7.1. To assist us in our inquiry, we undertook
two case studies. The first looked at government behaviour change
interventions to reduce the prevalence of obesity and the second
at interventions to reduce car use to limit CO2 emissions.
These policy areas were chosen because they both involve major
challenges which require significant changes in behaviour. They
differ in that the first policy area is principally concerned
with benefiting the individual (though reducing burdens on the
health service must also be a concern), the second involves preventing
harm to society at large, now and in the future. Where findings
from the case studies have been used in the preceding Chapters
to inform our more general findings or recommendations, this has
been noted in the text. In addition, we have made some more specific
recommendations in relation to each case study.
Case Study 1: Tackling obesity
7.2. In 2009, almost a quarter of adults in England
were classified as obese and three in 10 children aged between
two and 15 were classified as either obese or overweight.[253]
Obesity is a major public health problem. It is associated with
a number of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and high
blood pressure, both major risk factors for cardiovascular disease.[254]
A Foresight report ("the Foresight report") on tackling
obesity, published in 2007, estimated that, without action, obesity-related
diseases would cost society £49.9 billion per year by 2050.[255]
What do we know about how to influence behaviour
to reduce obesity?
7.3. The Foresight report concluded that:
- The causes of obesity are complex,
encompassing biology and behaviour, but set within a cultural,
environmental and social framework.
- For an increasing number of people obesity is
an inevitableand largely involuntaryconsequence
of exposure to a modern lifestyle, which has included major changes
to work patterns, transport, food production and food sales.
- Successfully tackling obesity is a long-term,
large-scale commitment.
- The obesity epidemic cannot be prevented by individual
action alone and requires a societal approach.
- Preventing obesity is a societal challenge, similar
to climate change. It requires partnership between government,
science, business and civil society.[256]
7.4. Witnesses who gave evidence to us agreed
that the behaviours which lead to obesity are a consequence of
a number of interacting influences working at various levels (the
individual, family and organisation) and involving social and
environmental factors.[257]
As in the Foresight report, some suggested that the environmental
determinants of behaviour were particularly important and that,
arguably, the current societal environment was one in which unhealthy
choices were easier than healthy choices (sometimes described
as the "obesogenic environment").[258]
Professor Baldwin said, for example, that:
"... the explanation for [the rise in obesity]
is plainly not to be found in a collapse of personal responsibility
over this period. Instead the explanation revolves around a toxic
combination of readily available cheap high energy food and drink,
fewer opportunities for manual labour, an increase in car ownership,
changing social norms concerning cooking and eating, and other
features of the 'obesogenic' environment ..."[259]
Because behaviour is influenced at many levels, several
witnesses commented that a range of interventions would need to
be applied simultaneously to be effective.[260]
7.5. The link between health inequalities and
obesity was also highlighted by some witnesses,[261]
a connection well-documented in the recent Marmot review.[262]
Professor Michie argued that this suggested that interventions
should be targeted at particular groups: "NICE's review of
behaviour change ... has demonstrated, and been supported by lots
of evidence since, that interventions that are tailored towards
the targeted population tend to be more effective than those that
We note the commitment by DH to take steps to reduce health inequalities,
particularly through early intervention and prevention, and look
forward to seeing how this will be translated in their forthcoming
obesity strategy.
7.6. According to the Association for the Study
of Obesity and NICE, the evidence relating to effective behaviour
change interventions and obesity at the level of the individual
and small groups was clear (and reflected in NICE guidance).[264]
But, as with other policy areas, there are significant gaps in
the applied research base at the population level. Dr Melvyn
Hillsdon, University of Exeter, for example, said:
"All the theory tells us that there must
be some combination of personal, normative and environmental intervention
to change population prevalence ... the big question is about
population prevalence change, not so much about individually delivered
Are Government obesity policies evidence-based?
7.7. Bearing in mind what is known about behaviour
change interventions and reducing obesity, we have considered
the extent to which the Government's obesity policies are evidence-based.
We are aware that our assessment is in advance of the publication
of the Government's obesity strategy, which is due shortly.
