CHAPTER 5: Are the UK's current R&D
capabilities and associated expertise sufficient to keep the nuclear
energy options open?
87. In this chapter we consider what R&D
capabilities and associated expertise we need, both now and in
the future, to enable the UK to act as an intelligent customer
and to meet the regulatory requirements for the safe and secure
supply of nuclear energy. We look first at the needs of the existing
fleet and the new build programme (representing 12-16 GW of capacity)
out to 2050 and then consider the implications of an extended
nuclear programme (representing up to 38 GW of capacity) over
this period. In examining these issues, we have drawn on extensive
work which has already been undertaken, including the ERP report,
the EPSRC/STFC review, and reports by the NIA,[152]
NNL[153] and the Royal
Academy of Engineering.[154]
Meeting our current commitments:
R&D capabilities and associated expertise to meet the needs
of the existing fleet and a new build programme of 12-16 GW up
to 2050 and beyond
88. The existing fleet and new build programme
require long-term R&D capabilities and associated expertise
to enable:
- the safe running of the current fleet and life
extension options;
- the safe operation of the new fleet for 60 years
or more;
- decommissioning and waste management of legacy
and new build waste, including spent fuel;
- continuation of the UK's reprocessing commitments
up to 2018; and
- implementation of the UK's geological disposal
89. With regard to the existing fleet, the UK
needs R&D capabilities and associated expertise to meet the
challenges of ageing reactors and to assess how long they can
be run safely and efficiently. Dame Sue Ion commented that, for
a 12-16 GW nuclear fleet, "the R&D investment and scope
is probably adequate at today's level".[155]
This view is supported by the ERP report, the EPSRC/STFC review
and by the Government who told us that they were "satisfied
that there are the right capabilities and infrastructure to deliver
the objectives [to meet the UK's current and future needs for
a safe and secure supply of nuclear energy]".[156]
90. The Chief Executive of the EPSRC, Professor
David Delpy, supported this position: "The simple answer
to your question is that I think that we have quite a well balanced
portfolio of research funded by the research councils and other
agencies. The overall capability for the UK at its current level
of nuclear power is adequate ... I believe that since the Government
announced the decision about further growth and investment in
nuclear power, that investment has enabled us to provide the skilled
manpower that we certainly need in the initial stages. The rapid
growth in the funding from us and the energy programme will enable
the UK to meet its current demands".[157]
Professor Adrian Smith, Director General for Knowledge and Innovation
at BIS, and the Minister for Universities and Science shared that
91. The ERP report, however, highlighted two
important caveats to this assessment. The first relates to the
age profile of the expert nuclear workforce (considered immediately
below) and the second concerns the presence of gaps in the research
base (considered in paragraphs 101 to 104 below).
92. The UK's nuclear capability is vulnerable
because it is dependent on an ageing workforce which is thinly
spread with little depth in many areas due to a lack of investment
in the last few decades (as discussed in paragraphs 10 to 35 above).
NNL told us: "most of our experts are of the older age, so,
45 plus. In the next five years we will lose 93 of our staff
Many of those are experts who could be classed as both national
and international experts".[159]
This is perhaps the reason for Professor Delpy's comment that
the research base will be able to provide the skilled manpower
only for the "initial stages" of the nuclear programme
and not in the longer term. Dr Weightman also told us that the
capabilities were only "sufficient for now" and that
"when we look towards the future and look at our demographics,
as a regulator, as an industry and perhaps as a nation, we need
to have a basis for the future as well". He went on: "we
are living off our past capability; our reputation is built on
some of our past capability, and our ability to operate internationally
is built on that as well. We have people available who have international
reputations, but they grew up in a system that had a wide research
base."[160] In
terms of responding to international incidents and protecting
citizens wherever they are in the world, he said: "we need
the capability to understand the technologies around the world
... and the ability to develop world-class people for the future
so that we can still look after our own facilities properly but
also act as a world leader where we can".[161]
93. Professor Laurence Williams, of the University
of Central Lancashire and the Government Chief Nuclear Inspector
from 1998 to 2005, also expressed concern about the UK's ability
to sustain its R&D capability and associated expertise in
the longer term: "if we do not do something about it we will
not have it available in 20 years' time";[162]
and the Government Chief Scientific Adviser (GCSA), Professor
Sir John Beddington, agreed. He told us that "to deal with
the Japanese disaster in Fukushima, I was calling on people who
were very senior in their organisations, who had worked in the
nuclear industry for a very substantial time". He had "real
concerns" that if some sort of problem like Fukushima occurred
in Europe, the UK may not have "people with the experience
of the industry" to contribute in the future.[163]
Given that the nuclear sector is reliant on the research base,
not only for research but also for training and the supply of
a steady flow of graduates to join the workforce, and that it
can take years to produce suitably qualified and experienced personnel
(SQEP) in the field with industry experience, we find this particularly
worrying (see paragraphs 118 to 130 below).
