Terms of Reference
Chapter 1: Introduction
The EU's role in higher education
Box 1: Commission Communication
Higher education in the United Kingdom
The Committee's inquiry
Chapter 2: The Bologna Process
The Bologna Process
Box 2: Bologna Process10 Action
The EU dimension
The United Kingdom dimension
Box 3: European Credit Transfer and Accumulation
System (ECTS) and the Diploma Supplement
Chapter 3: The EU's contribution of the modernisation
of higher education
Europe 2020 Strategy
The Knowledge Triangle
Box 4: European Institute of Innovation
and Technology (EIT) and Knowledge and Innovation Communities
EU funding
European Research Area (ERA)
Chapter 4: Student mobility
The benefits of mobility
The Erasmus programme
Figure 1: Outgoing Erasmus Students by
Member State, 2000-01 to 2009-10
Figure 2: Incoming Erasmus Students by
Member State, 2000-01 to 2009-10
Mobility to and from the United Kingdom
Steering Group on outward student mobility
Financial concerns and the fee waiver
Socio-economic and cultural considerations
Figure 3: Analysis of UK Erasmus participants
for 2008/09 by ethnicity and socio-economic group
Threats to the UK's competitive position
Erasmus Masters Degree Mobility Scheme
Revision of the Professional Qualifications
Chapter 5: Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations
Appendix 1: Sub-Committee on Social Policies
and Consumer Protection
Appendix 2: List of witnesses
Appendix 3: Site visit
Appendix 4: Call for evidence
Appendix 5: List of acronyms and abbreviations
Evidence is published online at
and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020
7219 5314)
References in footnotes to the Report are as follows:
Q refers to a question in oral evidence; Witness names without
a question reference refer to written evidence as listed in Appendix