7.8. Several witnesses acknowledged that, following
the Foresight report, DH had made efforts to pursue an evidence-based
approach to obesity,[266]
but they were critical of DH on the ground that insufficient attention
was being paid to tackling the wider environment in which decisions
are made.[267] Dr Campbell,
for example, commented that "confronting the real commercial
and environmental stimuli of obesity has not yet been achieved".[268]
The current Government have stated that, though they want to assist
individuals in taking responsibility for their own health, their
obesity strategy will involve changes to the wider environment
to make it easier for people to adopt a healthier diet and increase
their physical activity.[269]
7.9. Change4Life began in January 2009 and is
currently described as the marketing component of the Government's
response to the rise in obesity.[270]
According to DH, the campaign aims to inspire a societal movement
in which everyone who has an interest in preventing obesity, including
government, business, healthcare professionals, charities, schools,
families or individuals, can play their part (see Box 8, page
7.10. Several witnesses commented positively
about the extent to which the Change4Life programme was evidence-based.[271]
The Sustainable Development Commission, for example, said that
the programme made good use of messengers and provided a good
example of how to integrate behavioural sciences into the design
of an intervention.[272]
Tim Duffy of M&C Saatchi referred to the precise segmentation
work undertaken by DH in order to target interventions more accurately.
DH itself described to us how piloting was used: the Change4Life
convenience stores project was piloted in the North East, after
which, given the results of the pilot, the intervention it was
rolled out more widely.[273]
7.11. The Change4Life campaignin particular
the Great Swapathon initiativehas, however, not been without
criticism. The Great Swapathon provided vouchers to families for
discounted food products and activities. But far from encouraging
healthy eating, some evidence suggested that providing discounted
healthy products actually encouraged people to buy more unhealthy
ones.[274] Furthermore,
although Sian Jarvis, Director General of Communications at DH,
said that there had been some analysis of the extent to which
the Change4Life programme has influenced purchasing behaviour
(and that the results were positive)[275],
much of the evaluation so far has taken the form of an assessment
of brand recognition and claimed change[276]a
worrying example of the lack of outcome measures associated with
a behaviour change intervention which we describe in paragraph
6.7 above.
7.12. It appears that the Change4Life programme
has, on the whole, been evidence-based and appropriately targeted.
We note the Government's commitment to continue using the brand
and urge DH to ensure that future evaluations are robust and establish
whether or not the programme is likely to be successful in the
longer term.
Population wide interventions: advertising, marketing
and food labelling
7.13. Restrictions on advertising during children's
programmes of products high in fat, salt and sugar were introduced
by Ofcom in 2007. In June 2010, a NICE report (on preventing cardiovascular
disease) recommended that these regulations should be extended
on the ground that programmes for older audiences also had a powerful
influence on young people.[277]
Several witnesses commented on the impact of food marketing and
advertising on food purchasing and eating behaviour, particularly
on children,[278] noting
that tackling food advertising was particularly cost effective
because of its low cost and broad reach. Evidence about the impact
of wider marketing activities, such as in-store marketing and
product promotions, appears to be limited, though Professor Marteau
suggested that there is a growing body of evidence that product
packaging has an impact on food choice. Furthermore, there is
evidence to suggest that television advertising can have a long-term
impact on eating behaviour beyond consumption of the product being
advertised. [279]
In January 2010, DH commissioned an independent review of the
regulatory and non-regulatory framework for marketing and promotion
of food and drink to children. We await its findings, expected
to be published shortly, with interest.[280]
7.14. In relation to food labelling, Anne Milton MP,
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the DH, said that there
was "a huge amount of conflicting evidence".[281]
We do not think this is a fair summary. Although some witnesses
argued that the impact of food labelling on purchasing and eating
behaviour had yet to be established[282],
all witnesses who were asked, with the exception of those from
DH, agreed that the evidence demonstrated that those labels which
included traffic light colours were better understood by consumers
than those without.[283]
Professor Marteau said, for example: "the evidence shows
that people certainly understand ... more clearly ... the nutritional
content of the food when traffic light labels are used, compared
to a more numerical system" (although, she went on, "what
we don't know very well is the impact of that knowledge on ...
