Evidence is published online at
and available for inspection at the Parliamentary Archives (020
7219 5314)
Evidence received by the Committee is listed below
in chronological order of oral evidence session and in chronological
and alphabetical order of written evidence. Those witnesses marked
with * gave both oral evidence and written evidence. Those marked
with ** gave oral evidence and did not submit any written evidence.
All other witnesses submitted written evidence only.
Oral Evidence
* Q 1- 21 Department of Energy and Climate
Change, Committee on Climate Change, UK Energy
Research Centre
* Energy Technologies Institute
** Doug Parr, Chief Scientist, Greenpeace
* Q 22-40 Department of Energy and Climate
Change, Office for Nuclear Development
* Q 41-67 Dame Sue Ion, Chair of the EURATOM
Science and Technology Committee for the
European Commission
* Professor Andrew Sherry, Director
of the Dalton Nuclear Institute, Manchester
* Professor Steven Cowley, Chief Executive
Officer, UK Atomic Energy Authority and Head
of EURATOM/CCFE Fusion Association, Culham
Centre for Fusion Research
* Professor Mike Fitzpatrick, The Open
University, Materials Engineering, Head of
Department, Chair of the Lloyd's Register
Educational Trust Chair in Materials Fabrication and
* Q 68-103 Professor Sir John Beddington,
Government Chief Scientific Adviser
* Professor David MacKay, Chief Scientific
Adviser to the Department for Energy and Climate
** Q 104-146 Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing
Research Centre
* Rolls Royce
* Technology Strategy Board
* Q 147-174 Mr Simon Webster, Head of Unit
Fission, DG Research, European Commission
* OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
* Q 175-229 Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council, Science and Technology Facilities
** Dr Andrew Taylor, Director, ISIS
** Professor Sir Adrian Smith, Director
General, Knowledge and Innovation, Department
for Business, Innovation and Skills
* Q 230-255 Nuclear Industry Association
* EDF Energy
** Professor Sir Adrian Smith, Director
General, Knowledge and Innovation, Department
for Business, Innovation and Skills
* Q 256-293 Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
** Professor Peter Style, Professor
in Applied and Environmental Geophysics,
Keele University
* Professor William Lee, Deputy Chair,
Committee on Radioactive Waste Management
* Environment Agency
** Q 294-317 Sir David King, Director, Smith
School of Enterprise and the Environment,
University of Oxford
* Q 318-350 National Nuclear Laboratory
* Q 351-362 Mr Bernard Bigot, Chairman, Commissariat
à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies
Alternatives (CEA).
** Q 363-391 Mr David Willetts MP, Minister
of State for Universities and Science, Department
for Business, Innovation and Skills
** Q 392-419 Mr Denis Flory, Deputy Director
General and Head of Nuclear Safety and Security
Department, International Atomic Energy Agency
* Professor Tatsujiro Suzuki, Vice-Chair,
Japanese Atomic Energy Commission
* Professor Laurence Williams, Professor
of Nuclear Safety, John Tyndall Institute
for Nuclear Research, University of Central
* Q 420-440 Professor Nick Pidgeon, Understanding
Risk Research Group, School of Psychology,
Cardiff University
** Mr Michael Hanlon, Daily Mail Science
** Mr Richard Black, BBC Environment
* Q 441-464 Mr Chris Huhne MP, Secretary
of State for Energy and Climate Change
* Q465-497 Dr Mike Weightman, Her Majesty's
Chief Inspector of Nuclear Installations and
Executive Head of the Office for Nuclear Regulation,
Health and Safety Executive
Written Evidence in Numerical Order
NRD 01 Lord Julian Hunt
NRD 02 Horizon Nuclear Power
NRD 03 British Geological Survey
NRD 04 Professor R A Ainsworth, University
of Manchester
NRD 05 Prospect
NRD 06 Mr Ernest Woodruff
* NRD 07 National Nuclear Laboratory
* NRD 08 Energy Technologies Institute LLP
* NRD 09 Dalton Nuclear Institute, University
of Manchester
NRD 10 Professor Simon Biggs, University
of Leeds
NRD 11 Office for Nuclear Regulation
NRD 12 National Physical Laboratory
NRD 13 Professor Roger Cashmore, University
of Oxford
NRD 14 Royal Society of Chemistry
NRD 15 Nuclear Physics Group, University
of Manchester
NRD 16 British Pugwash
* NRD 17 Committee on Radioactive Waste Management
NRD 18 Institute of Ergonomics and Human
* NRD 19 Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
* NRD 20 Commissariat à l'Energie
Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives
* NRD 21 Department of Energy and Climate
NRD 22 Serco Technical Consulting Services
NRD 23 Sellafield Ltd
NRD 24 Nuclear Waste Research Forum
NRD 25 Tokamak Solutions UK Ltd
NRD 26 UK Research Centre in NDE, Imperial
College London
