The future of economic governance in the
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
Economic and monetary union
1. The foundations of the euro area were laid
in 1988 when the European Council[1]
asked Jacques Delors, then President of the European Commission,
to set up a committee to study economic and monetary union (EMU),
to result in Member States of the EU sharing a single currency.
The committee's report concluded that if a single currency were
introduced it would require: a greater coordination of economic
policies; rules on the size of national budget deficits; and,
the creation of a new, independent, European Central Bank (ECB),
which would be responsible for the EMU's monetary policy.[2]
2. The European Council decided to move forward
on the basis of the Delors report. The Treaty on European Union,
signed on 7 February 1992 at Maastricht, set out the process and
timetable for the introduction of economic and monetary union
by the end of the century. This was to take place in three stages,
which were designed to achieve economic convergence amongst Member
States (in terms of inflation, stability of exchange rates and
in budgetary positions, as opposed to the standards of living).
This would, in turn, bring their economic cycles broadly in line.
By the third stage Member States could progress to full economic
and monetary union, so long as they achieved specified "convergence"
criteria (these were requirements for a certain level of price
stability, sustainable government finances, and stable exchange
and interest rates). All Member States in the EU (with the exception
of the UK and Denmark both of which secured formal opt-outs) and
those who have joined since pledged to adopt the euro once they
meet these criteria.
3. The third stage started on 1 January 1999.
The 11 Member States which had achieved the convergence criteria
launched the euro (although initially just for non-physical transactions
such as electronic transfers) under a single monetary policy run
by the ECB. After a three-year transition period, euro notes and
coins were introduced on 1 January 2002.
4. The opt-out from the third stage of EMU secured
by the United Kingdom stated that, even if it met the convergence
criteria, it did not have to join the euro. Nor did Denmark, following
a 'no' vote in a referendum.
5. Within the EU there are now 17 Member States
who are members of the euro area, with a single currency and monetary
policy. The expectation remains that other Member States without
an opt-out will join the euro when they meet the convergence criteria.
Background of the crisis
6. The euro area initially appeared to have avoided
the worst of the financial crisis that flared after the collapse
of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, and early signs of economic
recovery in the second half of 2009 gave grounds for optimism
that the European economy was on the mend. But after the revelation
in autumn 2009 that Greek public finances were in a much worse
state than had hitherto been admitted, the capacity of the Greek
government to finance its borrowing deteriorated. In early 2010,
a sovereign default in the euro area looked a possibility and,
after some hesitation, a rescue package worth 110 billion
was put together at the beginning of May 2010, allowing Greece
to avoid borrowing on the open market for three years if it so
7. The package was made up of funding from euro
area governments and from the IMF (and hence, indirectly, from
non-euro area countries, of which the UK is the largest in the
EU). This was routinely described as a 'bail-out'. In fact, this
description was inaccurate, as Professor Charles Goodhart,
Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics,
made clear: "at the end of the day the money is supposed
to be paid back with interest. It has not been a bailout; it has
been financing".[3]
8. In the days after the Greek rescue, there
were fears of contagion[4]
spreading to other vulnerable Member States. Ireland, Portugal
and Spain were seen as most at risk, and the high level of Italian
and Belgian debt were also causes for concern. In an increasingly
febrile atmosphere there was speculation that UK public finances
might also attract market attention.
9. To provide a bulwark against market speculation,
the EU's leaders agreed in May 2010 to create two temporary funds
to provide liquidity to affected economies, the European Financial
Stabilisation Mechanism (EFSM) and the larger European Financial
Stability Facility (EFSF). These mechanisms will remain in place
until 2013. At the time this report was published only one country,
Ireland, had received assistance from these funds. The EFSM and
EFSF are described in more detail later in this report (chapter
10. The crisis of confidence in the euro area
exposed a variety of shortcomings in EU economic governance[5]
which we analyse in detail in chapter 2. As the magnitude of the
challenges confronting the EU, and the euro area in particular,
became clear in the wake of Greece's problems, Member States began
to consider what kind of governance reforms and capabilities were
required, not only to ease the current crisis but to avoid another
11. Following the events in Greece in 2009, the
Commission worked on legislative proposals to strengthen economic
governance, culminating in a package of six proposals for new
measures unveiled at the end of September 2010. Four of these
are intended to improve fiscal[6]
discipline amongst Member States (see chapter 3), while the other
two introduce measures to oversee and correct macroeconomic imbalances[7]
(see chapter 4).