purchasing and ... consumption".)[284]
A 2009 study by the Food Standards Agency concluded that the labels
which achieved the highest levels of comprehension among consumers
were: first, a label combining text (the words high, medium and
low) and traffic light colours (71%) and, second, a label combining
text, traffic light colours and percentage of guideline daily
amount (GDA) (70%).[285]
According to NICE, front of packaging traffic light labelling
helped consumers make more informed choices about food consumption
and, as a result, they recommended strongly the introduction of
a single, integrated traffic light colour-coded system of food
labelling as the national standard.[286]
7.15. Some witnesses asserted that there was
not only a connection between traffic light labelling and comprehension,
but also between traffic light labelling and behaviour. Asda and
Sainsbury's both said they used this labelling on their own-brand
products and both provided evidence that the introduction of traffic
light labelling led to a decrease in sales of those products with
red on the label.[287]
Mr King told us, for example, that:
"... on the introduction of Multiple Traffic
Light labelling, against a comparable 12 week period during which
fresh ready meal sales grew 26.2%, sales of Be Good To Yourself
Easy Steam Salmon and Tarragon (mostly green traffic lights) grew
46.1%, whereas sales of our Taste the Difference Moussaka (mostly
reds) decreased by 24%".[288]
7.16. Despite this evidence, the Government have
decided to pursue a system of labelling based on percentage GDA.
Ms Milton justified this decision on the basis that they were
trying to achieve a system that was "consistent" and
"meaningful", and "relevant to all the groups"
that they were "trying to target".[289]
Officials from DH gave a similar account. They said that the decision
was based on evidence that a consistent approach was most likely
to be effective, and that they did "not believe that traffic
lights would have been consistently adopted by the food industry".[290]
This suggests to us that the Government's policy on food labelling
was determined not by the evidence but by what could be achieved
through voluntary agreement with the food industry.
7.17. We invite the Government to explain
why their policy on food labelling and marketing of unhealthy
products to children is not in accordance with the available evidence
about changing behaviour. Given the evidence, we recommend that
the Government take steps to implement a traffic light system
of nutritional labelling on all food packaging. We further recommend
that the Government reconsider current regulation of advertising
and marketing of food products to children, taking a more realistic
view of the range of programmes that children watch.
Partnership working and voluntary agreements
7.18. The Foresight report favoured tackling
obesity through a partnership between government, science, business
and civil society. In Chapter 5 we suggested that Change4Life
is a positive example of partnership working (see Box 8, page
37). DH is also pursuing voluntary agreements with businesses
as part of their attempt to change the environment through the
Public Health Responsibility Deal (see Box 10, page 39). The first
agreements under the food network of the Deal were published in
March 2011. The only pledge relating to obesity is:
"We will provide calorie information for
food and non-alcoholic drink for our customers in out of home
settings from 1 September 2011 in accordance with the principles
for calorie labelling agreed by the Responsibility Deal".[291]
The Government's principles for calorie labelling
are that calorie information should be: displayed clearly and
prominently at point of choice; provided for standardised food
and drink items sold; provided per portion, item or meal; and,
displayed in a way that is appropriate for the consumer.[292]
7.19. In Chapter 5, we noted that the pledges
made by the alcohol network were criticised by a number of health
organisations (see Box 10, page 39). The pledge made by the food
network is more specific than those made by the alcohol network
and gives a defined time period for its completion. DH has not,
however, specified the outcome measures which it will use to establish
whether or not this pledge has had an impact on purchasing and
eating behaviour, and when and on what basis they will make a
decision on whether it should pursue alternative action to change
behaviour. Moreover, this pledge does not reflect the evidence
about the need to make substantial changes to the environment
in order to tackle obesity at a population level, or the evidence
that traffic light labels are the most effective form of labelling
(see paragraphs 7.14-7.17 above).
7.20. We draw attention to our recommendation
in paragraph 5.27 about the failures of all current pledges made
by the Public Health Responsibility Deal. Moreover, obesity is
a significant and urgent societal problem and the current Public
Health Responsibility Deal pledge on obesity is not a proportionate
response to the scale of the problem. If the Government intend
to continue to use agreements with businesses as a way of changing
the population's behaviour, we urge them to ensure that these
are based on the best available evidence about the most effective
measures to tackle obesity at a population level. In particular,
they should consider the ways in which businesses themselves influence
the behaviour of the population in unhealthy ways. If effective
measures cannot be achieved through agreement, the Government
must pursue them through other means.
