Terms of Reference
Chapter 1: Introduction
Achieving a Single European Railway Area
Box 1: Transport White PaperRailway Proposals
The Channel Tunnel
Box 2: Treaty of CanterburyKey Provisions
Infringement proceedings
The Committee's inquiry
Chapter 2: Legislation and Regulation
The beginning of liberalisation
The Railway Packages
Liberalisation of international passenger rail services
Continued fragmentation of the European railway market
Problems with implementation: infringement proceedings and the 'Recast'
Separation between infrastructure managers and railway undertakings
Is greater regulation required?
Independent Regulators Group-Rail (IRG-Rail)
European Railway Agency (ERA)
Box 3: European Railway Agency (ERA)
Chapter 3: The Governance of the Channel Tunnel
The Channel Tunnel in the EU regulatory context
Figure 1: Channel Tunnel Governance Structure
Box 4: Channel Tunnel Governance Arrangements
Revision of the Treaty of Canterbury
Achieving better bi-national regulation
Recent improvements
The French regulatory approach
Conflict of interests
Safety Issues
Competing safety standards
Box 5: Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI)
IGC safety review and the ERA's technical opinion
The authorisation of new international passenger services through the Channel Tunnel
The current state of the market
The authorisation process
Chapter 4: Other Barriers to Growth
Projected passenger and freight levels
Figure 2: Number of passengers and tonnes of freight (in millions) from 1994 to 2010
Access charges
A barrier to growth?
Rail User Contracts and network statements
Domestic access charges
Security and border controls
Box 6: The Schengen Area and Juxtaposed Border Controls
Box 7: European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS)
Figure 3: TEN-T 2030 Core Network Map
Revision of TEN-T funding
Inter-regional services and intermediate stations
Fair competition between different transport modes
Chapter 5: Consumers
Box 8: Regulation 1371/2007 on rail passengers' rights and obligations
Pan-European through-ticketing
Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF)/International Convention for the Transportation of Passengers (CIV)
Box 9: The Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) and the Convention for the Transportation of Passengers (CIV)
Chapter 6: Conclusions and Recommendations
Appendix 1: Sub-Committee on Internal Market, Energy and Transport
Appendix 2: List of Witnesses
Appendix 3: Call for Evidence
Appendix 4: Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
Evidence is published online at
and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020
7219 5314)
References in footnotes to the Report are as follows:
Q refers to a question in oral evidence;
Witness names without a question reference refer
to written evidence as listed in Appendix 2.