94. The reactor designs incorporated into the
UK's current new build programme involve buying in mature technologies
which have been demonstrated to be safe and secure. It is argued,
therefore, by, for example, Westinghouse Electric Company, that
the new reactors will not require significant basic R&D to
allow them to be built and operated in the UK.[164]
Other witnesses, however, argued that a significant number of
R&D needs, linked to the safe operation of the reactors, remained.
Professor Sherry, for example, said that "the building of
the PWRs is just the beginning. ... [they] have to operate and
be maintained for 60 years",[165]
and there was still a need for research to understand the effects
of radiation on materials within the new reactor designs, over
the length of their operation.[166]
The Cambridge Nuclear Energy Centre referred to the R&D capabilities
and associated expertise required to look at reducing costs, life
extension, alternative fuel systems, passive systems development
and more robust fuels.[167]
Professor Andrew Taylor, Director of ISIS, the pulsed neutron
and muon source at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire,
told us that such research would require more nuclear engineers
in the UK: "This is not about understanding the nucleus;
we understand that rather well. Doing engineering with nuclear
materials is the area that we need to address".[168]
95. Professor Williams questioned also whether
the UK had "got the research and development to understand
the safety implications of new fuel designs, not only in terms
of operation but in how they respond under fault conditions".
In his view, the UK needs the research capability "to undertake
the monitoringfor example, of steel samples to understand
how the steel in the reactors is changing in relation to extended
use".[169] Other
witnesses also referred to gaps in R&D capabilities for health
and safety research.[170]
Dame Sue Ion, for example, said that the UK was "lacking
in numbers in those with in depth expertise born of many years
involvement in BWR systems and LWR systems more generally. What
we have is concentrated in a relatively small number of individuals
either already retired or at the upper end of their working careers."[171]
96. According to Serco Energy, the current capabilities,
although adequate, were at a minimum level:
"With current trends, the UK will just be able
to procure and licence Generation III reactors intelligently.
... the current UK R&D capabilities ... have reduced significantly
over the past few years. Many experienced staff have retired,
or are reaching retirement ... The laboratories and test rigs
have declined at least as rapidly and have not been effectively
replaced by access to facilities in other countries". [172]
97. Mr Ric Parker from Rolls Royce and others
felt that more needed to be done.[173]
He told us that although recent efforts to increase R&D efforts
were a big improvement on a few years agowith a considerable
increase in effort in the universities and in the UK generallythere
were still some major gaps. He went on: "We do not want to
get ourselves to a position where our skill base gets so low in
the UK that we are totally reliant on China or India for our support
and the safety of our reactors, going forward."[174]
98. The Government told us, however, that because
nuclear is a mature technology and the UK does not have reactor
vendors, they were not sponsoring research into Generation III
technology.[175] It
was, they said, for the operators and vendors to do the research
necessary to prove it was safe to the satisfaction of the regulators
and to improve it in whatever way they believe to be appropriate.[176]
This seems to us to be indicative of a lack of understanding about
why we need sufficient R&D capabilities and associated expertise
in the UK. As Dame Sue Ion said, "the opinion that, because
you are buying something that is already developed, you do not
need to do any R&D at all" is flawed; "all the rest
of the world ... is buying the self-same systems and yet they
do not absent themselves from R&D on those systems. You require
a nationally competent workforce ... and regulator".[177]
Professor Williams made a similar point: "You have to understand
the technology that you are actually operating; you cannot just
abdicate that to a third party ... You have to take responsibility.