7.21. Although there is evidence about how to
change behaviour when interventions are targeted at individuals
(for example through commercially provided weight loss programmes
which encourage changes to diet and physical activity behaviour),[293]
some witnesses suggested that, at present, many weight management
interventions are poorly evaluated. As a result, there is a lack
of understanding about how these interventions affect behaviour,
particularly in the long term.[294]
7.22. The Health Trainers programme allows clients
to select goals and the majority choose to pursue changes in eating
and physical activity. The design of this intervention was informed
by health psychologists from the BPS working within DH under the
previous Government. Health Trainers' practice is based on the
Health Trainer Handbook developed by health psychologists on the
basis of evidence of effective techniques for changing behaviour,
including motivational interviewing, specific goal setting, self-monitoring,
feedback and goal review. These techniques are directed towards
enhancement of individual motivation and self-efficacy for change.
The importance of these principles is identified in 2007 NICE
guidance on behaviour change based on a review of available evidence.
7.23. The programme is also designed to reduce
health inequalities, by targeting those in lower socio-economic
groups and ethnic minorities.[295]
The Health Trainers intervention is an example of effective collaboration
between policy makers and experts leading to the development of
evidence-based policies. There have however been problems with
evaluation of the programme, particularly because of a lack of
adequate controls as a result of insufficient funding and the
poor quality data collected in local areas (see Box 15, page 49).
7.24. Problems with the evaluation of the Health
Trainers programme reflect wider concerns about a lack of evidence-based
commissioning and proper evaluation of weight management interventions
at the local level (see paragraph 5.32 above). The National Obesity
Observatory has developed a Standard Evaluation Framework for
weight management interventions in order to support high quality
evaluation.[296] The
extent to which this is used is however unclear.[297]
7.25. Given these concerns about evidence-based
commissioning and evaluation, we recommend that DH should commission
a review of the provision of weight management services, including
the Health Trainers programme, across the country. We recommend
further that NICE should compile a list of approved weight management
services which adhere to their best practice guidance. If the
Health Trainers programme is included in this list, we recommend
that the Government should continue the programme, particularly
in the light of its focus on tackling health inequalities.
Case Study 2: reducing car use
7.26. Greenhouse gas emissions from transport
represent 21% of the total United Kingdom domestic emissions.
Emissions from private car use constitute 78% of that figure,
representing 17% of total emissions or 91.5 million tonnes of
CO2 in 2008. Although technological measures are important
in reducing emissions, it is argued they are unlikely to be sufficient
to achieve the necessary reduction in carbon emissions in the
short term.[298] A
significant reduction in car use is also needed.
What does the evidence say about how to reduce
car use?
7.27. An individual's choice of transport mode
is influenced by a number of factors. Social norms, habitual and
automatic behaviour and public transport infrastructure have been
identified as particularly important. For many drivers, it appears
that environmental awareness is not an important factor, although
people can be motivated to change their driving habits because
of the health benefits of walking and cycling.[299]
Changing choice of transport mode is likely to require a range
of interventions, including interventions to change individual
behaviour or attitudes, interventions to change the environment,
and regulatory and fiscal measures.[300]
Dr David Metz, former CSA at the DfT, observed with regard
to the latter that without such 'upstream' regulatory and fiscal
disincentives, a reduction in car use by some will tend to be
offset by others taking advantage of reduced congestion.[301]
7.28. Many witnesses observed that "mode
choice" was not the only factor in reducing car use. Professor Goodwin
noted, for example, that little over a quarter of the decline
in car use over the past decade could be accounted for by individuals
using different modes of transport, the remainder was as a result
of shortening journey distances and fewer journeys being undertaken.[302]
Other witnesses cited the increased use of telecommunications
and changing commuting patterns as significant factors.[303]
7.29. Many witnesses argued that policies that
provide a direct disincentive to car use were most effective,
if accompanied by improvements to alternative transport services.
