Nuclear Research and Development Capabilities - Science and Technology Committee Contents


AMEC  An engineering, project management and consultancy company

AGR    Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactors

BGS    British Geological Society

BIS    Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

BNFL    British Nuclear Fuels Ltd

BWR    Boiling Water Reactor

CCA    Climate Change Act

CCC    Climate Change Committee

CCFE    Culham Centre for Fusion Energy

CCS    Carbon Capture and Storage

CEA    Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives

CEGB    Central Electricity Generating Board

CoRWM  Committee on Radioactive Waste Management

CSR    Comprehensive Spending Review

DECC  Department for Energy and Climate Change

DIAMOND  Decommissioning, Immobilisation and Management of Nuclear      Wastes for Disposal (an EPSRC consortium grant)

DWP    Department for Work and Pensions

EDF Energy  An energy company

ERM    Electricity Market Reform

EPSRC  Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

ERP    Energy Research Partnership

ETI    Energy Technologies Institute

Euratom  European Atomic Energy Community

GCSA    Government Chief Scientific Adviser

GIF    Generation IV Forum

GoCo    Government-owned contractor-operated body

GW    Gigawatt (an energy unit)

g/(kW.h)  grams per kilowatt hour

HSE    Health and Safety Executive

IEA    International Energy Association

IAEA    International Atomic Energy Agency

ISIS    The pulsed neutron and muon source at the Rutherford Appleton      Laboratory in Oxfordshire. Owned and operated by the STFC.

KNOO  Keeping the Nuclear Option Open (An RCUK consortium grant)

LWR    Light Water Reactor

M/yr    Millions a year

MoD    Ministry of Defence

MOX    Mixed Oxide Fuel (a nuclear fuel type)

NDE    Non-Destructive Evaluation

NDA    Nuclear Decommissioning Association

NDT    Non-Destructive Testing

NEA    Nuclear Energy Agency

NERC  Natural Environment Research Council

NIA    Nuclear Industries Association

NAMRC  Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre

NNL    National Nuclear Laboratory

NRI    Nuclear Research Index

NuSAC  Nuclear Safety Advisory Committee

OECD  Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

OND    Office for Nuclear Development

ONR    Office for Nuclear Regulation

PWR    Pressurised Water Reactor

R&D    Research and Development

RDA    Regional Development Agency

RCUK  Research Councils UK

RWMD  Radioactive Waste Management Division

SME    Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise

SMP    Sellafield MOX plant

SQEP    Suitably qualified and experienced personnel

STEM  Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths

STFC    Science and Technology Facilities Council

THORP  Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant

TIC    Technology Innovation Centre

TINA    Technology Innovation Needs Assessment

TRL    Technology Readiness Level

TSB    Technology Strategy Board

UKERC  UK Energy Research Centre

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