That means that, in the United Kingdom, the nuclear inspectors
who will be available in 2050 probably have not even been born
yet. We need to think about a sustainable system ... to ensure
that we can produce well-trained, well-educated scientists and
engineers and other disciplines to underpin this demanding technology".
[178] As
Dame Sue Ion pointed out, this does not happen in a vacuum: "you
get the skills base to service both the utilities and the vendors,
... and the regulators, by building the expertise and the skills
pipeline and by having a sensible R&D programme that services
today's systems as well as tomorrow's".[179]
99. We do not believe that the UK has sufficient
R&D capabilities and associated expertise to be able to cope
with the current nuclear programme up to 2050, let alone a significantly
extended programme. This is because the UK's current R&D capability
is, to a significant extent, based upon an ageing pool of experts
built on past investments in R&D. This means that in a few
years' time, there will be crucial gaps in capabilities.
100. A new stream of experts will need to
be generated in the near future if the UK is to retain sufficient
capabilities to be an intelligent customer and regulator in the
future up to 2050. It takes years to develop a significant cadre
of suitably trained experts with industry experience and the sector
is reliant on the research base to train these experts. Sufficient
investment in the research base will therefore be necessary in
order to make up for the lack of investment in the last two decades.
101. The evidence we received demonstrates
a significant difference of opinion between, on the one hand,
the Secretary of State and some senior Government officials who
appear to believe that no action is required to sustain the nuclear
research base and, on the other hand, other stakeholders, including
the GCSA and DECC CSA, who argue that serious action is required.
The Government's view that the need for R&D capabilities and
associated expertise in the future will be met without Government
intervention is troublingly complacent. (We make recommendations
about how to ensure that such R&D capabilities and associated
expertise are maintained in the future in paragraphs 131 to 143
Additional gaps in research capabilities
102. Serco Energy suggested that international
vendors planning to build nuclear plants in the UK would also
require significant assistance from UK R&D facilities, not
for fundamental design, but for detailed or site-specific investigations
or to underpin the claims made in the safety cases[180]
for these reactors.[181]
Professor Williams agreed that the UK needed "facilities
not only to produce fuels that might be needed for extended use
in reactors but also to have the ability to do
examination ..."unfortunately, "gradually over
the years the United Kingdom's facilities have declined".[182]
(We make recommendations about filling this gap in capabilities
in paragraphs 174 to 185 below.)
103. We also need R&D capabilities and associated
expertise to enable us to deal with the large quantity of legacy
waste generated from the existing fleet.[183]
According to the NDA, "there are sufficient R&D capabilities
in place from the NDA estate and other technology suppliers in
the UK and internationally to ensure the current safe delivery
of our mission".[184]
Professor MacKay agreed.[185]
Some witnesses, however, suggested that there were gaps. Dame
Sue Ion told us, for example, that: "significant additional
work must be sponsored to underpin work to disposition the UK's
plutonium stocks, to pave the way for a geological repository
and to develop waste forms and processes to deal with the UK's
historic legacy and existing systems".[186]
Serco Energy, NNL and others shared this view, and stressed that
significant geological research would be required for the disposal
104. We put the discrepancy between the views
of the research community and those of the Government to Professor
William Lee, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Radioactive Waste
Management (CoRWM). He suggested that the Government's assessment
was based on meeting their immediate needs and that, although
R&D capabilities and associated expertise were adequate to
meet the present requirements for the "treatment, packaging,
storage and transport of radioactive waste" (save for the
need for facilities to examine highly active radioactive materials
(see paragraphs 167-178 below)), they were not adequate for the
longer-term requirements of, for example, "geological disposal,
both from the facilities perspective and
from skills".
[188] NNL also
told us that longer-term R&D programmes were needed in the
UK in order to maintain R&D capabilities and associated expertise
in these areas.[189]
(We discuss these issues further in paragraphs 186 to 191 below.)