Successful examples of this included parking controls and road
user charges,[304]
and vehicle ownership taxes and fuel duties. While the latter
are likely to be an effective intervention, it was acknowledged
that they might fall disproportionately on rural drivers.[305]
Examples of effective non-fiscal disincentives included measures
to reduce road capacity and to calm traffic, and pedestrianisation
of city centres.[306]
There is substantial evidence about the impact of the latter from
European cities.[307]
7.30. Some witnesses argued that "urban
form", where the physical environment is designed to suit
lifestyles, has developed around roads and cars in the United
Kingdom. This creates a strong lock-in to cars as the primary
form of personal transport and the car is seen by many as more
convenient than other modes of transport.[308]
While infrastructural changes alone may not be sufficient to change
behaviour,[309] they
are an effective and often necessary component of a package of
interventions. This view is supported by the results of the DfT
Sustainable Travel Towns pilots (see Box 18, page 64) which showed
that there was a correlation between increases in cycling and
bus use and investment in infrastructure, and that marketing and
promotion without changes to infrastructure had little effect.[310]
7.31. Changes to infrastructure have to be appropriately
targeted to the people, places and journeys which are most susceptive
to influence.[311]
The Cycling Demonstration Town programme, for example, suggested
that infrastructure improvement was best focused on main routes
to important destinations such as schools, workplaces and shopping
7.32. Whilst information provision in isolation
may have limited effect,[313]
evidence suggests that large-scale education campaigns, together
with other measures such as fiscal interventions and improvements
to infrastructure, can be effective in changing behaviour.[314]
The DfT agreed that behaviour change usually requires a package
of interventions of which the provision and presentation of information
is one aspect.[315]
The provision of information and personalised travel planning
were features of the Sustainable Travel Towns pilots and, according
to some witnesses, they had a high impact and were cost-effective.[316]
7.33. A number of witnesses suggested that there
now exists an extensive and well-researched evidence-base in the
area of mode choice, in contrast to other policy areas, and that
lack of knowledge and experience are not the main barrier to successful
initiatives to change behaviour.[317]
The UKCRC Centre for Diet and Activity Research Centre suggested,
however, that there is limited evidence from well-designed studies
to indicate the most effective interventions to change travel
mode share in the population. This reflects the point made above
that there is a lack of applied research at a population level.
This did not, they said, mean that there were no effective interventions
but rather that approaches which showed promise should be developed
further and more rigorously evaluated.[318]
7.34. Some witnesses identified, in particular,
a lack of evidence about how to reduce car use for medium-length
trips. This is an important gap in the evidence-base, as figures
suggest that trips of less than 10 miles only contribute 36% of
carbon emissions from cars, while trips of more than 10 miles
account for 64%.[319]
Transport for Quality of Life agreed that interventions intended
to reduce carbon emissions should focus on medium and longer trips.[320]
We recommend that the DfT should prioritise funding to research
the most effective behaviour change interventions to reduce car
use for medium and longer-length journeys and undertake pilots
of those interventions as soon as possible.
Are the Government's policies based on the evidence?
7.35. The Government's approach to changing travel
behaviour was outlined in the Creating Growth, Cutting Carbon
white paper published in January 2011. Key elements are:
- promoting and enabling choice
rather than restricting choice;
- integrated policy packages;
- promoting alternatives to travel (see paragraph
7.28); and
- the localism agenda (the Sustainable Transport
7.36. The DfT focus on promoting and enabling
choice is consistent with the Government's more general approach
in favour of non-regulatory and non-fiscal measures (see paragraphs
5.2-5.15 above). As a result, the Government's sustainable transport
policy is marked by an absence of significant fiscal and regulatory
disincentives to change behaviour. But, as we have said (in paragraph
7.29), the evidence indicates that strong disincentives, many
of which are likely to be financial, are a key element in changing
travel-mode choices. Bearing in mind our concern (see paragraph
5.14 above) that the Government's preference for non-regulatory
interventions may lead officials to give insufficient consideration
to regulatory and fiscal interventions, we urge the DfT to ensure
that evidence for both non-regulatory and regulatory measures
is taken into account when formulating policies to reduce car
7.37. An emphasis on promoting and enabling choice
also confirms the importance of having an infrastructure which
provides a broader range of cheap and efficient public transport
services. We were told that European cities with low levels of
car use have consistently spent far more per person on infrastructure.
