House of Lords portcullis
House of Lords
Session 2010 - 11
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament

Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill

Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 10 — The alternative vote system: further amendments
Part 1 — Amendments of the parliamentary elections rules




In rule 50 (declaration of result), in paragraph (1), for sub-paragraphs (a) to

(c) there is substituted—


declare the number of votes obtained by each candidate

(including any reallocated in accordance with rule 45A

above), starting with the candidate with the fewest and


proceeding in order to the candidate with the most;


declare which is the candidate who (in accordance with

that rule) is elected;


declare the stage at which each eliminated candidate was

eliminated and the stage at which the elected candidate


was elected;


return the name of the elected candidate to the Clerk of the



give public notice of the name of the elected candidate, the

number of rejected ballot papers under each head shown


in the statement of rejected ballot papers, the number of

votes allocated to each candidate in accordance with

voters’ first preferences, and for each subsequent stage of



the name of the eliminated candidate,



the number of votes reallocated to each of the

remaining candidates, and


the number of votes of the candidate eliminated at

the previous stage that were not reallocated.”


In rule 53 (return or forfeiture of candidate’s deposit), in paragraph (4), for


the words after “is completed,” there is substituted “the number of first-

preference votes obtained by the candidate is found to be not more than one-

twentieth of the total number of first-preference votes obtained by all the


10    (1)  

In rule 61 (deceased independent candidate wins), in paragraph (1), for “the


majority of votes is given to the deceased candidate” there is substituted “the

deceased candidate would have been elected (in accordance with rule 45A

above) had he not died”.


In paragraph (2) of that rule, for sub-paragraph (a) there is substituted—


declare the number of votes obtained by each candidate


(including any reallocated in accordance with rule 45A

above), starting with the candidate with the fewest and

proceeding in order to the candidate with the most,


declare that the deceased candidate would have been

elected had he not died,”.



For sub-paragraph (c) of that paragraph there is substituted—


give public notice of the number of rejected ballot papers

under each head shown in the statement of rejected ballot

papers, the number of votes allocated to each candidate in

accordance with voters’ first preferences, and for each


subsequent stage of counting—


the name of the candidate eliminated,


the number of votes reallocated to each of the

remaining candidates, and


Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 10 — The alternative vote system: further amendments
Part 1 — Amendments of the parliamentary elections rules




the number of votes of the candidate eliminated at

the previous stage that were not reallocated.”

11    (1)  

For rule 62 (deceased independent candidate with equality of votes) there is


“62   (1)  

This rule applies in relation to an election mentioned in rule 60(1)




The reference in rule 45A(3) above to the candidate with the fewest

votes, in a case where—


there are—


two or more candidates with fewer votes than the


others but an equal number to each other, or


three or more candidates, or remaining candidates,

all with the same number of votes,




one of them is a deceased candidate,



shall be taken as a reference to the deceased candidate.


The reference in rule 45A(4) or (5) above to the candidate with

more votes than the other remaining candidates put together, in a

case where—


there are only two remaining candidates,



those two candidates have an equal number of votes, and


one of them is a deceased candidate,


shall be taken as a reference to the candidate other than the

deceased candidate.


Where paragraph (2) or (3) above applies, it applies in place of rule


49 or 49A above.”

12    (1)  

The Appendix of forms is amended as follows.


In the Form of Front of Ballot Paper—


for “VOTE FOR ONE CANDIDATE ONLY” there is substituted—


“Put the number 1 next to the name of the candidate who is your first




choice (or your only choice, if you want to vote for only one candidate).


You can also put the number 2 next to your second choice, 3 next to


your third choice, and so on.


You can mark as few or as many choices (up to the number of


candidates) as you wish.




Do not use the same number more than once.”



the numbers on the left-hand side are omitted, together with the

vertical rule separating them from the particulars of the candidates.


In the directions as to printing the ballot paper—


in paragraph 2(a), for “the direction to vote for one candidate only”


there is substituted “the directions beginning “Put the number 1 next

to the name of the candidate who is your first choice” and ending

“Do not use the same number more than once.””;


Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 10 — The alternative vote system: further amendments
Part 2 — Amendments of other provisions of the 1983 Act




in paragraph 2(b), for the words “the vertical rules separating those

particulars from the numbers on the left-hand side and the spaces on

the right” there is substituted “the vertical rule separating those

particulars from the spaces on the right”.


In the Guidance for Voters—



for paragraph 1 there is substituted—



When you are given a ballot paper go to one of the compartments.


Put the number 1 on the ballot paper in the box to the right of the


name of the candidate who is your first choice (or your only


choice, if you want to vote for only one candidate).




You can also put the number 2 in the box to the right of the name


of the candidate who is your second choice, the number 3 in the


box to the right of the name of the candidate who is your third


choice, and so on.


You can mark as few or as many choices (up to the number of




candidates) as you wish.


Do not use the same number more than once.”



in paragraph 2, the words “Vote for one candidate only.” are


Part 2


Amendments of other provisions of the 1983 Act


The 1983 Act is amended as follows.

14    (1)  

In section 66 (requirement of secrecy), in subsection (2)(b), for “the candidate

for whom any vote is given on any particular ballot paper” there is

substituted “how any particular ballot paper has been marked”.



In subsection (3)(b) and (c) of that section, for “the candidate for whom”

there is substituted “how”.


In subsection (3)(d) of that section, for “the name of the candidate for whom

he has or has not” there is substituted “how he has”.


In subsection (4)(d) of that section, for “the candidate for whom any vote is


given on any particular ballot paper” there is substituted “how any

particular ballot paper has been marked”.