Meeting the needs of an extended
nuclear programme: R&D capabilities and associated expertise
required for up to 38 GW of nuclear energy capacity up to 2050
and beyond
105. A 38 GW capacity is a higher but realistic
nuclear future for the UK, where it is projected that nuclear
energy could account for the supply of approximately 45-49% of
the UK's electricity (see Box 2 on page 27). There was widespread
agreement amongst our witnesses (and a view shared by the ERP
report and the EPSRC/STFC review) that, regardless of the technologies
deployed, a nuclear energy capacity of around 38 GW would require
a significant increase in nuclear R&D capabilities and associated
expertise in the future.[190]
106. Both the RCUK review and the ERP report
suggest that, if nuclear were to be a significantly higher component
of the energy portfolio in the future, fuel recycling would have
to be considered, alongside the likely deployment of Generation
IV in the post 2040 era (as discussed in paragraphs 47 to 49 and
Box 3 on page 28). This would, according to Dame Sue Ion, require
"a rethink of the Government's policy of once-through and
dispose" with the need for closed fuel cycles and "an
R&D programme in advanced system development including recycling
of nuclear fuel".[191]
This would be necessary for two reasons: first, the volume of
waste produced from a once-through cycle would present substantial
challenges to geological disposal; and, secondly, there would
potentially be difficulties in accessing future supplies of uranium
resources, given that a once-through cycle requires considerably
higher quantities of fuel and the uncertainties surrounding the
size of the global supplies of, and demand, for uranium in the
107. However, many witnesses, including the Government,
took the view that up to 2050, the majority of nuclear electricity
supply, regardless of the quantity, is likely to be through Generation
III nuclear plant rather than Generation IV (because of the relatively
early stage of development of Generation IV technology) and that
uranium would not be a limiting resource over this period (see
paragraphs 47 to 49 and Box 3 on page 28). They argued therefore
that R&D capabilities and associated expertise in advanced
reactor systems and fuel recycling need not be a primary consideration
up to the middle of the century.
108. We believe that this argument for not supporting
R&D on Generation IV technologies or advanced fuel recycling
is fundamentally flawed. First, regardless of the technology used,
fuel recycling R&D capabilities and associated expertise for
the higher capacity scenarios would still be required due to the
sheer volume of fuel involved. For this reason, the ETI has recommended
that the UK should focus R&D efforts not only on addressing
the critical cost drivers of the manufacturing supply chain capacity
for Generation III, but also on the uranium supply capacity and
fuel processing to mitigate any issues that may affect the Generation
III plant.[193] Secondly,
within the next 30 to 40 years, the UK may start procuring Generation
IV reactors as their use grows globally, irrespective of whether
the UK is in the lead in the development of this technology. Given
that this is a viable future option, albeit uncertain, it would
be "prudent", as Professor Fitzpatrick told us, to begin
investing now in "the knowledge and skills base that will
support the development, analysis, purchase and operation"
of such reactors in the future.[194]
Professor Williams also argued that:
"the United Kingdom needs to be involved, not
only to fashion and influence the various options for the different
reactor designs that will potentially be available to us in 20
years' time, but also to ensure that there is a strong understanding
of safety and an increasing understanding of security as well
[which] can have a significant impact on the design of a plant".[195]
109. The ONR and others also stressed the need
for the UK to be involved in programmes developing future technologies
to be able to understand and regulate such technologies in the
future.[196] Dr Weightman
told us "from a regulatory perspective, I would want to be
able to keep knowledge and experience and keep my people up to
speed with developing technologies, so that not only can we understand
them but we can also influence them to ensure that safety is built
in from the start"; he also said that this would be beneficial
in terms of providing expert advice to the "60 new nations
that want to get involved in nuclear power"[197]
who came to the UK "for assistance in developing nuclear
technologies and the nuclear regulatory approach".[198]
110. Furthermore, as Dr Adrian Simper, Director
of Strategy and Technology at the NDA and others stated: "Generation
supports the development of experience and expertise
that will better support ... the proposed new build fleet".[199]
The EPSRC/STFC review suggested also that the best way to maintain
teaching capacity was to continue to support research and development
in universities in cutting-edge areas such as Generation IV technology
and advanced fuel cycles.[200]
111. However, the Government told us that, given
that the preferred option is to buy in the technology from outside,
the UK was, in their view, sufficiently involved in Generation
IV activities through the Euratom Programme and the research councils.