Cycling England said in relation to cycling, for example: "levels
of expenditure on cycling in successful European towns and cities
... were at least £10 per head of population per year. By
contrast, analysis of Local Transport Plan outturn expenditure
data for English local authorities, carried out at our request
by the Department for Transport, demonstrated that the average
level of spend by English local authorities was less than £1
per head of population per year".[321]
In our seminar on reducing car use, it was noted that spend per
person in Copenhagen was around £40 per head of population
per year.[322]
7.38. The Sustainable Transport Fund (see paragraphs
7.44-7.46) will provide for improvements to infrastructure in
a local context, though, we were told, it would "not support
major rail, passenger transport or road infrastructure enhancements,
which would be more appropriately funded from other sources".[323]
Ms Sloman of Transport for Quality of Life highlighted concerns
"... at a time when Local Authorities are
facing severe cutbacks, they will be in a position where they
are cutting money for Sunday bus services, socially supported
bus services, all sorts of other local transport services and
yet getting funding to promote bus use. We certainly know from
the Sustainable Travel Town evaluation that if you have a worsening
service, promotion of it isn't going to get more people using
But in response, Mr Dowie said that the DfT
"still have ... a very substantial local capital programme".[325]
As the evidence suggests that good infrastructure is a prerequisite
for, and greatly enhances, the effectiveness of other "smarter
choices" measures, we strongly encourage the DfT to ensure
that, wherever possible in a time of financial stringency, a sufficient
proportion of funds is maintained to make effective improvements
and changes to infrastructure.
7.39. The DfT has embraced the use of integrated
policy packages as part of its promoting and enabling choice agenda.
The Sustainable Travel Towns (STT) initiative (see Box 18, page
64) and the Cycling Cities and Towns programme (see Box 19, page
65) are evidence of the department's commitment to using a whole
range of "smarter choices" (see Box 17, page 63)
initiatives together with small-scale infrastructure change.
7.40. A number of witnesses welcomed this emphasis
on encouraging "smarter choices" within a package of
interventions that included other harder measures and the provision
of infrastructure, noting that packages are more cost-effective.
Ms Sloman said, for example, that "it is by combining the
better infrastructure, the better services and the encouragement
for people to use those that you get more bang for your buck.
You achieve more change for each pound you spend because you are
not just improving the service, you are telling people about it".[326]
Simon Houldsworth, Transport Policy Manager for Darlington, agreed
that "without the package you will not get the benefits or
the value for money that travel behaviour delivers".[327]
7.41. Whilst we welcome the DfT's emphasis
on the use of policy packages, we note they do not include regulatory
and fiscal measures and so do not wholly reflect the evidence
about how to change transport mode choice. This suggests that
their effectiveness and, in turn, their cost-effectiveness could
well be limited.
BOX 17
"Smarter Choices"
The term "smarter choices" was used by most witnesses in relation to interventions to change travel behaviour. This term originated with the 2004 DfT report, Smarter choices: changing the way we travel.[328]
There was disparity across the evidence we received about what sorts of interventions should be classified as "smarter choices". Some witnesses told us that "smarter choices" interventions comprise both "soft" measures, such as personal travel planning and local transport marketing, and "hard" measures, such as improvements to infrastructure and pedestrianisation.[329] Others excluded "hard" measures from their descriptions, equating "smarter choices" only with "soft measures".[330] The 2004 report on smarter choices suggests the latter definition"soft measures"is more accurate. The 2004 report describes itself as exploring the impact of soft factor interventions and does not address improvements to infrastructure or pedestrianisation. The DfT appear to use this term to describe any intervention that does not make use of regulation or fiscal policy.
