ballot box and leave the polling station.


Vote in one box only. Put no other mark on the ballot paper, or your vote may


not be counted.




If by mistake you spoil a ballot paper, show it to the presiding officer and ask for


another one.


If you are given a postal vote for this referendum, you will not be able to vote in


person in the referendum so please ignore this poll card.


If you have appointed a proxy to vote for you, you may nevertheless vote in this




referendum yourself provided you do so before your proxy has voted on your


behalf and provided your proxy is not entitled to vote on your behalf by post.


If you need help with voting please ask the clerk who will explain the assistance


which can be provided.


To obtain information in relation to the approved forms of photographic




identification or other information relating to voting procedures please phone


[helpline number]




Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 2 — Rules for conduct of the referendum
Part 2 — Forms referred to in referendum rules



Rule 15(6)(b)

Form 10 - Official proxy poll card (to be sent to an appointed proxy voting in

person in Northern Ireland)

Front of card


Referendum on the voting system for United Kingdom parliamentary








Proxy’s name...........................................................................................................


Proxy’s address......................................................................................................


Voting area: Northern Ireland




Polling day ...............................................................................................................


The poll will be open from 7 am to 10 pm


This poll card is to tell you that you may vote in this referendum on behalf of the


person named on the back of this card. Your appointment to vote for this person


as his or her proxy is either an existing appointment for elections or an




appointment made specifically for this referendum.


Back of card


Referendum on the voting system for United Kingdom parliamentary




The person named below whose proxy you are is entitled to vote at the polling








To vote as proxy you must go to that polling station. Remember that you will


not be able to vote unless you show an approved form of photographic


identification. Tell the clerk that you wish to vote as proxy; show your approved




form of photographic identification and give the name and qualifying address


of the person on whose behalf you wish to vote, as follows:


Number on register .............................................................................................


Name ......................................................................................................


Address ................................................................................................................




If the clerk is satisfied that you are able to vote as a proxy the clerk will give you


a ballot paper. The method of voting as proxy is the same as for casting your


own vote.


Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 2 — Rules for conduct of the referendum
Part 2 — Forms referred to in referendum rules



It is an offence to vote as proxy for some other person if you know that that


person is subject to a legal incapacity to vote, e.g. if that person has been


convicted and is detained in a penal institution in pursuance of his or her


sentence. It is also an offence to vote in this referendum for more than two


persons of whom you are not the spouse, civil partner, parent, grandparent,




brother, sister, child or grandchild.


The person for whom you are appointed as proxy may himself or herself vote in


person in this referendum if he or she is able, and wishes, to do so and if he or


she votes before you on his or her own behalf.


If you need help with voting please ask the clerk who will explain the assistance




which can be provided.


To obtain information in relation to the approved forms of photographic


identification or other information relating to voting procedures please phone


[helpline number]






Rule 17(3)

Form 11 - Form of corresponding number list (to be used in polling stations if

referendum taken alone)


Voting area: ........................................


Date of Poll: .........................................




Polling Station: .....................................


Sheet No.: .............................................


Ballot Paper Number

Elector Number






Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 2 — Rules for conduct of the referendum
Part 2 — Forms referred to in referendum rules



Rule 17(6)


Form 12 - Form of directions for the guidance of the voters in voting

Referendum on the voting system for United Kingdom parliamentary elections

Guidance for voters


1. When you are given a ballot paper go to one of the compartments. Mark a cross


(X) in the box on the right hand side of the ballot paper opposite the answer you




are voting for.


2. Vote in one box only. Put no other mark on the ballot paper, or your vote may


not be counted. Do not let anyone see your vote.


3. Fold the ballot paper in two. Show the back of the ballot paper to the presiding


officer so as to disclose the number and other unique identifying mark. Put the




ballot paper in the ballot box and leave the polling station.


4. If by mistake you spoil a ballot paper, show it to the presiding officer and ask for


another one.


Rule 21(4)(b)

Form 13 - Form of certificate of employment



Referendum on the voting system for United Kingdom parliamentary




[insert name of voting area]


I certify that (name) ..................... who is numbered ................... in the register of


electors cannot reasonably be expected to go in person to the polling station




allotted to him or her in the referendum on (date of poll) ..................... by reason of


the particular circumstances of his or her employment on that date for a purpose


connected with the referendum *as a constable / *by me.


*Delete whichever is inappropriate.


Signature .................................................




*Counting officer / police officer (inspector or above)


Date ....................................


Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 2 — Rules for conduct of the referendum
Part 2 — Forms referred to in referendum rules



Note: The person named above is entitled to vote at any polling station on


production and surrender of this certificate to the presiding officer.


Rule 31(5)

Form 14 - Form of declaration to be made by the companion of a voter with




I, A.B., of ........................., having been requested to assist C.D. ([in the case of a


person with disabilities voting as proxy add] voting as proxy for M.N.) whose number


on the register is ............... to record his vote in the referendum now being held in


this voting area hereby declare that (I am entitled to vote as a voter at that


referendum) (I am the *...................... of the said voter and have attained the age of




18 years), and that I have not previously assisted any person with a disability


(except E.F., of .....................) to vote in that referendum.


*State the relationship of the companion to the voter.


(Signed) A.B. ..........................................


Date ........................................................




I, the undersigned, being the presiding officer for the .............. polling station in the


[insert name of voting area] hereby certify that the above declaration, having been


first read to the above-named declarant, was signed by the declarant in my






(Signed) G.H. ............................................


[Date ...........................................................]


............................ minutes past .................... o’clock [am] [pm]



NOTES: (1) If the person making the above declaration knowingly and wilfully




makes therein a statement false in a material particular, he or she will be guilty of


an offence.


(2) A voter with disabilities is a voter who has made a declaration under rule 31(2)


that he or she is so incapacitated by blindness or other disability, or by an inability


to read, as to be unable to vote without assistance.




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