Mark Higson, Chief Executive of the OND at DECC, said: "the
Government is sensibly positioned ... to continue to take a view
about whether and in what timeframe these technologies are likely
to become deployable"; in his view, "if Generation IV
was required to build a very large nuclear programme ... there
would be time for that to be phased in
there is a stage
when it is important to keep a watching brief on technologies.
I think there is another stage when it is important to make more
significant investments if you want to get commercial advantage".[201]
112. But this misses the point. It takes years
to build these capabilities and Mr Higson's answer fails to address
the concern that the Government should be involved in Generation
IV R&D now if they are to be able to act as an intelligent
customer and regulator in the future. Serco Energy expressed this
concern in the following way:
"Generation IV technologies generally push the
physics and engineering conditions of existing plant to higher
levels, [in that] Generation IV designs generally have higher
temperatures, higher pressures, more corrosive environments, and
generally more materials challenges than exist in today's plants.
Currently, the UK has minimal participation in these developments
and so will have no expertise in them when it comes to adoption
of the designs. With the current position of little engagement,
the UK would be in the position of being an unintelligent customer
and an uninformed regulator and a large amount of R&D would
be required to endorse the technology."[202]
113. Although, in recent years, the research
councils have increased their funding for R&D and associated
expertise relevant to Generation IV, Dame Sue Ion and others felt
that "Government attention to these issues has been, and
continues to be, woefully inadequate". She went on: "the
Government [have]
completely absented [themselves] from
any responsibility and left it all to the market as far as next
generation technologies are concerned, terminating any meaningful
R&D investment in reactor systems and associated fuel cycles
114. Professor MacKay appeared to have a more
considered and far-sighted view than that of the Government:
"I think there is widespread agreement around
Europe and the world that, to keep options open, energy research
should always adopt a considerably wider approach than the energy
policy of any particular day. Even if UK nuclear power were to
be provided by Generation II and III reactors only for the next
40 years, there is still a case for supporting Generation IV research
because it is a very good way to spin out other benefits. It is
a way to develop and retain experts and educators who can serve
the role of advisers and inspectors and who have expertise in
other countries' reactors, so that when accidents occur in other
countries we can give good advice to the Foreign Office. All of
those roles: educators, advisers, inspectors and teachers, are
needed by a Generation III programme today, so I think there are
compelling arguments for involvement in advanced research along
the lines of the Generation IV programme."[204]
115. We welcome Professor MacKay's comments and
share the view that, if the UK is to keep the option of an increased
nuclear energy capacity open in the future, the UK must be more
actively involved in Generation IV R&D to gain "a seat
at the table". This will enable the UK to act as intelligent
customer and regulator, and also to contribute to the training
and maintenance of the research base needed for both Generation
III and IV reactor technologies. (We consider ways of improving
the UK's involvement in Generation IV research in Chapter 6, paragraphs
163 to 173 below).
Fuel recycling and reprocessing
116. Not only will fuel recycling and reprocessing
R&D capabilities and associated expertise be required in relation
to Generation III and IV technologies, they will also be needed
to deal with the UK's plutonium stockpile should the Government
decide to reuse it, in the future, for example, as MOX fuel in
a conventional LWR or as metallic fuel in a fast reactor (which
also uses plutonium as the fuel and so provides an alternative
to a new MOX plant).[205]
Dame Sue Ion and others warned however that, although the UK was
seen as having "internationally competitive resources in
reprocessing and advanced recycling technologies",[206]
they were at risk of being lost in the near future. Professor
Graham Fairhall of NNL agreed: "In terms of the capabilities,
we are particularly vulnerable in the back-end of the fuel cycle,
the reprocessing side, as we go forward".[207]
Given that the UK may stop reprocessing in the near future, he
went on, "if we do not rejoin Generation IV programmes or
do not get involved in advanced fuel cycle work, then my belief
is we will start to lose our reprocessing technical capability
Professor MacKay also took the view that current levels of research
in this area were not adequate to keep the option of reprocessing
open for the future.[209]
He suggested that participation in Generation IV programmes or
in advanced fuel cycle research would help to maintain capabilities
in reprocessing.[210]
The ONR told us that the Government will need to engage with "international
partners with research expertise" in order to strengthen
UK capability in this area if they do decide to continue reprocessing
at some stage in the future.[211]
117. We find it astonishing that there are currently
no plans to maintain the UK's fuel recycling and reprocessing
R&D capabilities and associated expertise, given that they
will be required in most future scenarios up to 2050 and beyond.
