The euro area crisis - European Union Committee Contents

The European Union Committee

The Committee considers EU documents in advance of decisions being taken on them in Brussels, in order to influence the Government's position and to hold them to account.

The Government are required to deposit EU documents in Parliament, and to produce within two weeks an Explanatory Memorandum setting out the implications for the UK. The Committee examines these documents, and 'holds under scrutiny' any about which it has concerns, entering into correspondence with the relevant Minister until satisfied. Letters must be answered within two weeks. Under the 'scrutiny reserve resolution', the Government may not agree in the EU Council of Ministers to any proposal still held under scrutiny; reasons must be given for any breach.

The Committee also conducts inquiries and makes reports. The Government are required to respond in writing to a report's recommendations within two months of publication. If the report is for debate, then there is a debate in the House of Lords, which a Minister attends and responds to.

The Committee has seven Sub-Committees which are:

Economic and Financial Affairs and International Trade (Sub-Committee A)

Internal Market, Energy and Transport (Sub-Committee B)

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Development Policy (Sub-Committee C)

Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment (Sub-Committee D)

Justice and Institutions (Sub-Committee E)

Home Affairs (Sub-Committee F)

Social Policies and Consumer Protection (Sub-Committee G)

Our Membership

The Members of the European Union Committee are:

Lord Bowness            Baroness O'Cathain

Lord Carter of Coles          Lord Plumb

Lord Dear            Lord Richard

Lord Dykes            Lord Roper (Chairman)

Lord Foulkes of Cumnock        The Earl of Sandwich

Lord Hannay of Chiswick        Lord Teverson

Lord Harrison            Lord Tomlinson

Baroness Howarth of Breckland        Lord Trimble

Lord Jopling            Baroness Young of Hornsey

Lord Maclennan of Rogart

Information about the Committee

For information freely available on the web, our homepage is

There you will find many of our publications, along with press notices, details of membership and forthcoming meetings, and other information about the ongoing work of the Committee and its Sub-Committees, each of which has its own homepage.

General Information

General information about the House of Lords and its Committees, including guidance to witnesses, details of current inquiries and forthcoming meetings is on the internet at

Select Committee Staff

The current staff of the Select Committee are Jake Vaughan (Clerk), Dominique Gracia (2nd Clerk) and Hazel Scott (Committee Assistant). The current staff of Sub-Committee A are Stuart Stoner (Clerk), Laura Bonacorsi-Macleod (Policy Analyst) and Sarah Yusuf (Committee Assistant).

Contacts for the European Union Committee

Contact details for individual Sub-Committees are given on the website.

General correspondence should be addressed to the Clerk of the European Union Committee, Committee Office, House of Lords, London, SW1A 0PW

General enquiries 020 7219 5791. The Committee's email address is

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