Terms of Reference
Chapter 1: An Introduction
Chapter 2: The Scale of the Challenge
Figure 1: New HIV and AIDS diagnoses
and deaths since 1981
The newly infected
Who has HIV?
Age range
National spread
The dangers of late diagnosis
Figure 2: Late and very late diagnosis of
HIV Infection by prevention group and age group, 2009
How many are accessing care?
Figure 3: Cumulative numbers of those accessing
care by prevention and ethnic group, 2000-2009
The growing costs
Chapter 3: No Vaccine, No Cure
No cure
Putting prevention first
Chapter 4: Prevention: Getting the Message
Prevention campaignsthe current
Local HIV programmes
Wider sexual health campaigns
Do current campaigns work?
Delivering the right prevention campaigns
Evaluating the effectiveness of campaigns
Intensive prevention
Stigmaan obstacle to prevention
What is stigma?
The causes of stigma
Effects upon public health and prevention
Legal protections
What more can be done?
Working with faith leaders
Peer support groups and the role of people
living with HIV
Combination prevention
Chapter 5: Taking Prevention Further
Education in schools
Box 1: Existing requirements around sex and
relationships education
Improving the system
Preventing mother-to-child transmission
Treatment as prevention
Dealing with HIV in prisons
Treatment for prisoners with HIV
Prevention in prisons
Chapter 6: 'Don't Die of Ignorance'
HIV testingthe way forward
Box 2: 2008 Testing GuidelinesMain
Delivering change
Patient engagement
Chapter 7: The Right Treatment
Commissioning effective, efficient treatment
Integration of HIV and wider STI services
Delivering treatment and care
Recommended treatment developments
Developing standards of care for HIV
and AIDS
Ending migrant charging regulations
Box 3: Exemptions from Charging and Safeguards
Is the policy justifiable?
Changing the model of care
Improving specialist services
Getting GPs involved with HIV and AIDS
Going furtherservice networks
Chapter 8: Organising The Public Health Response
Local delivery
Health and Wellbeing Boards
Directors of Public Health
Public Health Outcomes Framework
Chapter 9: Recommendations
Appendix 1: Members and Declarations of interest
Appendix 2: List of Witnesses
Appendix 3: Call For Evidence
Appendix 4: Visit To Brighton 15 March 2011
Appendix 5: Visit to London Clinics 31 March
Appendix 6: Visit to Leeds 9 May 2011
Appendix 7: Visit to HMP Brixton 17 June
Appendix 8: Glossary
Evidence is published online at
and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020
7219 5314)
References in footnotes to the Report are as follows:
Q refers to a question in oral evidence;
HAUK 1 refers to written evidence as listed in
Appendix 2.