(We address this issue in paragraphs 141 to 143. Who should be
responsible for maintaining such capabilities is considered further
in Chapter 7, paragraphs 209 to 220).
118. The research base not only provides knowledge
for the nuclear industry and regulator but also provides training
and skilled people to work in these areas. The sector is reliant
on the research base mainly for the production of graduates and
postgraduates from Masters and PhD courses. EDF Energy told us
that "the industry
has a continuing need for a number
of people with the specialist technical skills needed to support
the industry and traditionally many of these specialists have
been recruited from universities offering postgraduate research
where these critical nuclear skills are maintained and developed".[212]
Whilst we have not considered the skills needs of the sector comprehensively,
a number of issues were raised during the inquiry which we believe
warrant further attention.
119. In a report entitled Next GenerationSkills
for New Build Nuclear (March 2011)("the Cogent report"),
Cogent, the UK's industry skills body for nuclear and other businesses
set out the workforce needs of the nuclear sector to 2025 on the
basis of 16 GW of new build capacity. Because of the ageing profile
of the current workforce, in particular the highly skilled and
more experienced parts of the workforce (where 70% will retire
by 2025), Cogent estimate that the nuclear industry will require
in the order of 1,000 new graduates a year up to 2025 (including
Science Technology Engineering and Maths (STEM) graduates and
others).[213] They
also identified capacity issues with regard to the supply of apprentices,
scientists and engineers, including a shortage of STEM graduates
and apprentices being attracted to, and retained by, the industry.
When we asked why this workforce could not be sourced from other
countries, Mr Ric Parker from Rolls Royce told us that, given
the current global nuclear renaissance, the global competition
for this workforce was fiercethe company AREVA, were, for
example, looking for 1,600 new engineers"if we are
not careful, the pot in the UK will be drained".[214]
120. The EPSRC/STFC review looked at the requirements
for an increase to 30 GW capacity by 2030. Under this scenario,
they anticipated that the requirement for skilled, knowledgeable
personnel across the whole spectrum of top-end skills in the civil
nuclear industry would increase markedly, requiring a great deal
more nuclear engineering R&D and more courses in nuclear science
and technology at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Professor
Williams has also conducted some analysis of the future needs
of the regulator (see paragraph 128). We found, however, that
apart from this work, little has been done to assess requirements
for a skilled workforce up to 2050 in the event of a significantly
increased nuclear contribution to the energy portfolio or to meet
the current requirements beyond 2025.
121. When we asked Professor Delpy of the EPSRC
whether the research base could provide the graduates required
by the nuclear sector in the future, he commented: "I do
not think that you can separate the question of the supply of
scientists and engineers trained in the nuclear area from the
general question of the supply of STEM graduates. The energy industries
in general require a range of STEM skills, and probably only a
small percentage of their need is people specifically trained
in some of the specialities of nuclear energy".[215]
In his view, there was not a sufficient number of STEM gradates
coming in overall "who would want to go into that area as
opposed to many of the other growth areas in energy, including
the renewables, such as offshore wind and marine".[216]
Science and engineering graduates are increasing in number according
to Higher Education Statistics Agency figures, but they are sought
after in the economy generally and engineering graduates in particular
are in shorter supply.[217]
122. In addition to the need to encourage uptake
of STEM subjects at A-level and degree level, the EPSRC/STFC review
argued that there was also a need for "a significant uplift
in training provision at a number of levels to support the new
build programme including graduates having gained an appreciation
of nuclear issues relevant to their mainstream science and engineering
The Cogent report recommends that, in order to help resolve the
supply issue, industry and the Government should expand support
for foundation degree courses in nuclear topics (which will then
provide a route into higher degree courses).[219]
We were pleased to hear therefore that increased funding has been
provided for such courses to-date and would urge the Government
to accelerate work with industry and academia to increase this
support in line with the needs of the sector in the future.
