Evidence is published online at
and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020
7219 5314).
Evidence received by the Committee is listed below
in chronological order of oral evidence session and in alphabetical
order. Those witnesses marked with * gave both oral evidence and
written evidence. Those marked with ** gave oral evidence and
did not submit any written evidence. All other witnesses submitted
written evidence only.
Oral evidence in chronological order
** (QQ 1-30) Professor Adrian Wood and
Mr Roger Riddell
* (QQ 31-50) Professor Robert Picciotto
** Professor Benno Ndulu
* (QQ 51-81) Sir Edward Clay
** Lord Jay of Ewelme
** Sir Tim Lankester
* (QQ 82-121) Overseas Development Institute
* (QQ 122-168) Department for International
* (QQ 169-205) Conflict Pool: Department
for International Development
** Conflict Pool: Foreign and
Commonwealth Office
** Conflict Pool: Ministry of
* (QQ 206-251) Christian Aid
* Oxfam
* Practical Action
* Save the Children
** (QQ 252-283) Actis
* Adam Smith International
* Ashmore Investment Management
* (QQ 284-316) Professor Philip Booth
** Mr Richard Manning
* (QQ 317-337) Professor Paul Collier
** (QQ 338-364) Rory Stewart MP
* (QQ 365-398) National Audit Office
* (QQ 399-459) Ms Michela Wrong
** (QQ 460-479) Professor Jeffrey Sachs
* (QQ 480-509) Transparency International
* (QQ 510-595) Independent Commission for
Aid Impact
* (QQ 596-642) Andrew Mitchell MP, Secretary
of State for International Development
* (QQ 643-679) Mr Gordon Bridger
* Mr Charles Cullimore, Business
Council for Africa UK
** Mr Michael Shaw
Alphabetical list of all witnesses
** Actis
* Adam Smith International
Africa Delivers
* Ashmore Investment Management Ltd
Professor Jean-Paul Azam
Embassy of Bangladesh
Aid Effectiveness Unit of Economic Relations
Division, Bangladesh
Mr Owen Barder, Center for Global Development
Mr Matt Berkley
* Professor Philip Booth, Institute of Economic
* Mr Gordon Bridger
Dr Patrick Carter
Mr John Chown
Embassy of China
* Christian Aid
* Sir Edward Clay
* Professor Paul Collier
* Mr Charles Cullimore, Business Council for
Africa UK
* Andrew Mitchell MP, Secretary of State for
International Development
* Department for International Development
* Department for International Development (Conflict
Economic Affairs Division, Government of Pakistan
** Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Conflict
* Independent Commission for Aid Impact
** Lord Jay of Ewelme
Kenya High Commission
** Sir Tim Lankester
Legatum Institute
** Ministry of Defence (Conflict Pool)
Professor Oliver Morrissey
* National Audit Office
** Professor Benno Ndulu
Nigeria High Commission
Open Europe
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
* Overseas Development Institute
* Oxfam
Professor Alan Penney
* Professor Robert Picciotto
* Practical Action
Publish What You Fund
** Mr Roger Riddell
** Professor Jeffrey Sachs
* Save the Children
** Mr Michael Shaw
** Rory Stewart MP
Professor Finn Tarp
Professor Jonathan Temple
* Transparency International UK
UK Aid Network
** Professor Adrian Wood
World Vision
* Ms Michela Wrong