Introductions - Procedure Committee Contents

First report of session 2010-11 from the Procedure Committee


1.  On 28 May, the Prime Minister published a list of 56 new Peers. In order to allow all the new Peers to be introduced before the summer recess, the Leader of the House has proposed that, between now and the summer recess, up to three introductions should be allowed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. We support this proposal, which makes use of the flexibility allowed, in exceptional circumstances, by paragraph 1.13 of the Companion to the Standing Orders.

2.  In addition, the House authorities have agreed that, over the same period, up to two introductions should be allowed each Wednesday, and the first such introductions have been scheduled in House of Lords Business. Although not normal practice, Wednesday introductions are permitted by the Companion.

3.  It is intended that these arrangements should run until the House rises for the summer recess, at which point the usual arrangements will resume.

4.  On the assumption that his proposal is agreed, and in order to minimise the impact on the business of the House, the Leader has indicated that on days when there are three introductions planned (on a Monday, Tuesday or Thursday), the House will sit 15 minutes earlier than the usual sitting time (in other words, at 2.15pm on a Monday or Tuesday, and at 10.45am on a Thursday). There will be no change to Wednesday sitting times.

5.  We recommend that, between now and the 2010 summer recess, up to three introductions should be allowed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

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