123. The EPSRC/STFC review also noted a need
for more training provision at Masters and doctoral levels, recommending
that the funding councils should work collaboratively to ensure
an adequate supply of relevant Masters and PhD programmes. Professor
Delpy thought that the current supply of postgraduates was "adequate
... but ... not generous".[220]
The EPSRC has funded a number of doctoral programmes in recent
years in anticipation of the new build programme,[221]
including a joint Doctoral Training Centre at the Universities
of Manchester and Sheffield, considered to provide an exemplar
internationally. Professor Neil Hyatt, Royal Academy of Engineering
and NDA Research Chair in Radioactive Waste Management at the
University of Sheffield, felt, however, that more could be done
and that consideration should be given to expanding this capability.[222]
Others shared this view.[223]
124. When we asked Professor Delpy whether the
current research base could meet the demands of a 30 GW fleet,
he replied that "the number of training courses that we have
currently [for a supply of skilled nuclear engineers, with a smaller
number of physicists] would probably not be able to meet that
requirement. However, one can switch that on relatively quicklyit
requires a four-year or five-year lead time".[224]
125. We question Professor Delpy's optimism:
if the Government are not giving sufficient attention to maintaining
the R&D capabilities and associated expertise required in
the future, we will not have the international experts in the
research base to teach these courses and may not therefore be
able to acquire these experts as quickly as suggested. We have
been struck by the lack of attention that seems to have been given
to this issue by Cogent and others, compared to the need for graduates
at first degree level. No assessment appears to have been made
of the overall number of Masters or PhD students currently studying
nuclear engineering subjects or of the number required to support
either the current new build plans or an extended programme up
to 2050.[225] This
is particularly worrying given that, according to the Institute
of Physics, there is currently a lack of funding for MSc courses
in nuclear technology (physics and engineering) due to the withdrawal
of funding following the spending review,[226]a
concern also raised in the EPSRC/STFC review.
126. According to Professor Williams, "there
is need for a more detailed analysis of the skills needed to deliver
effective nuclear safety, nuclear security and nuclear safeguards"
which "should include the needs of all organisations including,
Government departments, the nuclear licensees for all parts of
the nuclear fuel cycle, the Civil Nuclear Constabulary, the supply
chain and the nuclear regulators".[227]
We understand that Cogent is now conducting further work to understand
the skills needs of the sector and we look forward to the outcome
of their work.
127. As part of their ongoing work, we recommend
that Cogent should conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current
provision of undergraduate, Masters and PhD courses relevant to
the nuclear sector to determine whether they are sufficient to
meet the future needs of the research community, the regulator
and industry for both the current plans for new build and an extended
programme up to 2050.
128. Building on the Cogent findings, Professor
Williams looked at the nuclear safety and security skills needs
for the current new build plans for the regulator and provided
figures for the skills needs up to 2050.[228]
Professor Williams' assessment was that, to meet the regulator's
needs, an estimated 60 additional graduate-level regulatory staff
would be required up to 2050 in addition to the current 280 staff.
He estimated that the demand for regulators would increase by
an additional 70 to 210 graduate-level staff[229]
up to 2050 for a significantly increased nuclear programme. Dr
Weightman suggested that these figures underestimated demand and
that the ONR "have had for a long time a problem with recruiting
nuclear inspectors".[230]
Given that the regulator needed world-class people to provide
challenge to industry, recruitment was mainly from industry or
senior academics, not at the graduate level.[231]
In effect therefore the regulator is reliant on a healthy research
base within industry and academia to train up a sufficient number
of graduates to be the senior level inspectors for the future.