In subsection (5) of that section, for “the candidate for whom” there is

substituted “how”.


Subsections (7) and (8) of that section are repealed.



The amendments made by this paragraph do not apply to a local

government election (within the meaning given by section 204(1) of the 1983

Act) in Scotland.


In section 113 (bribery), in subsection (7)—


for “this section the expression” there is substituted “this section—



the expression”;


Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 10 — The alternative vote system: further amendments
Part 2 — Amendments of other provisions of the 1983 Act




at the end there is inserted—


a reference to voting or refraining from voting, in the

case of a parliamentary election, includes a reference

to marking or refraining from marking preferences on

the ballot paper;



a reference to the vote of any voter, in the case of a

parliamentary election, includes a reference to the

marking of a voter’s preferences on the ballot paper.”


In section 114 (treating), at the end there is inserted—


Subsection (7)(b) of section 113 above has effect for the purposes of


this section as it has effect for the purposes of that one.”


In section 115 (undue influence), at the end there is inserted—


Subsection (7)(b) of section 113 above has effect for the purposes of

this section as it has effect for the purposes of that one.”

18    (1)  

In section 117 (savings as to parliamentary elections), in subsection (2)(b), for


“to record his vote for any particular candidate” there is substituted “to vote

in any particular way”.


In subsection (2)(c) of that section, for “recording his vote for any particular

candidate” there is substituted “voting in any particular way”.

19    (1)  

In section 139 (trial of election petition), in subsection (6) the words “the


parliamentary elections rules or”, in both places, are repealed.


After that subsection there is inserted—


If the petition relates to an election conducted under the

parliamentary elections rules and it appears that there is an equality

of votes between any candidates (a “tie”)—



rule 49, 49A or 62 of those rules (whichever is relevant) shall

apply for the purposes of the petition;


where under rule 49 or 49A the tie falls to be resolved by lot—


any decision made by lot by the returning officer

under that rule shall, in so far as it resolves the tie, be


effective also for the purposes of the petition, and


in so far as the tie is not resolved by such a decision,

the court shall resolve it by lot.”


In section 165 (avoidance of election for employing corrupt agent), after

subsection (3) there is inserted—



In the case of a parliamentary election—


a vote shall be deemed in accordance with subsection (3)

above to be thrown away only to the extent that it indicates a

preference (whether a first preference or any other) for the

person who was under the incapacity, and



any number on the voter’s ballot paper indicating a

subsequent preference shall be treated as reduced by one.”


In section 166 (votes to be struck off for corrupt or illegal practices), in

subsection (1), for the words from “election there shall” to the end there is


Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 11 — Repeals
Part 1 — Voting system for parliamentary elections



substituted “election, then on a scrutiny—


there shall be disregarded any preference for the candidate

(whether a first preference or any other) indicated by a voter

who is proved to have been so bribed, treated or unduly

influenced, and



any number on the voter’s ballot paper indicating a

subsequent preference shall be treated as reduced by one.”


In section 199B (translations etc of certain documents), in subsection (6), for

the words “in the case of a parliamentary election or” in paragraph (a) there

is substituted—



“in the case of a parliamentary election, must have printed

the following words both at the top and immediately below

the list of candidates:


“Put the number 1 next to the name of the candidate


who is your first choice (or your only choice, if you




want to vote for only one candidate).


You can also put the number 2 next to your second


choice, 3 next to your third choice, and so on.


You can mark as few or as many choices (up to the


number of candidates) as you wish.




Do not use the same number more than once.”,



in the case of”.

Part 3

Amendments of other enactments

Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000



In section 3A of the 2000 Act (four Electoral Commissioners to be persons

put forward by parties), in subsection (7), for “votes cast for” there is

substituted “first-preference votes obtained by”.

Schedule 11

Section 15




Part 1

Voting system for parliamentary elections


Short title and chapter

Extent of repeal


Representation of the People

Section 66(7) and (8).


Act 1983 (c. 2)

In section 139(6), the words “the parliamentary




elections rules or” in both places.


Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 11 — Repeals
Part 2 — Parliamentary constituencies



Short title and chapter

Extent of repeal


Representation of the People

In Schedule 1, in the Appendix of forms—


Act 1983 (c. 2)—cont.


in the Form of Front of Ballot Paper, the


numbers on the left-hand side, and the


vertical rule separating them from the




particulars of the candidates;



in paragraph 2 of the Guidance for


Voters, the words “Vote for one


candidate only.”


Representation of the People

Section 13(b).




Act 1985 (c. 50)


Greater London Authority Act

In Schedule 3, paragraph 11.


1999 (c. 29)


Part 2

Parliamentary constituencies



Short title and chapter

Extent of repeal


Parliamentary Constituencies

In section 3—


Act 1986 (c. 56)


in subsection (1)(b), the words “(read


with paragraph 7)”;



subsection (3);





in subsection (6), the words “and related





subsections (7) and (8).


Section 6.


Section 8(3).




Boundary Commissions Act

Section 2(3).


1992 (c. 55)

Section 3.


Scotland Act 1998 (c. 46)

Section 86.


Local Government (Wales) Act

In Schedule 2, paragraph 13.


1994 (c. 19)

In Schedule 16, paragraph 80.




Local  Government  etc.

In Schedule 13, paragraph 150.


(Scotland) Act 1994


Government of Wales Act 2006

Section 2(5) and (6).


(c. 32)

In section 159, in the entry for “Assembly


electoral region”, the words “and Schedule 1”.




Schedule 1.


In Schedule 11, paragraph 1.


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Revised 3 February 2011