12. In parallel, at its March 2010 meeting, the
European Council asked its new President, Herman van Rompuy, to
chair a taskforce (made up predominantly of finance ministers
of Member States) and put forward proposals for a better approach
to budgetary discipline ('the van Rompuy taskforce'). The taskforce
presented its final report in October 2010 and its proposals were
endorsed by the European Council at its meeting on 28 and 29 October.
With one exception[8] there
are only minor differences between the Commission's proposals
and the van Rompuy taskforce's recommendations.
13. In addition, the van Rompuy taskforce looked
at creating an improved crisis resolution framework. Following
its report, Member States agreed at the European Council meeting
in October 2010 to establish a permanent crisis resolution mechanism
called the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), to replace the
ad hoc EFSM and EFSF. We consider the proposed mechanism
itself in more detail in chapter 5.
The EU 27 vs the euro area
14. In this report we consider and make recommendations
on the proposals outlined above. Some of these will apply to all
EU Member States, while others will only affect Member States
of the euro area. The proposals which only apply to euro area
Member States are those dealing with financial sanctions; all
Member States are required to follow the same rules and submit
to the same surveillance of their economic policies, but only
euro area Member States can be punished for not doing so. In contrast,
the proposals for a permanent crisis resolution mechanism indicate
that it will be funded by, and apply solely to, euro area countries.
15. Mr José Leandro, Adviser on Monetary
and Economic Affairs of the Cabinet of the President of the European
Council, explained why the proposals for increased economic coordination
applied to the whole EU, as opposed to just the euro area; "our
economies are intertwined and interlinked ... decisions in one
country may affect others". Irresponsible economic policies
in one Member State may therefore have a damaging effect on other
countries in the EU. Mr Leandro argued that this "spillover
effect" needs to be "better taken into account through
reinforced coordination".[9]
For those countries sharing a single currency this interdependence
is even more pronounced, and hence sanctions are available to
compel countries to behave in ways that do not injure their neighbours.
16. Other witnesses gave additional reasons why
cooperation should take place among all EU Member States. Dr Uri
Dadush, Director of Carnegie's International Economics Program,
argued that economic coordination from countries with independent
monetary and exchange rate policy could help those countries inside
the euro area, increasing "the probability that shocks emanating
in the Eurozone do not spillover onto other EU members".[10]
Mr Benoît de la Chapelle Bizot, Finance Ministry Adviser
of the Permanent Representation of France to the EU, meanwhile,
argued that economic coordination was required to ensure the effective
working of the single market.[11]
17. Mr Declan Costello, Acting Director
for Structural Reforms and Competitiveness in the Directorate
General for Economic and Financial Affairs at the European Commission,
informed us that the impetus for ensuring that many of the proposals
about economic coordination applied to all EU countries and not
exclusively to the euro area did not come from the Commission,
but in fact was called for by those Member States of the EU hoping
to join the euro one day. He explained that "they do not
want a gulf to emerge between the surveillance elements and for
there to be a wider gap between what we do for euro area countries
and non-euro area countries",[12]
since this would then make it harder to enter the euro area at
a later date. The Minister echoed this statement: "My personal
observation is that there are those Member States outside the
Eurozone that are committed to joining it as part of their accession
treaty ... they have a particular interest in how the rules of
the club develop".[13]
The UK's interest in economic
18. The UK has an opt-out from Euro membershipit
does not therefore need to move towards economic convergence in
the same way as most other Member States who are prospectively
joining the Euro. We heard, however, several reasons why the UK
should be interested in what has frequently been described as
the "euro crisis", when we are not, and are unlikely
to be in the near future, members of the euro.
19. Our witnesses were unanimous in stating that
the health of the euro area directly impacted upon the UK. Dr Thomas
Mayer, Chief Economist at Deutsche Bank, told us that the current
liquidity crisis "is first and foremost a Eurozone problem
... but the external, spillover effects of the Eurozone problem
turn it into an EU and a global problem".[14]
For example, the UK's financial sector has substantial investments
in euro area countriesa crisis in these Member States could
therefore pose a significant threat to financial institutions
in the UK.[15] Dr Waltraud
Schelkle, Senior Lecturer of Political Economy at the London School
of Economics, therefore urged to the UK to recognise that it had
"an enlightened self-interest" in ensuring the existence
of a stable euro.[16]
The UK, through its involvement in the single market, is heavily
interconnected with other European economies. In 2009, nearly
sixty percent of the UK's trade was with the EU. UK businesses
will feel the strain if euro area economies stagnate or shrink.[17]
Mr Fabian Zuleeg, Chief Economist at the European Policy
Centre, put it succinctly: "interdependence does not stop
with different currencies".[18]
20. In addition to these arguments for self-interest,
we would emphasise another: solidarity. Professor Jean-Victor
Louis, Honorary Professor at the Brussels Free University,
reminded us that "the European Union is founded and grounded
on solidarity"[19]
and we believe that the UK should consider, and support where
possible, the interests of other Member States in the Union.
