European Union Committee - Twenty-Seventh Report
The Modernisation of Higher Education in Europe

Here you can browse the report which was ordered by the House of Lords to be printed 13 March 2012.


Terms of Reference


Chapter 1: Introduction

The EU's role in higher education

Higher education in the United Kingdom

The Committee's inquiry

Chapter 2: The Bologna Process

The Bologna Process

The EU dimension

The United Kingdom dimension

Chapter 3: The EU's contribution of the modernisation of higher education

Europe 2020 Strategy

The Knowledge Triangle

EU funding

European Research Area (ERA)



Chapter 4: Student mobility

The benefits of mobility

The Erasmus programme

Mobility to and from the United Kingdom

Threats to the UK's competitive position

Erasmus Masters Degree Mobility Scheme

Revision of the Professional Qualifications Directive

Chapter 5: Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations

Appendix 1: Sub-Committee on Social Policies and Consumer Protection

Appendix 2: List of witnesses

Appendix 3: Site visit

Appendix 4: Call for evidence

Appendix 5: List of acronyms and abbreviations

Evidence is published online at and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020 7219 5314)

References in footnotes to the Report are as follows: Q refers to a question in oral evidence; Witness names without a question reference refer to written evidence as listed in Appendix 2.

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