* NRD 27 Technology Strategy Board
* NRD 28 Nuclear Industry Association
* NRD 29 Dame Sue Ion
NRD 30 University of Central Lancashire,
NRD 31 Cambridge Nuclear Energy Centre,
University Cambridge
NRD 32 Westinghouse Electric Company
* NRD 33 Research Councils UK
* NRD 34 Environment Agency
* NRD 35 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
and Culham Centre for Fusion Energy
NRD 36 Bristol-Oxford Nuclear Research Centre
* NRD 37 Rolls-Royce plc
NRD 38 Institute of Physics
NRD 39 Professor Malcolm Joyce, Lancaster
NRD 40 Professor James Marrow, Professor
Steve Roberts and Professor Sir Chris
Llewellyn-Smith, University of Oxford
NRD 42 Nuclear Waste Advisory Associates
* NRD 43 Dr Adrian M Simper, Professor Graham
Fairhall, Mr Peter Wylie, Professor Richard
Clegg and Dr Bob Page
* NRD 44 Professor Michael Fitzpatrick, Open
NRD 45 Dr Georges Van Goethem
NRD 46 Mr Colin Megson
* NRD 47 OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
NRD 48 Professor Neil Hyatt, University
of Sheffield
* NRD 49 EDF Energy
NRD 50 Engineering the Future Alliance
NRD 51 Geological Society
NRD 52 National Skills Academy for Nuclear
* NRD 53 Mr Simon Webster
NRD 54 Dr Daryl Landeg
* NRD 55 Professor Nick Pidgeon, Cardiff
* NRD 56 Committee on Radioactive Waste Management
(CoRWM) supplementary
* NRD 57 Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
* NRD 58 Dr Tatsujiro Suzuki
* NRD 59 Nuclear Industry Association supplementary
* NRD 60 National Nuclear Laboratory supplementary
* NRD 61 Research Councils (EPSRC) supplementary
* NRD 62 Professor Laurence Williams supplementary
* NRD 63 Nuclear Industry Association further
NRD 64 Horizon Nuclear Power supplementary
NRD 65 Rolls-Royce plc supplementary
NRD 66 Natural Environment Research Council
NRD 67 Office for Nuclear Regulation supplementary
* NRD 68 EDF Energy supplementary
NRD 69 Office for Nuclear Regulation further
* NRD 70 Department of Energy and Climate
Change supplementary
Written Evidence in Alphabetical Order
Professor R A Ainsworth, University of Manchester
(NRD 04)
* AMEC (NRD 41)
Professor Simon Biggs, University of Leeds (NRD
Bristol-Oxford Nuclear Research Centre (NRD
British Geological Survey (NRD 03)
British Pugwash (NRD 16)
Cambridge Nuclear Energy Centre, University
of Cambridge (NRD 31)
Professor Roger Cashmore, University of Oxford
(NRD 13)
* Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et
aux Energies Alternatives (CEA) (NRD 20)
* Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM)
(NRD 17) (NRD 56)
* Dalton Nuclear Institute, University of Manchester
(NRD 09)
* Department of Energy and Climate Change (NRD
21) (NRD 70)
* EDF Energy (NRD 49) (NRD 68)
* Energy Technologies Institute LLP (NRD 08)
Engineering the Future Alliance (NRD 50)
* Environment Agency (NRD 34)
* Professor Michael Fitzpatrick, Open University
(NRD 44)
Geological Society (NRD 51)
Horizon Nuclear Power (NRD 02) (NRD 64)
Lord Julian Hunt (NRD 01)
Professor Neil Hyatt, University of Sheffield
(NRD 48)
Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (NRD
Institute of Physics (NRD 38)
* Dame Sue Ion (NRD 29)
Professor Malcolm Joyce, Lancaster University
(NRD 39)
Dr Daryl Landeg (NRD 54)
Professor James Marrow, Professor Steve Roberts
and Professor Sir Chris Llewellyn-Smith, University of Oxford
(NRD 40)
Mr Colin Megson (NRD 46)
* National Nuclear Laboratory (NRD 07) (NRD 60)
National Physical Laboratory (NRD 12)
National Skills Academy for Nuclear (NRD 52)
Natural Environment Research Council (NRD 66)
* Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NRD 19)
(NRD 57)
* Nuclear Industry Association (NRD 28) (NRD
59) (NRD 63)
Nuclear Physics Group (NRD 15)
Nuclear Waste Advisory Associates (NRD 42)
Nuclear Waste Research Forum (NRD 24)
* OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NRD 47)
Office for Nuclear Regulation (NRD 11) (NRD
67) (NRD 69)
* Professor Nick Pidgeon, Cardiff University
(NRD 55)
Prospect (NRD 05)
* Research Councils UK (NRD 33) (NRD 61)
* Rolls-Royce plc (NRD 37) (NRD 65)
Royal Society of Chemistry (NRD 14)
Sellafield Ltd (NRD 23)
Serco Technical Consulting Services (NRD 22)
* Dr Adrian M Simper, Professor Graham Fairhall,
Mr Peter Wylie, Professor Richard Clegg and Dr Bob Page (NRD
* Dr Tatsujiro Suzuki (NRD 58)
* Technology Strategy Board (NRD 27)
Tokamak Solutions UK Ltd (NRD 25)
UK Research Centre in NDE, Imperial College
London (NRD 26)
* United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority and
Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (NRD 35)
University of Central Lancashire (NRD 30)
Dr Georges Van Goethem (NRD 45)
* Mr Simon Webster (NRD 53)
Westinghouse Electric Company (NRD 32)
* Professor Laurence Williams supplementary (NRD
Mr Ernest Woodruff (NRD 06)