Dr Anable, Centre for Transport Research, University of Aberdeen, was clear that "smarter choices" should not be understood as synonymous with "nudges". She noted that "smarter choices" could include nudges but were also about changing social practices and a new approach to policy formulation.[331]
7.42. Several witnesses agreed that local authorities were
well placed to implement effective interventions to change travel
behaviour because they were responsible for local transport infrastructure.[332]
Some, however, sounded a note of caution, on the ground that not
all local authorities had the necessary range of professional
skills and resources to research and interpret the evidence about
how to change behaviour (see paragraph 5.31 above).[333]
Transport for Quality of Life, for example, said that it was common
for "smarter choices" or other behaviour change teams
to be employed on short-term contracts in local authorities. This
has prevented local authorities from building up the necessary
7.43. A similar point was made in relation to
a lack of skills within local authorities to evaluate interventions
properly.[335] Mr Dowie
told us that the DfT was not expecting local authorities to have
these skills and that the department had a responsibility to ensure
that an evaluation framework was in place. To that end they have
published evaluation guidance for sustainable transport interventions
(see paragraph 5.33 above).[336]
We note however that the Sustainable Transport white paper states
that local authorities themselves will be responsible for sharing
what works and developing a framework to improve capability at
the local level (see paragraph 5.34 above).
BOX 18
The Sustainable Travel Towns initiative
The STT initiative ran between 2004 and 2009 in Darlington, Peterborough and Worcester. The pilots were designed to explore the effectiveness of "smarter choices" measures, therefore excluding fiscal or regulatory measures. Each of the towns employed multi-faceted packages of interventions incorporating a range of non-regulatory and non-fiscal measures, such as:
- The provision of infrastructure: on a modest scale and with a focus on cycling and pedestrians.
- The provision of new services, such as car sharing schemes, car clubs and community transport services.
- The provision of education and propaganda.
- Emphasis on community involvement.
- The engagement of individuals through consultation exercises, competitions, newsletters and feedback.[337]
This package of measures achieved a reduction in the number of car driver trips by 9% and car driver distance by 5-7%,[338] though witnesses raised some concerns about its evaluation (see paragraph 6.5 above).
7.44. The local sustainable transport fund is the successor
to the STT pilots (see Box 18, page 64). The fund will make £560
million available over four years for "smarter choices"
local sustainable travel interventions. The DfT describes the
purpose of the fund as giving "local transport authorities
the opportunity, working in partnership with their communities,
to identify the right solutions that meet the particular challenges
faced in their areas and deliver the greatest benefits for their
7.45. The department has developed an Enabling
Behaviour Change Information Pack for bidders to the Sustainable
Transport Fund. The Pack sets out the evidence about effective
interventions from Cycling Cities and Towns and the STT pilots.
It is intended to help those who bid for funding to base their
bids on the available evidence about what works.[340]
Whilst we acknowledge that this is a useful development, we note
that the guidance simply lists the interventions and does not
provide analysis of their effectiveness or contain very much about
the use of fiscal measures and other disincentives to car use.
Though we recognise that some disincentives to reduce car use
would need to be implemented centrally (such as changes to fuel
pricing policy), there are still others that are available to
local authorities (such as increased parking charges, pedestrianisation
and road user charges) and it will be particularly important that
central government provides direction in relation to such disincentives
in the light of the suggestion from some witnesses that local
authorities are reluctant to implement these measures for fear
of competition from other cities and lost revenue.[341]
BOX 19
Cycling Cities and Towns
The Cycling Cities and Towns programme has built on the first six cycling demonstration towns. The demonstration towns used multi-faceted packages of interventions to increase cycling, including "new cycle infrastructure; Bikeability cycle training; intensive programmes targeted at schools and workplaces; initiatives to remove barriers to cycling by providing equipment, building skills and increasing confidence; and awareness-raising campaigns under strong brands".[342] These towns saw an average increase in cycling of 27%. The Cycling Cities and Towns programme is based on the evidence of effectiveness of interventions in the demonstration towns.
7.46. Although we welcome the principle of DfT's Local
Sustainable Transport Fund, the initiative is based on a pilot
project which was incompletely evaluated and so did not provide
evidence about the long-term effectiveness of interventions. Furthermore,
as we have noted in paragraph 7.41, the Sustainable Travel Towns
pilot did not wholly reflect the evidence about how to change
transport mode choice.