21. The Government have stated that they "want
to see, and have a strong interest in ... a much stronger and
resilient Eurozone".[20]
They conclude that the UK can play a role in supporting the euro
area while at the same time protecting its own interests. At the
same time, the Minister states that "there is a fine dividing
line between providing support, ideas and advice, and getting
stuck in to the detail of the rules when we are not part of the
club".[21] Ms Katinka
Barysch, Deputy Director of the Centre for European Reform, expressed
this view in stronger terms when she told us, "[the UK] cannot
expect to play a leading role in the debates about Eurozone governance,
in as much as it is not prepared to be bound by whatever rules
come out of that debate".[22]
22. The UK has a strong interest in seeing
the euro area stable and prosperous. It is therefore directly
affected by developments in the euro area. The Government have
a vested interest in ensuring that proposals to increase stability
in the euro area through increased economic coordination are effective.
We will therefore consider and make recommendations on both those
proposals that will apply to the UK and those that will not. In
the latter case, we make these recommendations to inform the debate
currently taking place whilst recognising that we are only observers
not participants.
The inquiry
23. In this report, we consider the various proposals
put forward by the Commission and the van Rompuy taskforce. As
they are substantially the same in most areas (see paragraph 12
above) we have based our remarks on the Commission proposals.
The exception is Chapter 5 on a permanent crisis resolution mechanism;
the Commission has not brought forward proposals in this area
so we have based our comments on the texts agreed by the European
Council at its December 2010 meeting.
24. The membership of Sub-Committee A which undertook
this inquiry is set out in Appendix 1. We are grateful to those
who submitted written and oral evidence, who are listed in Appendix
2; all the evidence is printed with this report. The evidence
taken as part of this inquiry was taken from October to December
2010. There is a glossary in Appendix 4. We also thank the Sub-Committee's
specialist adviser Professor Iain Begg, Professorial Research
Fellow at the European Institute, at the London School of Economics.
We make this report for debate.
1 A council of all the heads of state or government
of the European Union. Back
Monetary policy is the regulation of the money supply and interest
rates by a central bank, such as the ECB. Back
Q 102. See also, for example, QQ 184 (Dr Gros), 354 (Professor
Louis) Back
Contagion is a scenario where the financial troubles of one economy
spread to other economies. Back
There is some confusion about the meaning of the term 'economic
governance' and the related, but distinct, term 'economic government'.
The latter has long been espoused especially by French contributors
to the debate on economic and monetary union and would imply the
creation of EU (or euro area) institutions for economic policy
as a counterpart to the centralised monetary policies of the European
Central Bank. Economic governance is a looser term that captures
the different arrangements for running the EMU, and for coordinating
economic policies within the wider EU. Back
Fiscal policy relates to government taxation and spending decisions. Back
Such imbalances can be of different sorts, although their common
characteristic is to affect the overall trajectory of an economy
in terms of aggregate output (GDP), employment, competitiveness
or the inflation rate. Back
The van Rompuy taskforce report includes the statement that financial
sanctions "will be first applied to euro area Member States
only. As soon as possible, and at the latest in the context of
the next multi-annual financial framework, the enforcement measures
will be extended to all Member States". A footnote excludes
the UK because of the details of its opt-out from EMU. The Commission
proposals, by contrast, do not foresee any extension of financial
sanctions to non-members of the euro area. See paragraphs 111-114
for further discussion of this issue. Back
Q 227 Back
EGE 18 Back
Q 294 Back
Q 374 Back
Q 510 Back
Q 138. See also Q 141 (Dr Annunziata) Back
See paragraphs 26-29 in chapter 2. Back
Q 122 Back
Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom Balance of Payments,
2010 Edition Back
Q 336 Back
Q 353 Back
Q 505 Back
Q 513 Back
Q 460 Back