129. Since May 2008, the ONR have recruited 95
nuclear safety inspectors, increasing the total from 158 to 228,
having lost 20 people to retirement. In the immediate future,
the ONR has 77 vacancies to fill to meet the needs of the new
build programme.[232]
Highlighting the problem of the ageing workforce (see paragraphs
92 to 101 above), Dr Weightman observed that over 50% of the ONR's
"higher level, superintending inspectors and principal inspectors,
are aged 57 or over".[233]
130. The ONR's ability to recruit the additional
expert staff to-date has been the result of interim arrangements
on pay, which, Dr Weightman told us, "[would] stop this coming
autumn". [234]
There is a risk therefore that ONR may lose ground again, although
the ONR reassured us that: "it was always the intention to
seek continuation of special reward arrangements for nuclear specialists,
if there was a business need, beyond this autumn. These are now
under active consideration and it is hoped that a helpful agreement
can be arrived at shortly".[235]
Dr Weightman said that to allow the ONR the "flexibility"
to pay their inspectors the going rate, to compete in the global
market in the longer term, the ONR "need to get into a position
that the Government have decided on" to convert the organisation
to "a totally independent ... statutory corporation".[236]
At present, DECC are planning to convert the ONR to an independent
statutory corporation, through primary legislation to be introduced
into Parliament for consideration in 2012. We return to this issue
in paragraph 199 below.
152 Securing Investment in Nuclear in the Context
of Low-Carbon Generation, NIA and KPMG, 2010. Back
UK Nuclear Horizon:, An independent assessment by the UK National
Nuclear Laboratory, NNL, March 2011 Back
Generating the Future: UK Energy Systems fit for 2050,
Royal Academy of Engineering , 2010. Back
NRD 29 Back
Ibid. Back
Q 176 Back
QQ 177, 365 Back
Q 337 Back
Q 475 Back
Q 476 Back
QQ 413,414 Back
Q 90 Back
NRD 32 Back
Q 53 Back
Q 53 Back
NRD 31 Back
Q 180 Back
Q 414 Back
NRD 18, 26 Back
NRD 29 Back
NRD 22 Back
NRD 49, 44, 29, 59, Q 43 Back
Q 105 Back
Q 36 Back
Q 33 Back
Q 3 Back
Q 42 Back
Q 3 Back
A "safety case" is a document that satisfies the regulator
that the plant will operate as designed under normal and aberrant
conditions. Back
NRD 22 Back
QQ 413, 414 Back
NRD 22 Back
NRD 19, Q 263 Back
Q 92 Back
NRD 29 Back
NRD 22, 07 and 47, 16, 17 Back
Q 273 Back
NRD 07 Back
Q 106, NRD 29, 30, 44 Nuclear Fission op. cit; Progressing
UK Energy research for a coherent structure with impact op.
cit. Back
NRD 29 Back
NRD 29 Back
NRD 08 Back
NRD 44 Back
Q 410 Back
NRD 11, 47 Back
Q 485 Back
Q 487 Back
NRD 43 Back
The EPSRC/STFC Review of Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Engineering,
op. cit. p14. Back
Q 33 Back
NRD 22 Back
NRD 29 Back
Q 79 Back
NRD 14, 16, 19, 30 Back
NRD 29 and 13, 05 Back
Q 320 Back
Q 336 Back
QQ 92, 94, 95 Back
QQ 92, 94, 95 Back
NRD 11 Back
NRD 49 Back
Next Generation-Skills for New Build Nuclear, Renaissance
Nuclear Skills Series: 2, Cogent, March 2011 ("The Cogent
report"). Back
Q 109 Back
Q 178 Back
Q 190 Back
Current and future demand for skills in the science based industries:
UK Sector Skills Assessment 2011, Cogent, 2011 Back
Progressing UK Energy research for a coherent structure with
impact, op. cit. Back
Next Generation-Skills for New Build Nuclear op. cit. Back
Q 178 Back
NRD 33, 38, 44 Back
NRD 48 Back
NRD 24, 32, 39 Back
Q 190 Back
Progressing UK Energy research for a coherent structure with
impact, op. cit Back
NRD 38 Back
NRD 62 Back
Ibid. Back
From today's levels. Back
Q 477 Back
Q 484 Back
Q 477 Back
Ibid. Back
Ibid. Back
NRD 69 Back
Q 465 Back