7.47. We commend DfT's recognition that, if
responsibility for interventions is to be devolved to local agents,
guidance to commissioners on the evidence and an evaluation framework
are necessary. We note, however, that current guidance does not
take into account the evidence about the need for strong disincentives
to car use needed to achieve significant changes in behaviour
and fails to provide any analysis of the evidence associated with
effective interventions.
7.48. We are not clear about the extent to which
Government intend to reduce carbon emissions by reducing car use
but, if they hope to achieve a significant reduction, the evidence
suggests that regulatory and fiscal disincentives to car use will
be required. We recommend that the Government (a) establish
and publish targets for a reduction in carbon emissions as a result
of a reduction in car use; (b) publish an estimate
of the percentage reduction in emissions which will be achieved
through reducing car use and the timescale for its achievement;
and (c) set out details of the steps they will take if this percentage
reduction is not achieved by this time.
253 Statistics on obesity, physical activity and
diet: England 2010, NHS Health and Social Care Information
Centre (2010). Back
Ibid. Back
Tackling obesity: future choices, Foresight and BIS (2007). Back
Ibid. Back
BC 19, BC 30, BC 32, BC 33, BC 42, BC 48, BC 50, BC 52, BC 56,
BC 64, BC 90, BC 99, BC 105. Back
BC 19, BC 33, BC 53, BC 64, BC 105. Back
BC 66. Back
BC 44, BC 52, BC 94, BC 105. Back
BC 90. Back
Fair Society, Healthy Lives, the Marmot Review (2010). Back
Q 103. Back
BC 44, BC 52. Back
Q 334. Back
BC 58. Back
BC 1, BC 2. Back
Q 342. Back
BC 161. Back
270 Back
BC 83, QQ 227, 571. Back
BC 83. Back
BC 161. Back
The influence of taxes and subsidies of energy purchased in
an experimental purchasing study, Epstein et al, 2010. Back
Q 73. Back
BC 157. Back
Prevention of cardiovascular disease at the population level,
NICE (2010). Back
BC 58, BC 108. Back
Q 335. Back
BC 151 Back
Q 735. Back
QQ 335, 561. Back
QQ 335, 421-6, 561 Back
Q 335. Back
Independent report on front of pack nutritional labelling,
FSA (2009). Back
Ibid. Back
BC 157, QQ 464-6, 552. Back
BC 157. Back
Q 733. Back
Q 375. Back
The Public Health Responsibility Deal, op. cit. Back
Ibid. Back
Q 332. Back
BC 4. Back
BC 43, Q 100. Back
BC 42. Back
BC 4, Q 452. Back
Appendix 6. Back
BC 123, BC 138, BC 139. Back
BC 122, BC 126, BC 133, BC 135, BC 138, BC 141, QQ 566, 600. Back
BC 122, BC 141. Back
BC 133. Back
BC 122, BC 125. Back
BC 121, BC 123, BC 125, BC 134, BC 137, QQ 566, 576. Back
BC 117, BC 121, BC 125. Back
BC 121, BC 133. Back
BC 133. Back
BC 118, BC 123, BC 135. Back
BC 138, BC 139. Back
BC 127. Back
BC 131, BC 139. Back
BC 135. Back
BC 141, QQ 583, 602. Back
BC 123, BC 125. Back
BC 138. Back
BC 122, BC 129. Back
BC 121, BC 133, BC 139. Back
BC 139. Back
BC 126, BC 127, BC 140. Back
BC 127. Back
BC 163. Back
Appendix 5. Back
Local sustainable transport fund-guidance on the application
process, DfT (January 2011). Back
Q 641. Back
Q 642. Back
Q 647. Back
Ibid. Back
Professor Goodwin told us that the report was originally entitled
"soft measures" (Q 588). Back
BC 125, BC 173. Back
BC 121. Back
Q 585. Back
BC 116, BC 121, BC 127, BC 136, BC 141. Back
BC 121, BC 127, BC 136. Back
BC 127. Back
BC 121, BC 127, BC 136. Back
QQ 663, 666. Back
BC 125, BC 141. Back
BC 138. Back
Ibid. Back
340 Back
BC 125, BC 135. Back
BC 131. Back